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33 Cards in this Set

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Action of Buccinator

Compress cheek, whistling, sucking


Origin of buccinator

Molar region of maxilla & mandible


Insertion of buccinator

Orbicularis oris


Action of Epicranius- frontal belly (frontalis)

Raise eyebrows, wrinkles forehead


Origin of frontalis

epicranial aponeurosis


Insertion of frontalis

Skin of eyebrows, root of nose


Action of zygomaticus

Raises lateral corner of mouth, smiling


Origin of zygomaticus

Zygomatic bone


Insertion of zygomaticus

Skin & muscle at corner of mouth


Action of masseter

Close jaw, chewing


Origin of masseter

Zygomatic arch


Insertion of masseter

Angle of mandible


Action of orbicularis oris

Close mouth kissing


Origin of orbicularis oris

Maxilla, mandible, blended with lip muscles


Insertion of orbicularis oris

Encircle mouth and skin at angles of mouth


Action of orbicularis oculi

Close eye, blinking, squinting


Origin of orbicularis oculi

Frontal & maxillary bones, ligaments, around orbit


Insertion of orbicularis oculi

Tissue of eyelid


Action of Platysma

Depress mandible, expressions of horror/ fright

Origin of platysma

Fascia of chest

Insertion of platysma

Lower margin of mandible, skin at corners of mouth


Origin of


Sternum/ clavicle


Insertion of sternocleidomastoid

Mastoid process of temporal bone


Action of trapezius

Head extention, raise, depress, fixate scapula

#96, 97, 98

Action of pectoralis major

Prime mover of arm flexion, adduct medially

#100, 101, 102

Origin of pectoralis major

Clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6

#100, 101, 102

Insertion of pectoralis major

Intertubercular sulcus of humerus

#100 101 102

Action of deltoid

Prime mover of arm abduction


Origin of deltoid

Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scaptula


Insertion of deltiod

Deltoid tuberosity of humerus


Action of latissimus dorsi

Arm extension, adduct, medial rotate, power stroke


Origin of latissimus dorsi

Lower 6 spinus processes thoracic


Insertion of latissimus dorsi

Floor of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
