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18 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus Maximus Action

Extends Hip

Gluteus Maximus O and I

O: Illium, sacrum and coccyx

I: Linea aspera of the femur, lateral chondyle of the tibia via the iliotibal band

Gluteus Medius action

Abduct hip

Gluteus medius O and I

I: illium

O: Greater trochanter of the femur

Gluetue Minimus Action

Abduct hip

Gluteus Minimus O and I

I: illium

O: greater trochanter of the femur

Tensor Fasciae Latae action

abducts hip

Tensor Fasciae Latae O and I

O: Iliac crest, anterior superior spine iliac spine of the illium

I: Lateral chondyle of the tibia via the illiotibial aband

Piriformis action

Laterally rotates hip

Piriformis O and I

O: sacrum

I: greater trochanter of the femur

Superior Gellemus Action

laterally rotates hip

Super Gellemus O and I

O: ischial spine

I: Greater trochanter of the femur

Inferior Gellemus Action

Laterally rotates hip

Inferior Gellemus O and I

O: Ischial tuberosity of the ischium

I: Greater trochanter of the femur

Quadratus Femourus action

laterally rotates hip

Quadratus Femouris O and I

O: ischial tuberosity

I: inter trochantic crest of the femur

Obturator Externus Action

Laterally rotates hip

Oburtator Externus O and I

O: external surface of the obturator foramen membrance

I: greater trochanter of the femur