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39 Cards in this Set

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Muscular atrophy is a wasting away of muscles when does atropy start?
When you cast a bone after about 7 days
What are sarcomeres?
they are the basic functional units of a myofibril which is a basic functioning unit of a muscle
What is a Z disc?
is the ends of the sarcomeres and they all get short at the same time
Where does the Zdisc pass through?
The center of the I band
Where is the M line?
the middle
Name germ layer that gives rise to muscle tissue.
stem cells
What is the neuromuscular junction (NMJ)?
the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber
a synapse is a region of communication betwen two neurons or a ?
Neuron and a target cell
What is the neurotransmitter at a NMJ?
(ACH) acetylcholine
What is the role of an agonist?
(prime mover) triceps
What is the role of an antagonist?
What is the role of a synergist?
keeps it even (balance)
How are skeletal muscles named?
based on several types of characteristics: direction in which the muscle fibers run, the size, shape, action, numbers of origins, and location of muscle, and the sites of origin and insertion of the muscle
What is Myology?
study of muscles
What is an intercalated disk?
the end of fibers in cardiac muscle
What is a Z disc?
The ends of sarcomeres.
What are sarcomeres?
basic functioning unit of myofibril
What is sarcoplasmic reticulum?
wrap around each myofibrils
What is Fascia?
Fascia is fibrous membrane covering, supporting, and separating muscles
What is the motor unit?
The motor unit is the motor neuron and muscle fiber it stimulates
What is Peristalsis
successive muscular contraction along a hollow muscular structure (swallowing)
What is complete muscle fiber?
What is threadlike structures running longitudinally through muscle fiber?
What is contractile protein?
actin and myocin
What is actin and myocin?
The thin band is called?
The thick band is called?
What is separate individual muscle fiber?
What is divided muscle into bundles?
What is epimysium?
fibrous connective tissue around muscle
What attaches muscle to bone
What attaches bone to bone
What is aponeurosis
sheet like tendon attaching muscle to muscle
How does a muscle contract?
the thick filament pulls the thin filament to the M line thats how a muscle contracts
origin means
insertion means
belly means
thick middle
agonist means
prime mover = leader (tricep)
antagonist means
resistant= anti against example: bicep