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140 Cards in this Set

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skeletal muscles
connect to bones and are used for complex cordination
smooth muscles
surround internal organs such as large intestine, uterus, large blood vessels

contract slowly and maintain tension for long periods of time
striated muscle of the heart
muscle are protiens so they are energy______
microtubule function
-move subcellular components
-use motor protiens like kinesin and dynein
-have positive and negative end
-assembled from tubulin dimers (form sheet then roll up)
microtubule organization center
micro tubules Dynamic Instability
is a balance between growth and shrinking aka treadmilling

-grow at positive end and shrink at neg end
factors affecting dynamic instability are
-local concentration of tubulin (inc tubulin=grow)

-microtubule associated protiens


-some chemicals can disrupt the dynamics
Micro tubule associated protiens
- can stabilize or instabilize MTs
- capping protiens are a example, they prevent shrinkage
direction of movement along microtubules is determined by
polarity and the type of motor protien

-kinesin moves in the + direction (move NT towards the Synapse)

-dynein moves in the - direction (move empty vesicle back to be refilled)
Movement along a MT is fueled by ATP and the rate of movement along MT is determined by
the ATPase domain of the motor protien and regulatory protiens (hydrolyze ATP to enable movement)

-dynein is larger then kinesin so moves 5x faster
cilia and flagella are composed of
-MT that are arranged into axoneme (9 doublets on outside 1 in center)

-movement is result of asymmetrical movenment of dynein
physiological function cytokinesis
development and growth
physiological function axon structure
MT support the long axons
physiological function vesicle transport
hormones and cell signalling, carry the vesicles
pigment dispersion
adaptive coloration, move pigment granules around cell
flagellar movement
reproduction,sperm swim
ciliary movement
respiration, digestion. propel mucus ect

In digestion cilia inc SA
-other type of cytoskeleton fiber
-polymers composed of the protien actin
-often use the motor protien myosin (ATPase)
-found in eukaryotes
movements of microfilaments arrive from
-actin polymerization

-sliding filament model using myosin which is more common
mircrofilament structure and function
-polymers of g-actin called f-actin
-spontaneous growth
- treadmilling when length is constant
-capping protien inc length by stabilizing the - end
microfilament arrangement
they can be attached to membranes and crosslinked together
skeletal muscles are
-contract in response to a electrical signal (depolarization)
-the signal is generated at the NMJ
Transverse tubules (t tubules)
-specialized invaginations that allow AP to penetrate deep into tissue very quickly
one neuron can innervate several muscle fibers but
each muscle fiber has its own threshold and is only innervated by one neuron
NMJ vesicles have
very high concentration of NT

-excess NT is released to make sure the depolarization is strong enough to produce a AP (steady margin)
motor unit
a motor neuron plus complement muscle fibers
nerve terminals of motor neurons contain
lots of mitochondria and vesicles and voltage gated Ca2+ channels
in nACHR there are 2 alpha subunits in the channel. To open the channel
Two molecules of ACH are needed. Each one binds to a Alpha subunit

one vessicle contains enough NT to open 3000 receptors

so min of 6000 ACH per vessicle
Na+/K+ ATPase pump in striated muscle
is used to re establish electrochemical gradients of sodium and potassium
ca2+ ATPase
uses energy from atp to remove 2 CA2+ from inside to outside of the cell to insure internal concentrations maintain low

-if didnt have we would have constant contraction
Na+/Ca+ antiporter
remove calcium from inside cell and uses energy of cotransport of 3 sodium for 1 calcium
Muscle Ca2+ ATPase pump
found highly concentrated in SR
-pumps two calcium into sr
muscle cells have many the same channels as
muscle cell leak channels
-have K+ leak channels
-have Cl- leak channels which helps to repolarize the membrane after a AP
Muscles have voltage gated....
K+ channels (delayed rectifier K+ which is important during the AP)

Na+ channels (important to get a AP)

Ca2+ channels (needed for muscle to contract and to release NT, high threshold Ca2+ channels)
muscle cell
muscle fiber
main intracellular structure in striated muscles, bundles of contractile and elastic fibers
cell membrane of muscle cell
sacroplasmic reticulum
wraps around each myofibril like a piece of lace and release/sequester Ca2+ ions
-regulate cytosolic calcium levels in skeletal muscles
-terminal cisternae increase storage
a long bundle of actin, myosin and associated protiens in a muscle cell
transverse (T) tubules
invaginations of the plasma membrane , enter myofibrils at the z disks where they come in close contact with the terminal cisternae of the SR

-enhance action potential penetration
Terminal Cisternae
store Ca2+ ions and connect the lacelike network of SR tubules that overlie the A band
junction between T tubules and SR

-voltage gated Ca2+ channels are concentrated in t tubules at the triads
to get ca2+ back to resting concentration
-after ap passed voltage gated channels ca channels close
-ca is recycled back into the Sr through ca ATPase
-ca binds to calsequesterin =high affinity for ca and helps store it in the SR
general sequence of events
-resting concentration of calcium 0.1 micro molar
-AP propergation along sarcolemma and into T tubules
-depolarization and vgated channels at triad junctions open
-ca enters cytosol through ca release channels in SR
-inc in cytosolic ca
-diffusion and binding of ca to Troponin C
-contraction events
release of ca from stores is mediated by
ryanodine receptors (RYRs) in skeletal muscles
voltage sensing dihydropyridine DHP receptors in the plasma membrane...
are in contact with RYRs

-in response to chnage in voltage undergo comformational chnage

-which produces a conformational chnage in associated RYRs and causes them to open so they let ca exit into cytosol
some channels are not voltage gated but instead they are
opened soley by a influx of ca

-the ca release channel in the SR of most muscles is a Ca activated Ca channel

-open at low concentration Ca but inhibited at high (as it is released it inhibits the release of more)
depolarization induced calcium release in muscles
EXCITION: depolarization of the plasma membrane (sarcolemma) opens the DHPR while CA2+ enters the cell it is the changes in DHPR structure that trigger the opening of RyR

CALCIUM RELEASE: RyR opening allows Ca to escape the SR. The elevated cytoplasmic [Ca] triggers actino-myosin ATPases

RELAXATION: after repolarization , ion pumps begin returning Ca to resting location, outside the cell and in the SR (SERCA= Ca ATPases that move Ca back into SR)
Ca+ induced Ca2+ release
EXCITATION: depolarization of PM (sarcolemma) opens DHPR and allows Ca to enter cell

Calcium Release: elevated [Ca] triggers opening of RyR allowing Ca to escape the SR. The elevated cytoplasmic [ca] triggers actino-myosin ATPase

Relaxation: After repolarization, ion pumps begin returning Ca2+ to resting locations, outside the cell and in the SR
at maximum contraction you have recruited all muscle fibers and cannot recruit more you get this at
high myoplasmic [ca]
muscle fatigue
run out of calcium or ATP
skeletal muscles is made up of bundles of muscle cells (myofibers) and each cell contains myofibrils that are composed of repeated units of myosin and actin called
thick and think filaments are arranged into
sacromeres and are repeated in paralel and in series
sacromeres feature
z disk
a band
i band
m lines
tropomodulin (cap)
nebulin (stabilizing)
Z discs
-at the end of the sacromere
-attachment sites for the plus ends of actin filaments (thin filaments)
M line
-location of protiens that link adjacent myosin II filaments (thick filaments) to another
dark bands( A Bands)
- mark the location of the thick filaments
Light bands (I bands)
-contain only thin filaments and therefore have lower density of protien
a single continuous stretch of interconnected sacromeres

-run the length of muscle cell
-myofibrils in parallel = more force
is a ATPase
-motor protien used by actin
-sliding filament model
-converts the Energy released (ATP to mechanical)
-simple structure tail neck head
-capped by tropomodulin (-) and capZ (+) to stabilize
-form long chains called F-actin
-in skeletal muscles 2 F-actin actin polymers twist together
-surrounded by troponin and tropomyosin
pulling yourself along a rope analogy
actin is the rope
myosin is your arm
two process of the sliding filament model
chemical : myosin binds to actin (cross bridge)

structural: myosin bends (power stroke)
cross bridge cycle
-formation of cross bridge, power stroke, and release
-need ATP to attach and release
no ATP leads to riger mortis
sliding filament model
-myosin is bound to actin in the absence of ATP and this is the rigor state

-ATP binds to the myosin causing the head to dissociate from the actin

-ATP is then hydrolyzed cause a conformational change in the myosin head to move to a new position and bind to actin (pivots and binds to new actin subunit)

-Pi is released cause the myosin head to chnage conformation again and its this movement that moves the actin (head pivots and moves actin (power stroke))

-ADP is released
Calcium allows myosin to bind to actin because
-ca binds to troponin C (TnC)
-reorganization of troponin-tropomyosin
-expose myosin binding site on actin
Step by Step myosin binding to actin
1.calcium levels increase in cytosol
2. calcium binds to troponin C
3. Troponin-calcium complex pulls tropomyosin away from g actin binding site
4.myosin binds to actin and completes power stroke (see previous)
5.filament moves
contractile force depends on
-scaromere length (distance between z disks)
-number of myofibrils
-number of cell recruitment
-alignment is important, optimal overlap for maximal contraction
isotonic contraction
enough force to move load before muscle relaxes
isometric contraction
not enough force to move load before muscle relaxes
cardiac myopathy
enlargement of heart
recruitment calcium
increase calcium and inc NT and Ca to cause contraction
regulation of contraction
-excitation-contraction coupling
-depolarization of muscle membrane (sacrolemma)
-elevation of intracellular calcium
-relaxation when sarcolemma repolarizes and calcium returns to resting levels
skeletal muscles have a latent period between stimulus and contraction
cardiac muscle does not AP last into contraction
smooth muscle depolarization lasts long time
cardiac is a lttle longer then skeletal
causes of depolarization
Myogenic and neurogenic
doesnt need a AP persay (spontaneous)
-pacemaker cells in heart: have unstable membrane resting potential so constantly depolarize, they depolarize the fastest
neurogenic depolarization
-excited by neurotransmitters (ACH)
-have multiple (tonic) or single (twitch) innervation sites
relaxation of skeletal muscle
-reestablish ca gradients
-extracellular : ca ATPase, Na/ca exchanger (NaCAX) in reverse
-Intracellular : Ca ATPase (SERCA), Parvalbumin
-is a cytosolic calcium buffer
-binds to calcium and inhibits it
The Z disk
-responsible for anchoring actin filaments
-actin filaments are capped at both ends so will not depolymerize
-titin-nubulin filament system stabilizes the alignment of thick and thin filaments
-Thick filaments are connected at both ends to Z disks through titin
-nebulin is associated with a thin filament from its + end at the z disk to the other end.
-each titin molecule is closely associated with a myosin thick filament
-the rest of the titin is elastic and chnages in length as sacromere relaxes and contracts
-exactly the length of the actin
skeletal metabolism
-muscles require lots of atp
-atp met by glycolysis or respiration
-skeletal muscles have large glycogen stores
-creatine phosphate+adp= creatine + ATP
-lots of mitochondria, red color myofibrils because of myoglobin (stores o2) and large blood flow
break down of glycogen stores can be stimulated by
ca 2+ and epinephrine
@ beginning of exersize
anaerobic, so get latic acid accumulation b/c blood vessels not dilated enough
asynchronous insect flight muscles
-due to stretch activation
-one ap causes continuous release of ca, muscle contracts several times, Ca is released due to mechanical change
-contracted = ca insensitive
-stretched = ca sensitive
heater organs
modified muscles by eye use futile cycles, get heat from ATP hydrolysis
electric shock organs
modified muscles
smooth muscles
-spindle shaped with single nucleus
-packed with thick and thin filaments but not in organized fashion
-smooth regular contractions
-prolonged contractions
-contribute to many systems
-accessory protiens keep structurally intact
Key differences of smooth muscles from skeletal muscle is
-lack sacromeres (no striations)
-no t tubules
-minimal SR
-Gap junctions
-contract in all dimensions
-more complex regulation
-smooth muscles have
multiple receptors and activation mechanisms
-smooth muscles can be activated by
NT, Hormones, neighbouring cells which can release paracrine substances like Nitric oxide
overall goal of smooth muscles is always the same
chnage cytosolic ca to change degree of contraction
in smooth muscle SR is sparse so
Ca needed enters through plasma membrane ca channel

-changes in cytosolic ca level occurs very slow
innervation of smooth muscle cells is from
autonomic nervous system
many smooth muscle cells have the ability to
spontaneously activate-unstable resting potential
filaments in smooth muscles are gathered into loose bodies which are attached to
dense bodies in the cytosol
dense bodies
serve same function as Z disks
other end of filaments is attached to
attachment plaque which is rich in actin binding protien like a Z disk and contains vinculin
is an integral membrane protien in the plaque
smooth muscle is not controlled by the bind of Ca2+ to the troponin complex like in cardiac and skeletal muscle
instead Ca control of myosin
-ca binds to calmodulin and this complex is what controls the contraction
-troponin is not in smooth muscle cells but tropomyosin is
intracellular second messager that binds to calcium
regulatory protien on smooth muscle actin
-binds to actin and prevents myosin from binding actin
steps in smooth muscle contraction (5)
1. intracellular calcium increase and ca is released from the SR
2. calcium binds to calmodulin (CaM)
3.Ca-CaM complex activates MLCK (myosin light chain kinase)
4.MLCK phosporylates light chains myosin heads and increases myosin ATPase activity
5.active myosin crossbridge slides along actin and creates tension
steps in smooth muscle relaxation (4)
1. Free Ca in cytosol dec when Ca is pumped back into SR (if released from SR) or out of cell

2. Ca unbinds from calmodulin

3. myosin phosphatase removes phosphate from myosin which decreases myosin ATPase

4. less myosin ATPase activity results in decreased muscle tension
regulation of smooth muscle contraction
-mainly through chnages in resting membrane potential
-gprotien mediated cascades that have nothing to do with membrane potential can release Ca from internal stores
norepinephrine and epinephrine effects on smooth muscles
-effect depends on type of receptor
-Epi bound to beta-adrenergic receptors on intestinal = relax
-Epi bound to alpha 2-adrenergic receptors on SM blood vessel cells lining intestine, kidney,skin
-causes arteries to constrict, reducing circulation to organs
ACH and NO
-ach released by autonomic nerves causes walls of blood vessels to relax
-act indirectly by inducing nearby endothelial cells to make and release NO which signals underlying smooth muscle cells to relax
-No diffuses through tissue and activates guanylate cyclase in nearby smooth muscles
-rise in cGMP leads to relaxation of muscle, vasodilation
Nitric oxide
potent vasodilater
increased cGMP activates a kinase that leads to
-inhabition of calcium influx
-decreased calmodulin-ca stimulation of MLCK
-decreases phophorylation of myosin light chains
inhibits cGMP phosphodiesterase
converted to NO
heart contains
-pacemaker cells
-contraction is not neuronally driven but self driven
-not multinucleated like muscle cells
-cardiac muscle cells linked by gap junctions
pacemaker cells
in frog = sinus vinosus
in human= sinus node

some pacemaker cells in atrium but not the driving force of contraction
many different types of cardiac muscle cells
pacemaker cells in sinoatrial node
atrial and ventricle cells that produce contraction
action potential is quite different in cardiac muscle because
voltage gated calcium channels play a much larger role
pumps and transporters of cardiac muscle
na/k atpase pump, establish electrochemical gradients

ca ATPase pump-remove 2 ca

na/ca antiporter remove ca from inside of cell
channels in cardiac muscles
leak channels (k+)

voltage gated na

voltage gated K (delayed rectifier)

voltage gated ca

high voltage gated ca channels=DHP or L channel
action potential in ventricular and atrial cardiac cells
-resting potential due to K (leak channels and inward rectifier channel that is open at rest)

-rising phase is set by cadiac voltage gated Na channels which then start to inactivate

-open delay rectifier K channels and voltage gated ca
-long plateau is balnce between open ca channel and open k channels
-voltage gated ca channel inactivates but k remains open so cell will repolarize
-then voltage gated k channels close and na channels become inactive to closed state
-long plateau allows ca to elevate enough to generate contraction
ap in sinoarterial cells
-spontaniously fire AP
-ap then propagated through gap junctions to aterial cells then ventricle cells
sinoartial cells
-do not have a stable rest
-ap driven by voltage gated ca channels
-rising phase due to opening of voltage gated ca channel
-as ca channel inactivates the membrane is repolarized by delayed rectifier k+ channel
-spontaneously depolarize once K+ channel clooses due to funny channel
funny channel
activated by hyperpolarization
-channel opens and allows na+ to flow into the cell
-cAMP can have dramatic effects on the channel and shift its activation threshold
sinus node>atria>boundry which ensures delay between activation of A and V...
AV node is located in the boundry and provides the only conducting path from atria to ventricles
proppagation from av node is provided by
bundle of His which seperates further down into right and left bundles which then split into purkinje fibers which connect to innerwalls of ventricles
signal propagates from innerwalls of ventricles to outer walls through
gap junctions
P wave
impulse generated at sinoatrial node and spreads across atrium causing them to contract.
fibro fatty atrioventricular groove insulates the ventricles from arterial impulse
QRS wave
impulse down AV bundle, its branches and purkinje fibers, stimulates the ventricles to contract
T wave
repolarization of ventricles
increasing heart rate
Epinephrine and norepinephrine
Released from the sympathetic nervous system
Epinephrine and norepinephrine are synthesized and released into the blood by the adrenal medulla, an endocrine organ
Epinephrine and the related norepinephrine are all synthesized from tyrosine and contain the catechol moiety; hence they are referred to as catecholamines
Nerves that synthesize and use epinephrine or norepinephrine are termed adrenergic
Adrenergic receptors: bind epinephrine and norepinephrine. Because different receptors are linked to different G proteins, the activation leads to different signal transduction cascades
More Na+ and Ca2+ channels open
Rate of depolarization and action potentials increase
increasing heart rate cont.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine cont….

In sinoatrial cells: norepinephrine binds to the b-adrenergic receptor which is a G protein associated membrane receptor
This triggers a signal transduction cascade outlined below that activates the G protein (Gs - stimulates) that activates adenylate cyclase to produce cAMP.
Beta-blockers: Drugs which are used to slow heart contractions in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia and angina, are beta1-adrenergic receptor antagonists
They bind the beta1-adrenergic receptor to block the receptor and thus slow heart contraction
Cardiac muscle cells possess beta1 adenergic receptors
decreasing heartrate
Acetylcholine: released from parasympathetic nervous system

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor: a G protein associated receptor. The G protein activated in this case is a Gi subunit that inhibits adenylate cyclase
More K+ channels open
Pacemaker cells hyperpolarize
Time for depolarization takes longer
modulating the funny channel
Binding of hormone (e.g., epinephrine, glucagon) to a Gs protein coupled receptor
Gs protein relays the hormone signal to the effector protein, ie adenylyl cyclase
Gs cycles between an inactive form with bound GDP and an active form with bound GTP
Dissociation of the active form yields the Gsalpha · GTP complex, which directly activates adenylyl cyclase
The increase in cAMP physically binds to the funny channel and makes the channel open more easily
Funny channel will open sooner during the repolarization stage of the sinoatrial action potential and a second action potential will be triggered sooner
Increase heart rate.
modulation of ca channel
Causes an increase in cAMP that stimulates PKA (protein kinase A) which in turn phosphorylates the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (L channel)
Results in a protein conformational change that enhances the channels activity
This new conformation of Ca2+ channel opens more readily (i.e. less time between action potentials) and opens for longer (i.e. more Ca2+ flow into the cell = greater [Ca2+] intracellular = greater contraction).

Stimulates glycogen breakdown in skeletal muscles

Caffeine (mmmmhhh):
Blocks the activty of phosphodiesterases. Phosphodiesterases break down cyclic nucleotides. cAMP levels remain elevated and thus the funny channel continues to open more readily.

Affects the Ca2+ release channel or ryanodine receptor such that more Ca2+ is released through the channel. Therefore heart contractions are stronger in the presence of caffeine as well
modulating the funny channel
Acetylcholine works to block any rise in cAMP and reduces cAMP levels in the cell
Therefore the funny channel will now not open so readily and the slow depolarziation of the membrane will occur later thus resulting in a longer time to generate a second action potential.

-anytime slow something down=open more k+ channels
modulating k+ channels
Acetylcholine-induced opening of K+ channels in the heart muscle plasma membrane
Binding of ACH by muscarinic ACH receptors triggers activation of a transducing G protein by catalyzing exchange of GTP for GDP on the alpha subunit
The released beta/gamma subunit then binds to and opens a K+ channel
The increase in K+ permeability hyperpolarizes the membrane, which reduces the frequency of heart muscle contraction
Activation is terminated when the GTP bound alpha subunit is hydrolyzed to GDP and Galpha · GDP recombines with Gbeta/gamma.