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131 Cards in this Set

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Triceps brachii and rectus femoris are good examples of?
Semitendinosus is assisted in flexion of the thigh by what synergistic muscle?
Biceps femoris
Which muscles rotate the femur laterally?
Quadratus femoris and obturator internus
What muscles are in the hamstring group?
Semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris
What are the superficial muscles of the sural region?
Plantaris, soleus, gastrocnemius, and triceps surae
What muscle acts as a flexor of the knee and originates on the iliac spine?
What happens when contraction occurs according to the sliding filament theory?
H and I bands get smaller, the zone of overlap gets larger, the Z lines move closer together, and the width of the A band remains constant
What is the most superficial layer of the abdominal muscles?
External oblique
What muscle group is most lateral to the vertebral column?
What muscles group is most medial to the vertebral column?
What are the actions of the bicep brachii?
Flexion of the shoulder and elbow and supination of the forearm
What are the powerful flexors of the thigh?
What is the connective tissue surrounding a fascicle?
What are the primary flexors of the wrist?
Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, and palmaris longus
All the muscle fibers controlled by a single motor neuron constitute what?
Motor unit
Which muscle groups originate on the lower limb?
Muscles that move the foot, leg, and toes
What is the function of the tensor fascia lata?
Steady the trunk on the thigh by making the iliotibial tract taut
Which muscles compress the abdomen?
Internal and external oblique
What is the action of the rhomboideus major?
Adduct and rotate the scapula downward
What does the sarcoplasmic reticulum store?
Calcium ions
What muscle can both flex and adduct the arm?
Pectoralis major
What muscle of the foot is found in the third layer?
Adductor hallucis
Which muscles act to plantar flex the foot?
Gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris
What hypothenar muscle originates on the pisiform bone?
Abductor digiti minimi
Which muscles inserts on the coronoid process of the ulna and the elbow joint capsule?
Which muscles acts to elevate the hyoid bone and steady it during swallowing and speech?
What are the functions of the teres minor?
Helps hold the humerus in the glenoid cavity, rotates the humerus laterally, adducts at the shoulder, and stabilizes the shoulder joint
What is the action of the medial pterygoid muscle?
Functions in mastication to protract the mandible and promote grinding movements
What are characteristics of white fibers?
Dependent on anaerobic pathways, contract rapidly, fatigue quickly, and contain little myoglobin
What are the characteristics of skeletal muscle?
Voluntary, striated and multinucleate
What are the characteristics of cardiac muscle?
Involuntary, striated, uninucleate, intercalated discs
What are the characteristics of smooth muscle?
Involuntary, nonstriated, uninucleate
What are the four specialized properties of muscle tissue?
Excitability, contractility, elasticity, and extensibility
What are the functions of skeletal muscle tissue?
Produce movement, maintain posture and position, support soft tissues, regulate the entrance/exit of materials, generate heat, and stabilize joints
What surrounds a skeletal muscle?
What is a muscle fascicle?
A bundle of muscle fibers
What is a muscle fiber comprised of?
What surrounds a muscle fiber?
Thin filaments are composed of?
Thick filaments are composed of?
What protein molecules cover active sites, preventing actin-myosin interaction?
What holds tropomyosin in place?
What triggers muscle contraction?
Calcium ions
What neurotransmitter signals a muscle cell to contract?
What are the characteristics of red fibers?
Dependent on aerobic pathways, contract slowly, fatigue slowly, and contain abundant myoglobin
What is an agonist?
Muscle whose contraction bears the main responsibility for a particular movement
What is an antagonist?
Muscle whose action opposes that of a corresponding agonist
What is a synergist?
Muscle that aids the agonists and stabilizes the joint
Action of frontalis?
Raises the eyebrows
Action of occipitalis?
Fixes aponeurosis and pulls the scalp posteriorly
Action of galea aponeurotica?
Pull the scalp forward and backward
Action of orbicularis oculi?
Closes the eye
Action of zygomaticus?
Raises lateral corners of mouth upward (smiling muscle)
Action of orbicularis oris?
Closes, purses and protrudes the lips
Action of levator labii superioris?
Opens lips
Action of depressor labii inferioris?
Draws lower lip inferiorly (as in a pout)
Action of risorius?
Draws corner of lip laterally
Action of mentalis?
Protrudes the lower lip and wrinkles the chin
Action of buccinator?
Draws corner of the mouth laterally and compresses the cheek
Action of platysma?
Helps depress the mandible, pulls the lower lip down and backward, and tenses the skin of the neck
Action of masseter?
Prime mover of the jaw closure...elevating the mandible
Action of temporalis?
Closes jaw...elevates and retracts the mandible
Action of medial pterygoid?
Protract mandible and promote grinding movements
Action of lateral pterygoid?
Provides forward sliding and grinding movements of the lower teeth...protracts mandible
What are the muscles of mastication?
Masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateal pterygoid, and buccinator
Action of digastric?
Open mouth and depress mandible
Action of stylohoid?
Elevates and retracts hyoid
Action of mylohyoid?
Elevates hyoid bone and floor of the mouth
Action of geniohyoid?
Pulls hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly
Action of sternohyoid?
Depresses larynx and hyoid bone
Action of sternothyroid?
Pulls larynx and hyoid bone inferiorly
Action of omohyoid?
Depresses and retracts the hyoid bone
Action of sternocleidomastoid?
Flexes and laterally rotates head
Action of scalenes?
Elevates first two ribs
Action of splenius?
Extend and hyperextend head
Action of iliocostalis?
Extend and laterally flex the vertebral column
Action of longissimus?
Extend and laterally flex vertebral column and extends head and turns face toward the same side
Action of spinalis?
Extends vertebral column
Action of quadratus lumborum?
Flexes vertebral column laterally
Action of external intercostals?
Pulls ribs toward one another to elevate the rib cage
Action of internal intercostals?
Draws ribs together and depressed rib cage
Action of diaphragm?
Prime mover of inspiration
Action of rectus abdominis?
Flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column
Action of external/internal oblique?
Flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall. Aids muscles of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion
Action of transversus abdominis?
Compresses abdominal contents
Action of pectoralis minor?
Draws scapula forward and downward
Action of serratus anterior?
Rotates scapula so its inferior angle moves laterally and upward; prime mover to protract and hold the scapula against the chest wall
Action of subclavius?
Helps stabilize and depress the pectoral girdle
Action of trapezius?
Stabilizes, raises, retracts, depresses and rotates the scapula and/or clavicle
Action of levator scapulae?
Elevates and adducts the scapula
Action of rhomboid major/minor?
Stabilize scapula; adduct and perform downward rotation of scapula
Action of latissimus dorsi?
Prime mover of arm extension; powerful arm adductor; medially rotates arm at shoulder
Action of deltoid?
Prime mover of arm abduction; flexion and medial rotation of humerus; extension and lateral rotation of humerus
Action of teres major?
Extends, medially rotates, and adducts the humerus
Action of subscapularis?
Chief medial rotator of humerus; stabilizes the shoulder joint by holding the humerus within the glenoid cavity
Action of supraspinatus?
Initiates abduction at shoulder
Action of infraspinatus?
Rotates humerus laterally
Action of teres minor?
Rotates humerus laterally
Action of coracobrachialis?
Flexion and adduction of the humerus
Action of pectoralis major?
Prime mover of arm flexion; rotates arm medially; adducts arm
Action of triceps brachii?
Powerful forearm extensor
Action of anconeus?
Abducts ulna during forearm pronation
Action of biceps brachii?
Flexion at elbow and shoulder and supinates the forarm
Action of brachialis?
Major forearm flexor
Action of brachioradialis?
Synergist in forearm flexion
Action of pronator teres?
Pronates forearm
Action of flexor carpi radialis?
Powerful flexor of the wrist ; abducts hand
Action of palmaris longus?
Tenses skin and fascia of palm during hand movements
Action of flexor carpi ulnaris?
Powerful flexor of wrist; adducts hand
Action of flexor digitorium superficialis?
Flexion at middle phalanges of fingers 2-5 and wrist joints
Action of flexor pollicis longus?
Flexes distal phalanx of thumb
Action of flexor digitorium profundus?
Flexes distal interphalangeal joints
Action of extensor carpi radialis longus?
Extends wrist ; abducts wrist
Action of extensor carpi radialis brevis?
Extends and abducts wrist
Action of extensor digitorium?
Prime mover of finger extension; abducts fingers
Action of extensor carpi ulnaris?
Extends wrist; adducts wrist
Action of supinator?
Assists biceps brachii to forcibly supinate the forearm
Action of abductor pollicis brevis/longus?
Abducts and extends thumb; abduction at wrist joint
Action of flexor pollicis brevis?
Flexes and adducts thumb
Action of opponens pollicis?
Opposition of thumb
Action of adductor pollicis?
Adducts and helps to oppose the thumb
Action of abductor digiti minimi?
Abducts little finger
Action of flexor digiti minimi brevis?
Flexes little finger
Action of opponens digiti minimi?
Helps in opposition
Action of lumbricals?
Flexion at metacarpophalangeal joint; extension at proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
Action of palmar interossei?
Adduction of fingers at metacarpophalangeal joints of digits 2, 4, and 5
Action of dorsal interossei?
Abduct fingers at metacarpophalangeal joins of digits 2-4
What muscles make up the rotator cuff?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor
What are the lateral hip rotators?
Piriformis, gamellus superior, obturator internus, gamellus inferior, and quadratus femoris
What are the hamstrings?
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus
What is a skeletal muscle triad?
Terminal cisternae, tranverse tubule, and sarcoplasmic reticulum