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150 Cards in this Set

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O: upper trapezius

occiput, c1-c7
I: upper trapezius
lateral 1/3 of the clavicle, acromium process, spine of the scapula
A: upper trapezius (2)
elevation & upward rotation (of scapula)
O: middle trapezius
I: middle trapezius
spine of the scapula
A: middle trapezius (1)
O: lower trapezius
I: lower trapezius
root of the spine of the scapula
A: lower trapezius (2)
depression & upward rotation (of scapula)
O: rhomboids
I: rhomboids
medial (vertebral) border of the scapula
A: rhomboids (3)
retraction, downward rotation, & slight elevation (of the scapula)
O: levator scapula
transverse processes of c1-c4
I: levator scapula
the superior angle of the scapula
A: levator scapula (2)
elevation & downward rotation (of the scapula)
O: erector spinae
sacrum via the thoracolumbar aponeurosis
I: erector spinae
A: erector spinae (bilaterally-1, unilaterally-1)
bilaterally-extension of the spine; unilaterally-lateral flexion of the spine
O: latissimus dorsi
thoracolumbar aponeurosis
I: latissimus dorsi
medial lip of the bicipital groove (on humerus)
A: latissimus dorsi (3)
adduction, medial rotation, & extension (of the shoulder)
O: teres major
lower 1/3 of the lateral border of the scapula
I: teres major
medial lip of the bicipital groove (on humerus)
A: teres major (3)
adduction, medial rotation, & extension (of the shoulder)
O: serratus anterior
anterior surface of the first 8 ribs
I: serratus anterior
anterior surface of the medial (vertebral) border of the scapula
A: serratus anterior (2)
protraction & upward rotation (of the scapula)
O: supraspinatus
supraspinous fossa
I: supraspinatus
greater tubercle of the humerus
A: supraspinatus (2)
abduction of shoulder to the first 5 degrees, stabilization of the head of the humerus
O: infraspinatus
infraspinous fossa
I: infraspinatus
greater tubercle of the humerus
A: infraspinatus (3)
lateral rotation & extension (of shoulder); stabilizes the head of humerus
O: teres minor
lateral border of the scapula (upper two-thirds)
I: teres minor
greater tubercle of humerus
A: teres minor (3)
lateral rotation & extension (of shoulder); stabilizes the head of humerus
O: subscapularis
subscapular fossa
I: subscapularis
lesser tubercle of humerus
A: subscapularis (2)
medial rotation (of shoulder); stabilizes head of humerus
O: gluteus maximus
lateral sacrum and the iliac crest
I: gluteus maximus
gluteal tuberosity & iliotibial band
A: gluteus maximus (2)
forceful extension & lateral rotation (of hip)
O: gluteus medius & minimus
posterior ilium
I: gluteus medius & minimus
greater trochanter
A: gluteus medius & minimus (3)
abduction, medial rotation, & extension (of hip)
O: tensor fascia lata
iliac crest, posterior to the ASIS muscle (Anterior Superior Iliac Spine)
I: tensor fascia lata
tibial condyle via iliotibial band
A: tensor fascia lata (4)
abduction, flexion, & medial rotation of hip; stabilizes the knee
O: piriformis
anterior sacrum
I: piriformis
greater trochanter
A: piriformis (1)
lateral rotation (of hip)
O: biceps femoris (state O of long & short heads)
long head=ischial tuberosity; short head=linea aspera
I: biceps femoris
head of the fibula
A: biceps femoris (3)
flexion & lateral rotation (of knee); extension (of hip)
O: semimembranosus
ischial tuberosity
I: semimembranosus
tibial condyle
A: semimembranosus (3)
flexion (of knee); extension & medial rotation (of hip)
O: semitendinosus
ischial tuberosity
I: semitendinosus
anterior tibial shaft
A: semitendinosus (3)
flexion (of knee); extension & medial rotation (of hip)
O: adductor magnus
pubic ramus & pubic bone
I: adductor magnus
linea aspera & adductor tubercle
A: adductor magnus (3)

adduction, forceful extension, & medial rotation (of hip)

O: gastrocnemius

medial and lateral epicondyles (heads) of the femur

I: gastrocnemius

calcaneus via the achilles tendon

A: gastrocnemius (2)

plantarflexion OR knee flexion (BUT ONE OR THE OTHER--CANNOT DO BOTH AT THE SAME TIME)

O: soleus

soleal line of the tibia

I: soleus

calcaneus via the achilles tendon (blends with the gastrocnemius)

A: soleus (1)


O: peroneus longus

head of the fibula and lateral shaft of tibia

I: peroneus longus

base of the first metatarsle

A: peroneus longus (2)

eversion of the foot; plantarflexion

O: sternocleidomastoid (SCM)

sternum & clavicle

I: scm

mastoid process

A: scm (bi: 1; uni: 2)

bilaterally: flexion of the neck; unilaterally: lateral flexion, rotation of the head to the opposite side

O: splenius capitus


I: splenius capitus

mastoid process

A: splenius capitus (bi: 1; uni: 2)

bilaterally: extension of neck; unilaterally: lateral flexion, rotation of the head to same side

O: scalenes


I: scalenes

first two ribs

A: scalenes (bi: 2; uni: 1)

bilaterally: flexion of the neck, forced inhalation; unilaterally: lateral flexion

O: Pectoralis Major

medial half of the clavicle; sternum; and cartilage of the 1st-6th ribs

I: Pectoralis Major

Crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus

A: Pectoralis Major (2 upper, 1 lower, 3 "both")

upper: flexion & horizontal adduction of the shoulder;

lower: extension of the shoulder;

both: adduction & medial rotation of the shoulder, and assists in elevation of the thorax during forced inspiration

O: Pectoralis Minor

the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs

I: Pectoralis Minor

medial surface of the coracoid process of scapula

A: Pectoralis Minor (4)

depression, abduction, and downward rotation of the scapula; also assists in elevation of thorax during forced inspiration

O: Masseter

zygomatic arch

I: Masseter

ramus of the mandible

A: Masseter (2)

Closes & protracts the jaw

O: Temporalis

temporal fossa

I: Temporalis

coranoid process

A: Temporalis (2)

Closes & retracts the jaw

O: Frontalis

galea aponeurosis AKA epicraneal aponeurosis

I: Frontalis

skin superior to the eyebrows

A: Frontalis (2)

raises the eyebrows & wrinkles the forehead

O: Deltoid (anterior, middle, posterior)

anterior: lateral 1/3 of the clavicle;

middle: acromion;

posterior: spine of the scapula

I: Deltoid (all)

All: deltoid tuberosity

A: Deltoid (anterior 1, middle 1, posterior 3)

anterior: flexion of shoulder

middle: abduction

posterior: extension of shoulder; horizontal abduction & lateral rotation of humerus

O: Biceps brachii (long head, short head)

long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula

short head: coracoid process

I: Biceps (both long & short head)

both: tuberosity of the radius

A: Biceps brachii (3)

flexion of elbow; flexion of shoulder; supination of arm

O: Triceps brachii (long, medial/deep, lateral)

long: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

medial/deep: just below the spiral groove of the humerus

lateral: just above the spiral groove of the humerus

I: Triceps brachii (all)

all heads: olecranon process

A: Triceps brachii (1 all, 1 long)

all: extension of the elbow

long: extension of the shoulder

O: brachioradialus

supracondylar ridge (on humerus, above the elbow)

I: brachioradialus

styloid process of the radius

A: brachioradialus (1)

flexion of elbow

O: Forearm extensors

lateral epicondyle of the humerus

I: forearm extensors

back of hand & fingers

A: forearm extensors (1)

extension of wrist & fingers

O: forearm flexors

medial epicondyle of humerus

I: forearm flexors

hand & fingers (palmar side)

A: forearm flexors (1)

flexion of the wrist & fingers

O/I: rectus abdominus (superior attachment)

xiphoid process

O/I: rectus abdominus (inferior attachment)

pubic bone

A: rectus abdominus (2)

flexion of spine; expels air & other contents out of respective openings

O: external obliques


I: external obliques

linea alba via external oblique aponeurosis

A: external obliques (3)

trunk rotation to the OPPOSITE side;

lateral rotation to SAME side;

expels air & other contents out of respective openings

O: internal obliques


I: internal obliques

linea alba via internal oblique aponeurosis

A: internal obliques (3)

trunk rotation to the SAME side;

lateral flexion to the SAME side;

expels air & other contents out of respective openings

O: transverse abdominus


I: transverse abdominus

linea alba via the transverse aponeurosis

A: transverse abdominus (1)

expels air & other contents out of respective openings

O: rectus femoris

AIIS (anterior inferior iliac spine)

I: rectus femoris

tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament

A: rectus femoris (2)

knee extension & hip flexion

O: vastus intermedius

anterior shaft of the femur

I: vastus intermedius

tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament

A: vastus intermedius (1)

knee extension

O: vastus medialis & lateralis

linea aspera

I: vastus medialis & lateralis

tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament

A: vastus medialis & lateralis (1)

knee extension

O: sartorius

ASIS- Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

I: sartorius

tibial condyle (pes anserinus, aka goosefoot)

A: sartorius (3)

flexion & lateral rotation of hip; flexion of knee

O: tibialis anterior

lateral shaft of the tibia

I: tibialis anterior

base of the 1st metatarsle

A: tibialis anterior (2)

dorsiflexion & inversion of foot

O: psoas

L1-L5 & discs

I: psoas

lesser trochanter of femur

A: psoas (2)

hip flexion & lateral rotation of femur

O: iliacus

iliac fossa

I: iliacus

lesser trochanter of femur

A: iliacus (2)

hip flexion & lateral rotation of femur

O/I: QL (superior attachment)

12th rib

O/I: QL (inferior attachment)

iliac crest

A: QL (2)

hikes the hip; lateral flexion of spine