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122 Cards in this Set

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scalp muscle; divided into 2 sections:
frontal belly
occipital belly
frontal belly
scalp muscle
draws scalp anteriorly, raises eyebrows, "surprised" look
occipital belly
scalp muscle
draws scalp posteriorly
orbicularis oris
mouth muscle
closes and protrudes lips, "kissing" muscle
zygomaticus major
mouth muscle
draws angle of mouth superiorly/laterally, "smiling" muscle
mouth muscle
raises upper lip, exposing maxillary teeth
levator labii superioris
mouth muscle
raises upper lip
depressor labii inferioris
mouth muscle
depresses lower lip
depressor anguli oris
mouth muscle
draws angle of mouth laterally/inferiorly, as in opening mouth
levator anguli oris
mouth muscle
draws angle of mouth laterally/superiorly
mouth muscle
presses cheeks against teeth/ lips, as in whisting, sucking, blowing; assists in chewing
mouth muscle
draws angle of mouth laterally, as in grimacing
mouth muscle
elevates/protrudes lower lip, as in pouting
neck muscle
draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly/posteriorly as in pouting, depresses mandible
orbicularis oculi
orbit muscle
closes eye
corrugator supercilii
orbit muscle
draws eyebrow inferiorly, as in wrinkling the forehead
levator palpebrae superioris
orbit muscle
opens eye
superior rectus
extrinsic eye muscle
moves eyeball superiorly/medially
inferior rectus
extrinsic eye muscle
moves eyeball inferiorly/medially
lateral rectus
extrinsic eye muscle
moves eyeball laterally
medial rectus
extrinsic eye muscle
moves eyeball medially
superior oblique
extrinsic eye muscle
moves eyeball inferiorly/laterally
inferior oblique
extrinsic eye muscle
moves eyeball superiorly/laterally
mandible muscle
elevates mandible, as in closing mouth
mandible muscle
elevates/retracts mandible
tongue muscle
depresses/protracts tongue, as in sticking it out
elevates/retracts tongue
suprahyoid muscle
elevates hyoid bone/depresses mandible, as in opening mouth
suprahyoid muscle
elevates hyoid/draws it posteriorly
suprahyoid muscle
elevates hyoid/floor of mouth, depresses mandible
suprahyoid muscle
elevates hyoid, draws hyoid/tongue anteriorly, depresses mandible
infrahyoid muscle
depresses hyoid
infrahyoid muscle
depresses hyoid
infrahyoid muscle
depresses thyroid cartilage of larynx
infrahyoid muscle
elevates thyroid cartilage/depresses hyoid
sternocleidomastoid (2)
muscle that moves the head
together: flex cervical portion of vertebral column
singly:laterally extend/rotate head to side opposite contracting muscle
semispinalis capitis (2)
muscle that moves the head
together: extend head
singly: rotate head to side opposite contracting muscle
spleinus capitis (2)
muscle that moves the head
together: extend head
singly: laterally flex/rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
longissimus capitis (2)
muscle that moves the head
together: extend head
singly: laterally flex/rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
rectus abdominis
abdominal muscle
flexes lumbar vertebral column, compresses abdomen for defacation/uriniation/childbirth
external oblique (2)
abdominal muscle
together: compress abdomen/flex vertebral column
singly: laterally flex/rotate vertebral column, esp. lumbar region
internal oblique (2)
abdominal muscle
together: compress abdomen/flex vertebral column
singly: laterally flex/rotate vertebral column, esp. lumbar region
transversus abdominis (2)
abdominal muscle
together: pull 12th ribs inferiorly in forced exhalation
singly: laterally flex lumbar vertebral column
breathing muscle
contraction causes it to flatten- increases vertical dimension of thoracic cavity (inhalation)
relaxation causes it to move superiorly/decreases vertical dimension of horacic cavity (exhalation)
external intercostals
breathing muscle
contraction elevates ribs/ increases anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of thoracic cavity (inhalation)
relaxation depresses ribs/decreases anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of thoracic cavity (exhalation)
internal intercostals
breathing muscle
contraction draws adjacent ribs together to decrease anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of thoracic cavity (exhalation)
levator ani
pelvic muscle
2 sections:
pelvic muscle
supports/maintains position of pelvic viscera, resists increase in abdominal pressure, constricts anus/urethra/vagina
pelvic muscle
supports/maintains position of pelvic viscera, resists increase in abdominal pressure, constricts anus/urethra/vagina
pelvic muscle
supports/maintains position of pelvic viscera, resists increase in abdominal pressure, pulls coccyx anteriorly after defecation/childbirth
superficial transverse perineal
superficial perineal muscle
stabilizes perineal body of perineum
superficial perineal muscle
helps expel urine, propel semen, assists erections in both sexes
superficial perineal muscle
maintains erection of penis/clitoris
deep transverse perineal
deep perineal muscle
helps expel last drops of urine in M/F and semen in M
external urethral sphincter
deep perineal muscle
helps expel last drops of urine in M/F/ and semen in M
external anal sphincter
deep perineal muscle
keeps anal canal/anus closed
anterior thoracic muscle
depresses/moves clavice anteriorly, stabilizes pectoral girdle
pectoralis major
anterior thoracic muscle
abducts scapula/roatates it downward; elevates 3-5 ribs during inhalation
serratus anterior
anterior thoracic muscle
abducts scapula/rotates it upward; elevates ribs; "boxer's muscle"
posterior thoracic muscle
elevate/adduct/depress/rotate/stabilize scapula, assist in extending head
levator scapulae
posterior thoracic muscle
elevates scapula, rotates it downward
rhomboid major
posterior thoracic muscle
elevates/adducts scapula and rotates it downward; stabilizes scapula
rhomboid minor
posterior thoracic muscle
elevates/adducts scapula and rotates it downward; stabilizes scapula
pectoralis major
axial muscle that moves humerus
adducts/medially rotates arm at shoulder joint
latissimus dorsi
axial muscle that moves humerus
extends, adducts, medially rotates arm at shoulder joint; draws arm inferiory/posteriorly
scapular muscles that move humerus
lateral fibers abduct arm at shoulder joint; anterior fibers flex/medially rotate arm at shoulder joint; posterior fibers extend/laterally rotate arm at shoulder joint
scapular muscle that moves humerus
medially rotates arm at shoulder joint
scapular muscle that moves humerus
assists deltoid muscle in abducting arm at shoulder joint
scapular muscle that moves humerus
laterally rotates/adducts arm at shoulder joint
teres major
scapular muscle that movies humerus
extends arm at shoulder joint/assists in adduction/medial rotation of arm at shoulder joint
teres minor
scapular muscle that moves humerus
laterally rotates/extends/adducts arm at shoulder joint
scapuar muscle that moves humerus
flexes/adducts arm at shoulder joint
biceps brachii
forearm flexor
flexes forearm at elbow joint, supinates forearm at radioulnar joints, flexes arm at shoulder joint
forearm flexor
flexes forearm at elbow joint
forearm flexor
flexes forearm at elbow joint, supinates/pronates forearm at radioulnar joints to neutral position
triceps brachii
forearm extensor
extends forearm at elbow joint and extends arm at shoulder joint
forearm extensor
extends forearm at elbow joint
pronator teres
forearm pronator
pronates forearm at radioulnar joints and weakly flexes forearm at elbow joint
pronator quadratus
forearm pronator
pronates forearm at radioulnar joints
forearm supinator
supinates forearm at radioulnar joints
palmaris longus
superficial anterior compartment of forearm
weakly flexes hand at wrist joint
splenius capitis
splenius muscle (vertebral column)
together: extend head
singly: laterally flex/rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
splenius cervicis
splenius muscle (vertebral column)
together: extend head
singly: laterally flex/rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
iliocostalis cervicis
iliocostalis (lateral) group
together: extend/maintain erect posture of cervical vertebral column
singly: laterally flex vertebral column of cervical regions
iliocostalis thoracis
iliocostalis (lateral) group
together: extend/maintain erect posture of thoracic vertebral column
singly: laterally flex vertebral column of thoracic regions
iliocostalis lumborum
iliocostalis (lateral) group
together: extend/maintain erect posture of lumbar vertebral column
singly: laterally flex vertebral column of lumbar regions
longissimus capitis
longissimus (intermediate) group
together: extend head
singly: rotate head to same side as contracting muscle
longissimus cervicis
longissimus (intermediate) group
together: extend cervical vertebral column
singly: laterally flex cervical vertebral column
longissimus thoracis
longissimus (intermediate) group
together: extend thoracic vertebral column
singly: laterally flex thoracic vertebral column
spinalis capitis
spinalis (medial) group
together: extend vertebral column
spinalis cervicis
spinalis (medial) group
together: extend cervical vertebral column
spinalis thoracis
spinalis (medial) group
together: extend thoracic vertebral column
muscles that move femur
2 sections:
psoas major
psoas major
muscle that moves femur
flexes thigh at hip joint, rotates thigh laterally, flexes trunk on hip as in sitting up from supine position
muscle that moves femur
flexes thigh at hip joint, rotates thigh laterally, flexes trunk on hip as in sitting up from supine position
gluteus maximus
muscle that moves femur
extends thigh at hip joint and laterally rotates thigh
gluteus medius
muscle that moves femur
abducts thigh at hip joint and medially rotates thigh
gluteus minimus
muscle that moves femur
abducts thigh at hip joint and medially rotates thigh
tensor fasciae latae
muscle that moves femur
flexes/abducts thigh at hip joint
muscle that moves femur
laterally rotates/abducts thigh at hip joint
adductor longus
medial (adductor) compartment of thigh
adducts/flexes thigh at hip joint, laterally rotates thigh
adductor brevis
medial (adductor) compartment of thigh
adducts/flexes thigh at hip joint, medially rotates thigh
adductor magnus
medial (adductor) compartment of thigh
adducts thigh at hip joint, laterally rotates thigh; anterior part flexes thigh, posterior part extends thigh
medial (adductor) compartment of thigh
flexes/adducts thigh at hip joint
medial (adductor) compartment of thigh
adducts thigh at hip joint, medially rotates thigh, flexes leg at knee joint
quadriceps femoris
anterior (extensor) compartment of thigh
consists of:
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius
rectus femoris
part of quadriceps femoris
extends leg at knee joint, flexes thigh at hip joint
vastus lateralis
part of quadriceps femoris
extends leg at knee joint
vastus medialis
part of quadriceps femoris
extends leg at knee joint
vastus intermedius
part of quadriceps femoris
extends leg at knee joint
anterior (extensor) compartment of the thigh
flexes leg at knee joint, flexes/ abducts/laterally rotates thigh at hip joint
posterior (flexor) compartment of thigh
consisits of:
biceps femoris
biceps femoris
part of hamstrings
flexes leg at knee joint, extends thigh at hip joint
part of hamstrings
flexes leg at knee joint, extends thigh at hip joint
part of hamstrings
flexes leg at knee joint, extends thigh at hip joint
tibialis anterior
anterior compartment of leg
dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint, inverts foot at intertarsal joints
extensor digitorum longus
anterior compartment of leg
dorsiflexes foot at ankle joint, exends distal/middle phalanges of each toe at interephalangeal joints and proximal phalanx of each toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
fibularis (Peroneus) longus
lateral (fibular) compartment of leg
plantar flexes foot at ankle joint, everts foot at intertarsal joints
fibularis (Paroneus) brevis
lateral (fibular) compartment of leg
plantar flexes foot at ankle joint, everts foot at intertarsal joints
superficial posterior compartment of leg
plantar flexes foot at ankle joint, flexes leg at knee joint
superficial posterior compartment of leg
plantar flexes foot at ankle joint
superficial posterior compartment of leg
plantar flexes foot at ankle joint, flexes leg at knee joint