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42 Cards in this Set

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Orgin: Supraspinous fossa of the scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the Humerus

Action: Abduct the shoulder (g/h joint); stabilize head of Humerus in glenoid cavity
Orgin: Infraspinous fossa of the scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the Humerus

Action: Laterally rotate the shoulder; adduct the shoulder; extend the shoulder; horizontally abduct the shoulder; stabilize the head of the Humerus in the glenoid cavity
Teres Minor
Orgin: Superior half of lateral border of the scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the Humerus

Actions: Laterally rotate the shoulder; adduct the shoulder; extend the shoulder; horizontally abduct the shoulder; stabilize the head of the Humerus in the glenoid cavity
Teres Major
"lat's little helper"
Orgin: Lateral side of inferior angles and lower halp of lateral border of the scapula

Insertion:Crest of the lesser tubercle of the Humerus

Action:Extend the shoulder; adduct the shoulder; medially rotate the shoulder (g/h joint)
Orgin: Subscapular fossa of the scapula

Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the Humerus

Action: Medially rotate shoulder; stabilize head of the Humerus in the glenoid cavity
Orgin:Lateral 1/3 of clavicla, acromion, spine of the scapula

Insertion: Deltoid tubersoity

Action: ALL FIBERS: abduct the shoulder (g/h joint)

Anterior Fiber: flex the shoulder, medially rotate the shoulder, horizontally adduct the shoulder (g/h joint)

Middle Fibers: Lateral movement, abduct

Posterior Fibers: Extend the shoulder, laterally rotate the shoulder, horizontally abduct the shoulder (g/h joint)
Trapezius (upper)
Orgin: External occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of occipit, ligamentium nuchae, spinous process of C-7 through T-12

Insertion:Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula

Action: Unilaterally:
laterally flex head and neck to same side, rotate head and neck to opposie side, exorotation of scapula (s/t joint), elevate scapula (s/t joint)

Extend head and neck
Trapezius (middle)
Orgin: External occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of occipit, ligamentium nuchae, spinous process of C-7 through T-12

Insertion:Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula

Action: Adduct the scapula (s/t joint), stabilize the scapula (s/t joint)
Trapezius (lower)
Orgin: External occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of occipit, ligamentium nuchae, spinous process of C-7 through T-12

Insertion:Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula

Action: Depress scapula (s/t joint), exorotation of the scapula (s/t joint)
Triceps Brachii
Orgin: Long Head
Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Lateral Head:
posterios surface of proximal 1/2 of the Humerus
Medial Head:
Posterior surface of the 1/2 distal of the Humerus

Insertion: Olecranon process of the ulnar

Extend the elbow (h/u joint)
Long Head: extend the shoulder , adduct the shoulder (g/h joint)
Biceps Brachii
Orgin: Short Head
Coracoid process of scapula
Lond Head
Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula

Insertion: Radial tuberosity and biceps aponeurosis

Action: Flex the elbow (h/u joint), supinate the forearm (r/n joint), flex the shoulder (g/h joint)
Orgin: Coracoid process of the scapula

Insertion: Medial surface of mid-humeral shaft

Action: flex the shoulder (g/h joint), adduct the shoulder (g/h joint)
Orgin: Distal 1/2 of anterior surface of Humerus

Insertion: Tuberosity and coronoid process of unla

Action: Flex the elbow (h/u joint)
Orgin: Lateral supacondylar ridge of Humerus

Insertion: Styloid process of radius

Action: Flex the elbow (h/u joint), assist to pronate and supinate forearm when movement are resisted
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Orgin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of Humerus
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Orgin: Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondylar ridge of Humerus

Action: Extend the wrist (radiocarpa; joint), adduct the wrist (r/c joint)
Extensor Digitorum
Orgin: Common extensor tendon for the lateral epicondylar ridge of Humerus

Action: Extend the 2nd through 5th fingers
(metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint)
Palmaris Longus
Orgin: Common flexor tendon for medial epicondylar ridge of Humerus

Insertion: Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis

Action: Tense the palmer fascia, flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint), flex the elbow ( h/u joint)
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Orgin: Common flexor tendon for medial epicondylar ridge of Humerus

Action: Flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint), abduct the wrist (r/c joint), flex the elbow ( h/u
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Orgin: Humeral Head
Common flexor tendon for medial epicondylar ridge of Humerus

Unlar Head
Posterior surface of proximal 1/2 of ulnar

Action: Flex the wrist (r/c joint), Adduct the wrist (r/c joint), assist to flex the elbow (h/u joint)
Quadratus Lumborum
Orgin: Posterior iliac crest

Insertion: Last rib & tranverse process of 1st through 4th lumber vertebrae

Action: Unilaterally
laterally tilt pelvis
laterally flex the vertebrae column
assist to extend the vertebrae column

Fix the last ribs during inhalation and forces exhalation
Erector Spinae
Orgin: Throacolumbar aponeurosis

Insertion: Posterior ribs, spinous and tranverse process, cervical vertebrae, mastoid process of temporal bone

Action: Unilaterally
laterally flex vertebrae column to same side

extend vertebrae column
Latissimus Dorsi
Orgin: Spinosus process of last 6 thoraxic vertabrae, last 3 or 4 ribs, thoracolumbar aponeurosis and posterior illiac crest

Insertion: Crest of lesser tubercle of Humerus

Action: Extend the shoulder, adduct shoulder, medially rotate shoulder (g/h joint)
Serratus Anterior
Orgin: Surfaces of upper 8th or 9th rib

Insertion: Anterior surface of medial border of the scapula

Action: With Orgin fixed
aduct scapula (s/t joint)
depress scapula (s/t joint)
hold the medial border of scapula against the rib cage

If scapula id fixed
may act in forced inhalation
Levator Scapula
Orgin: Transverse process of 1st-4th cervical vertebrae

Insertion: upper region of medial border and superior angle of scapula

Action: Unilaterally
elevate scapula (s/t joint)
Indorotation of scapula (s/t joint)
laterally flex head and neck to same side
rotate head and heck to opposite side

extend head and neck
Rhomboid Minor & Major
Orgin: (Minor)Spinous process of C-7 through T-1
(Major) Spionus process of T-2 through T-5

Insertion: Upper and lower portion of scapula, between spinous process & medial border of scapula

Action:adduct scapula (s/t joint), elevate scapula, indorotation of scapula (s/t joint)
Splenius Capitis
Orgin: Ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C-7 through T-3

Insertion: Mastoid process & lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occipit

Action: Unilaterally
rotate the head & neck to same side
laterally flex the head & neck

extend the head & neck
Orgin: Zygomatic arch

Insertion: Angle & ramus of mandible

Action: Elevate mandible (TMJ)
Rectus Abdominus
Orgin:Pubic crest, pubic symphysis

Insertion: Cartilage of 5th, 6th, 7th ribs & xiphoid process

Action: Flex the vertebrae column
External Oblique
Orgin:Lower 8th rib

Insertion: Anterior part of illiac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to lines alba

Action: Unilaterally
laterally flex vretebrae column to same side
rotate vertebrae column to opposite side

flex the vertebrae column
compress abdominal contents
Internal Oblique
Orgin:Lateral inquinal ligament, iliac crest, throacolumbar fascia

Insertion: Internal surface of lower 3 ribs, abdominal aponuerosis to lines alba

Action: Unilaterally
laterally flex vertebrae column to same side
rotate vertebrae column to opposite side

flex the vertebrae column
compress abdominal comtents
Transverse Abdominus
Orgin: Lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, internal surface of lower 6 ribs

Insertion: Abdominal aponeurosis to lines alba

Action: Compress adbominal contents
Anterior Scalene
Orgin: Tranverse process of 3rd-6th cervical vertebrae

Insertion: First rib

Action: Unilaterally
w/ribs fixed, laterally flex head & neck to same side
rotate head & neck to opposite side

elevate the ribs during inhalation
flex head & neck
Middle Scalene
Orgin: Tranverse process of 2nd -7th cervical vertebrae

Insertion: First rib

Action: Unilaterally
w/ribs fixed, laterally flex head & neck to same side
rotate head & neck to opposite side

elevate the ribs during inhalation
flex head & neck
Posterior Scalene
Orgin:Transverse process of 5th-6th cervical vertebrae

Insertion: Second rib

Action: Unilaterally
w/ribs fixed, laterally flex head & neck to same side
rotate head & neck to opposite side

elevate the ribs during inhalation
flex head & neck
Orgin: Inferior border of rib above

Insertion: Superior border of rib below

Action: External Intercoastals
assist w/inhalation by drawing the ribs superiorly, increasing the space of the thoracic cavity

Internal Intercoastals
assist w/exhalation by drawing the ribs inferiorly, decreasing the space of the thoracic cavity
Orgin: Sternal Head
top of manubrium
Clavicular Head
medial 1/3 of clavical

Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone & lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occipit

Action: Unilaterally
laterally flex head & neck to same side
rotate head & neck to opposite side

flex the neck
assist in inhalation
Costal attachment
inner surface of lower 6ribs
Lumbar attachment
upper 2 or 3 lumbar vertebrae
Sternal attachment
inner surface of xiphoid process

Insertion: Central tendon

Action: Draw down the central tendon of the diaphragm
Increase the volume of the thoracic cavity during inhalation
Pectoralis Major
Orgin:Medial half of clavicle, sternal, cartilage of 1st-6th ribs

Insertion: Crest of the greater tubercle of Humerus

adduct the shoulder (g/h joint)
medially rotate the shoulder
assist in elevating the thorax in forced inhalation

Upper fibers: flex the shoulder
horizontall adduct shoulder (g/h joint)

Lower fibers:
extend shoulder (g/h joint)
Pectoralis Minor
Orgin: 3rd, 4th, 5th ribs

Insertion: Coracoid process of the scapula

Action:Depress scapula (s/t joint), abduct scapula (s/t joint), tilt scapula anteriorly (s/t joint)

If scapula is fixed:
assist in forced inhalation
Medial Pterygoid
Orgin:Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone & tuberosity of maxilla

Insertion: Medical surface of ramus of the mandible

Action: Unilaterally
laterally deviate mandible to opposite side

elevate mandible
protract mandible
Lateral Pterygoid
Orgin:Superior Hesd
infratemporal surface & crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone

inferior Head
lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone

Insertion: Articular disc & caspule of tempormadibular joint, neck of mandible

Action: Unilaterally:
laterally deviate mandible to opposite side

Protract mandible