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52 Cards in this Set

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branches of cell body that recieve stimulation
stem of nerve, conducts impulse
axon terminal/
neurotransmitter vesicles
at end of axon, transmits signal by releasing acetocholine
action potential
negative wave of electricity that depolarized the membrane
minimal stimulus needed to produce the action potential
neurotransmitter that jump the synaptic gap
calcium 2+ ions
released when t-tubules are depolarized, cause tropomin and tropomyosin to move which exposes mysoin binding sites
A Band
part of sarcomere that is the myosin, doesnt change length during contraction
I band
part of sarcomere that is the action, changes length during contraction
Z line
runs down through I band, connects myofibrils
H zone
lighter middle region of a-badn with no actin overlap
myosin crossbridges
connect with actin to pull fibers across one another, bind to certain sites that have been filled with calcium. not simultneous
2 parts: stringy tropomyosin
globby tropomin

thin filament
red/slow muscle
sustained activity, fatigue resistant. lots of capillaries. aerobic atp production
red/fast muscle
fatigue fast, very strong short bursts of activity. few cappilaries, anerobic
aerobic energy equation
2 ATP + C6H12O6 + 02 with enzymes
CO2 + H20 + 38 ATP
anaerobic energy lactic acid fermentation
2 ATP + C6H12O6 with enzymes
anaerobic energy ETHYL ALCOHOL FERMENTATION acid fermentation
2 ATP + C6H12O6 with enzymes
C2H5OH + 1 ATP
creatin phosphate anaerobic respiration
creatin HE P
with enzymes
creatin + P + energy
sarcoplasmic reticulum
network of tubules and sacs that contain ca2+ ions
all or none
increasing strength of stimulus will not force muscle to contract more
when stimulus activates only a few motor neurons, so that portion of the muscle contracts and relaxes
tetanic contraction
when muscle is being stimulated so rapidly it cant relax in between and stays iin sustained conraction
sustaines prolonged tetanic contraction
H zone
lighter middle region of a-badn with no actin overlap
myosin crossbridges
connect with actin to pull fibers across one another, bind to certain sites that have been filled with calcium. not simultneous
2 parts: stringy tropomyosin
globby tropomin

thin filament
red/slow muscle
sustained activity, fatigue resistant. lots of capillaries. aerobic atp production
red/fast muscle
fatigue fast, very strong short bursts of activity. few cappilaries, anerobic
aerobic energy equation
2 ATP + C6H12O6 + 02 with enzymes
CO2 + H20 + 38 ATP
anaerobic energy lactic acid fermentation
2 ATP + C6H12O6 with enzymes
anaerobic energy ETHYL ALCOHOL FERMENTATION acid fermentation
2 ATP + C6H12O6 with enzymes
C2H5OH + 1 ATP
creatin phosphate anaerobic respiration
creatin HE P
with enzymes
creatin + P + energy
sarcoplasmic reticulum
network of tubules and sacs that contain ca2+ ions
all or none
increasing strength of stimulus will not force muscle to contract more
when stimulus activates only a few motor neurons, so that portion of the muscle contracts and relaxes
tetanic contraction
when muscle is being stimulated so rapidly it cant relax in between and stays iin sustained conraction
sustaines prolonged tetanic contraction
gradual increase in muscle contraction following repeated stimuli
isometric contraction
length remains the same, tension increases
isotonic contraction
length decreases, tension stays the same
a decrease in muscle size and strength due to little or weak use
muscle fatigue
lactic acid build up causes muscle to be painful and fatigue. wall!
in skeletal muscle, responsible for binding O2, makes muscles look red. reduces need for continuous blood supply.
oxygen debt
liver cells change lactic acid back into glucose but needs ATP which is absent during activity, LA accumulates, and oxygen must be paid back later
muscular dystrophy
genetic abnormality, deterioration of muscle
caused by bacterium clostriorium tetani which causes muscles to go into tetany
membrane covering muscles
membrane covering fascicles
synaptic gap
space between motor end plate and muscle membrane