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108 Cards in this Set

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Origin of adductor brevis
Pubis: 1. body (external aspect) 2. inferior ramus
Origin of adductor longus
Pubis: 1. body: inferior to crest b/w crest and symphysis
Origin of adductor magnus
Pubis (adductor part): 1. inferior ramus Ischium (adductor part): 2. ischial ramus Ischium (hamstrings part): 3. inferolateral aspect of ischial tuberosity
Origin of articularis genu
Femur: 1. anterior inferior surface of shaft
Origin of biceps femoris
Ischium (long head): 1. ischial tuberosity (superior) Ligaments: 2. lower part of sacrotuberous ligament Femur (short head): 3. lateral lip of linea aspera 4. lateral supracondylar line of femur 5. lateral intermuscular septum
Origin of gluteus maximus
Ilium: 1. ala (external surface) 2. posterior gluteal line 3. crest Sacrum: 4. dorsal surface Coccyx: 5. dorsal surface Ligaments: 6. sacrotuberous ligament
Origin of gluteus medius
Ilium: 1. external surface b/w anterior and posterior gluteal lines
Origin of gluteus minimus
Ilium: 1. external surface b/w anterior and inferior gluteal lines 2. margin of greater sciatic notch
Origin of gracilis
Pubis: 1. medial margins of inferior half of body 2. inferior pubis ramus
Origin of iliacus
Ilium: 1. crest (inner lip) 2. fossa (anterior cavity of superior 2/3) Sacrum: 3. ala (superior surface of lateral part) Ligaments: 4. iliolumbar ligament 5. ventral sacroiliac ligament
Origin of inferior gemellus
Ischium: 1. ischial tuberosity (superior part)
Origin of obturator externus
Ischium: 1. external margins of obturator foramen (medial 2/3) 2. obturator membrane 3. ramus Pubis: 4. ramus
Origin of obturator internus
Ischium: 1. ramus Pubis: 2. inferior ramus Obturator Foramen: 3. pelvic surface and membrane 4. bones surrounding obturator foramen (hip bone) 5. greater sciatic foramen
Origin of pectineus
Pubis: 1. pecten pubis on superior ramus, b/w iliopectineal eminence and pubic tubercle
Origin of piriformis
Sacrum: 1. anterior surface Ligaments: 2. sacrotuberous ligament (sometimes) Ilium: 3. gluteal surface near the posterior inferior iliac spine 4. sacroiliac joint
Origin of psoas major
Vertebrae T12 – L5: 1. bodies (sides) 2. intervertebral discs Vertebrae L1-L5: 3. transverse processes
Origin of quadratus femoris
Ischium: 1. lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Origin of rectus femoris
Ilium (double origin): 1. straight tendon (head) from AIIS 2. reflected tendon (head) from groove superior to acetabulum and the hip joint capsule
Origin of sartorius
Ilium: 1. ASIS 2. superior half of the notch inferior to ASIS
Origin of semimembranosus
Ischium: 1. ischial tuberosity
Origin of semitendinosus
Ischium: 1. ischial tuberosity
Origin of superior gemellus
Ischium: 1. dorsal surface of spine
Origin of tensor fascia lata
Ilium: 1. anterior part of external lip of iliac crest 2. lateral surface of ASIS 3. notch inferior to ASIS
Origin of vastus intermedius
Femur: 1. anterior and lateral surfaces of superior 2/3 of shaft 2. inferior part of lateral intermuscular septum
Origin of vastus lateralis
Femur: 1. superior portion of the intertrochanteric line 2. anterior and inferior borders of the greater trochanter 3. lateral lip of gluteal tuberosity 4. proximal half of the lateral lip of the linea aspera
Origin of vastus medialis
Femur: 1. inferior part of intertrochanteric line 2. medial lip of linea aspera 3. spiral line 4. proximal medial supracondylar line 5. tendons of adductor longus 6. medial intermuscular septum
Origin of psoas minor
Vertebrae T12 – L5: 1. bodies (sides) 2. intervertebral discs
Insertion of adductor brevis
Femur: 1. pectineal line 2. proximal part of linea aspera
Insertion of adductor longus
Femur: 1. middle third of linea aspera
Insertion of adductor magnus
Femur (adductor part): 1. gluteal tuberosity 2. linea aspera 3. medial supracondylar line Femur (hamstrings part): 4. adductor tubercle
Insertion of articularis genu
Patella/Knee Joint: 1. synovial membrane of knee 2. suprapatellar bursa of knee
Insertion of biceps femoris
Fibula: 1. lateral side of head *tendon is split at this site by fibular collateral ligament of knee*
Insertion of gluteus maximus
1. IT Band Tibia: 2. lateral condyle Femur: 3. gluteal tuberosity
Insertion of gluteus medius
Femur: 1. lateral surface of greater trochanter
Insertion of gluteus minimus
Femur: 1. anterolateral surface of greater trochanter Hip Joint: 2. expansion to capsule
Insertion of gracilis
Tibia: 1. superior part of medial surface
Insertion of iliacus
Femur: 1. lesser trochanter and portion just distal to lesser trochanter Psoas Major: 2. via tendon of psoas major, forming iliopsoas
Insertion of inferior gemellus
Femur: 1. medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa) via superior tendon of obturator internus
Insertion of obturator externus
Femur: 1. trochanteric fossa
Insertion of obturator internus
Femur: 1. medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa), through lesser sciatic foramen
Insertion of pectineus
Femur: 1. pectineal line, inferior to lesser trochanter
Insertion of piriformis
Femur: 1. superior border of greater trochanter
Insertion of psoas major
Femur: 1. lesser trochanter
Insertion of quadratus femoris
Femur: 1. quadrate tubercle on intertrochanteric crest of f emur and area inferior to it
Insertion of rectus femoris
Patella: 1. base 2. via quadriceps tendon Tibia (indirectly): 3. via patellar ligament
Insertion of sartorius
Tibia: 1. superior part of medial surface
Insertion of semimembranosus
Tibia: 1. posterior part of medial condyle Ligaments: 2. reflected attachment forms oblique popliteal ligament and medial meniscus (to lateral femoral condyle)
Insertion of semitendinosus
Tibia: 1. medial surface of superior part *contributes to the pes anserine*
Insertion of superior gemellus
Femur: 1. medial surface of greater trochanter (trochanteric fossa) via superior tendon of obturator internus
Insertion of tensor fascia lata
1. IT Band Tibia: 2. lateral condyle via IT Band
Insertion of vastus intermedius
Patella: 1. base 2. via quadriceps tendon Tibia (indirectly): 3. via patellar ligament
Insertion of vastus lateralis
Patella: 1. lateral side of base 2. via quadriceps tendon 3. via lateral patellar retinacula Tibia (indirectly): 4. via patellar ligament 5. via lateral patellar retinacula
Insertion of vastus medialis
Patella: 1. medial side of base 2. via quadriceps tendon 3. via medial patellar retinacula Tibia (indirectly): 4. via patellar ligament 5. via medial patellar retinacula
Insertion of psoas minor
Pubis and Ilium (via long, flat tendon): 1. pecten pubis 2. iliopectineal eminence 3. iliac fascia
Innervation of adductor brevis
obturator nerve, branch of anterior division: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of adductor longus
obturator nerve, branch of anterior division: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of adductor magnus
*adductor part: obturator nerve, branches of posterior division: L2, L3, L4 *hamstrings part: tibial part of sciatic nerve: L4
Innervation of articularis genu
femoral nerve: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of biceps femoris
*long head: tibial division of sciatic nerve: L5, S1, S2 *short head: common fibular division of sciatic nerve: L5, S1, S2
Innervation of gluteus maximus
inferior gluteal nerve: L5, S1, S2
Innervation of gluteus medius
superior gluteal nerve: L4, L5, S1
Innervation of gluteus minimus
superior gluteal nerve: L4, L5, S1
Innervation of gracilis
obturator nerve: L2, L3
Innervation of iliacus
femoral nerve: L2, L3
Innervation of inferior gemellus
nerve to quadratus femoris: L4, L5, S1
Innervation of obturator externus
obturator nerve: L3, L4
Innervation of obturator internus
nerve to obturator internus: L5, S1, S2
Innervation of pectineus
*femoral nerve: L2, L3 *may receive branch from obturator nerve
Innervation of piriformis
branches of anterior rami (lumbosacral nerve to piriformis) of S1, S2
Innervation of psoas major
ventral rami of lumbar nerves: L1, L2, L3
Innervation of quadratus femoris
nerve to quadratus femoris: L4, L5, S1
Innervation of rectus femoris
femoral nerve: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of sartorius
femoral nerve: L2, L3
Innervation of semimembranosus
tibial division of sciatic nerve L5, S1, S2
Innervation of semitendinosus
tibial division of sciatic nerve L5, S1, S2
Innervation of superior gemellus
nerve to obturator internus: L5, S1, S2
Innervation of tensor fascia lata
superior gluteal nerve: L4, L5, S1
Innervation of vastus intermedius
femoral nerve: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of vastus lateralis
femoral nerve: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of vastus medialis
femoral nerve: L2, L3, L4
Innervation of psoas minor
ventral rami of lumbar nerves: L1, L2
Action of adductor brevis
1. adducts thigh 2. flexes thigh (assist)
Action of adductor longus
1. adducts thigh
Action of adductor magnus
1. adducts thigh 2. flexes thigh (adductor part) 3. extends thigh (hamstrings part)
Action of articularis genu
1. pulls synovial capsule superiorly during knee extension to prevent interposition of synovial folds between patella and femur
Action of biceps femoris
1. flexes leg (short head) 2. rotates leg medially when knee is flexed 3. extends thigh (long head)
Action of gluteus maximus
1. primary thigh extensor (esp. from flexed position) 2. lateral rotation (assist) 3. steadies thigh 4. rising from sitting position (assist)
Action of gluteus medius
1. abducts thigh 2. medially rotates thigh 3. gait: keep pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight bearing and advance opposite side during its swing phase
Action of gluteus minimus
1. abducts thigh 2. medially rotates thigh 3. gait: keep pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight bearing and advance opposite side during its swing phase
Action of gracilis
1. adducts thigh 2. flexes leg 3. medially rotates leg (assist)
Action of iliacus
1. flexes thigh 2. flex vertebral column (from below) – bilateral against resistance as in sitting from a recumbent position 3. stabilizes joint to help maintain erect posture 4. lateral vertebral flexion (unilateral)
Action of inferior gemellus
1. laterally rotates extended thigh 2. abducts thigh when flexed 3. steadies femoral head in acetabulum
Action of obturator externus
1. laterally rotates thigh 2. steadies femoral head in acetabulum
Action of obturator internus
1. laterally rotates extended thigh 2. abducts thigh when flexed 3. steadies femoral head in acetabulum
Action of pectineus
1. adducts thigh 2. flexes thigh 3. medial rotation of thigh (assist)
Action of piriformis
1. laterally rotates extended thigh 2. abducts thigh when flexed 3. steadies femoral head in acetabulum
Action of psoas major
1. flexes thigh on pelvis 2. stabilizes thigh to help maintain an erect posture 3. bends trunk and pelvis forward against resistance (as in sitting from recumbent position)
Action of quadratus femoris
1. laterally rotates thigh 2. steadies femoral head in acetabulum
Action of rectus femoris
1. extend leg at knee joint 2. steadies hip joint 3. helps iliopsoas flex thigh
Action of sartorius
1. leg flexion 2. thigh flexion 3. lateral rotation and abduction of thigh (assist)
Action of semimembranosus
1. extends thigh 2. flexes leg 3. rotates leg medially when knee is flexed 4. extends trunk when thigh and leg are flexed
Action of semitendinosus
1. extends thigh 2. flexes leg 3. rotates leg medially when knee is flexed 4. extends trunk when thigh and leg are flexed
Action of superior gemellus
1. laterally rotates extended thigh 2. abducts thigh when flexed 3. steadies femoral head in acetabulum
Action of tensor fascia lata
1. abducts thigh 2. medially rotates thigh 3. gait: keep pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight bearing and advance opposite side during its swing phase
Action of vastus intermedius
1. extends leg at knee joint
Action of vastus lateralis
1. extends leg at knee joint
Action of vastus medialis
1. extends leg at knee joint
Action of psoas minor
1. weak trunk flexor