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48 Cards in this Set

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Muscles of articulation include muscles of the: (6)


extrinsic tongue

intrinsic tongue




Muscles of the face include: (5)

orbicularis oris



lip elevators

lip depressors


orbicularis oris muscle of the ____ (function)


constrict oral opening

risorius: muscle of the ____ and function: 


retract lips

buccinator: muscle of the____ and function: 


compress cheeks


levator labii superioris is what kind of muscle?

lip elevator

zygomatic minor is what kind of muscle?

lip elevator

levator labii alaeque nasi superioris is what kind of muscle?

lip elevator

depressor labii inferioris is what kind of muscle?

lip depressor


depressor Anguli oris is what kind of muscle?

lip depressor 

What is the function of the mantalis muscle?

elevate and wrinkle chin, pull lower lip out

What is the function of the platysma?

depress mandible

What are the 4 mandibular elevators?



lateral pterygoid

medial pterygoid

What is the function of the temporalis muscle?

elevate mandible

What is the function of the masseter muscle?

elevate mandible

What is the function of the lateral pterygoid muscle?

elevate mandible

What is the function of the medial pterygoid muscle?

elevate mandible

What is the function of the digastricus muscle?

mandibular depressor

What is the function of the mylohyoid muscle?

mandibular depressor

What is the function of the geniohyoid muscle?

mandibular depressor

What is the lingual frenulum?

attaches tongue to the mandible

What is the function of the superior longitudinal muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

raises tongue up

moves tongue to side

assists in retraction

What is the function of the inferior longitudinal muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

pulls tip down

assists in retraction

deviates tongue

What is the function of the transverse tongue muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

pulls edges toward midline

narrows tongue

What is the function of the vertical tongue muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

pulls tongue down to floor of mouth

widens tongue

What is the function of the genioglossus muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

depress tongue

elevate hyoid

What is the function of the hyoglossus muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

pulls side of tongue down

elevate hyoid

What is the function of the palatoglossus muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

elevate tongue

depress soft palate

What is the function of the syloglossus muscle? intrinsic or extrinsic?

pull tongue back and up

what is the function of the levator veli palatini muscle?

elevate velum

What is the function of the musculus uvulae?

elevate velum

What is the function of the tensor veli palatini muscle?

tense velum

assists in opening eustacian tube

What is the function of the palatoglossus

depress velum

elevate tongue

What is the function of the palatopharyngeus muscle?

depress velum

Where are the lingual tonsils? Palatine tonsils? pharyngeal tonsils?

root of tongue

inferior/anterior to faucial arches

posterior wall of nasopharynx (adenoids)

What are the 3 constrictor muscles of the pharynx?

superior pharyngeal constrictor

middle pharyngeal constrictor

inferior pharyngeal constrictor

What is the function of the salpingopharyngeus muscle?

elevate pharynx

What is the function of the stylopharyngeus muscle?

elevate pharynx

What muscle elevates the tip of the tongue?

superior longitudinal

What muscle depresses the tip of the tongue?

inferior longitudinal 

What muscle deviates the tip of the tongue?

right superior/right inferior (dog sled)

What muscle is involved in lateral margin relaxation of the tongue?


What muscle narrows the tongue?


What muscles are involved in central grooving of the tongue?


vertical muscles

What muscle protrudes tongue?

posterior genioglossus

What muscle retracts the tongue?

anterior genioglossus

What muscle is involved in posterior elevation of the tongue?


What muscles are involved in body depression of the tongue?

