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91 Cards in this Set

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The deep fascia of the leg is called ?
crural fascia
Crural fascia attaches 3 places?
-proximally to epicondyles of femur and tibial tuberosity (continuous with fascia lata)
-along length of anterior tibia
-distally to medial and lateral malleolus
What are the three specialized thickenings of crural fascia at ankle/what do they do?
-extensor rentiaculum, fibular retinaculum, flexor rentinaculum
-serve to hold down tendons crossing ankle
The leg is divided into ?
interosseous membrane and 3 intermuscular septum
The compartments of the leg (4) are called ?
-anterior leg compartment
-lateral leg compartment
-superficial posterior leg compartment
-deep posterior leg compartment
Muscles of the anterior leg compartment are oriented?
muscles pass from leg to dorsal foot-cross anterior side of ankle joint
Muscles of the anterior leg compartment produce what actions?
dorsiflexion of ankle joint and extension of digits or inversion-eversion of foot
Tibialis anterior m. belongs to what leg compartment?
Origin of tibialis anterior m.?
anterior-lateral tibia and interosseous membrane
Insertion of tibialis anterior m.?
first metatarsal bone (medial side of foot)
Action of tibialis anterior m.?
dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
Extensor digitorum longus m. belongs to what leg compartment?
Origin of extensor digitorum longus m.?
anterior fibula (upper fibula)
Insert of extensor digitorum longus m.?
via 4 tendons to digits 2-5
Action of extensor digitorum longus m.?
extension of digits 2-5; dorsiflexion of foot
Extensor hallucis longus m. belongs to what leg compartment?
Origin of extensor hallucis longus m.?
anterior fibula (distal fibula)
Insert of extensor hallucis longus m.?
digit 1 (base of distal phalanx)
Action of extensor hallucis longus m.?
extension of big toe; dorsiflexion of foot
Orientation of extensor hallucis longus m.?
body of extensor hallucis longus is deep to tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus m. - its tendon passes across ankle between tendons of these 2 muscles
Fibularis Tertius (peroneus tertius) m. belongs to what leg compartment?
Origin of fibularis tertius m.?
anterior fibula (distal fibula)
Insertion of fibularis tertius m.?
5th metatarsal bone (lateral side of foot)
Action of fibularis tertius m.?
dorsiflexion and eversion of foot
Extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis are where?
only muscles on dorsum (top side) of foot
Origin of extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis m.?
calcaneus bone
Insert of extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis m.?
via 4 tendons to digit 1 (hallucis) and digits 2-4 (digitorum); tendons join with tendons of extensor hallucis longus or extensor digitorum
Action of extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis m.?
extends digits 1-4
Orientation of muscles of lateral leg compartment?
tendons pass down leg and behind lateral malleolus (posterior to ankle joint)
Actions of muscles of lateral leg compartment?
mainly evertors of the foot, but since tendons pass behind lateral malleolus, also assist in plantar flexion at ankle joint
Fibularis longus (peroneus longus) m. belongs to what leg compartment?
Orientation of fibularis longus m?
superficial muscle of lateral leg; nd lateral malleolus, then diagonally completely across plantar foot to the medial side
Origin of fibularis longus m.?
lateral fibula (proximal half)
Insert of fibularis longus m.?
medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones (plantar surfaces)
Fibularis brevis m. belongs to what leg compartment?
Fibularis brevis m. is the ___ muscle of the ____
deep; lateral leg
Origion of fibularis brevis m.?
lateral fibula (distal half)
Insert of fibularis brevis m.?
base of 5th metatarsal bone (next to insertion of fibularis tertius)
Muscles of the superficial posterior leg compartment all insert onto _____ via _____/ produce what action?
calcaneus bone via calcaneal tendon; plantar flexion of foot
Gastrocnemius m. is the most ____ muscle of the ______ leg compartment
superficial; superficial posterior
Origin of gastrocnemius m.?
via 2 heads from medial and lateral epicondyles of femur; becomes tendinous at mid leg
Soleus m. belongs to what leg compartment?
superficial posterior
Orientation of soleus m.?
deep to gastrocnemius
Origin of soleus m.?
horseshoe arrangement: soleal line of tibia & posterior fibula
Plantaris m. belongs to what group of muscles of the leg?
superficial posterior
Origin of plantaris m.?
lateral epicondyle of femur
Description of plantaris m.?
small muscle with long, thin tendon running between soleus and gastrocnemius muscles
What is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body?
the calcaneal tendon
What do the superficial posterior muscles do during walking?
raise the heel against the weight of the body
What do the superficial posterior muscles do while standing?
pull back on the leg, thus stabilizing the ankle joint by preventing dorsiflexion of the foot (falling forward at ankle joint)
What muscle becomes tendinous at mid leg?
gastrocnemius m.
The medial- and lateral-inferior borders of popliteal fossa are formed by what?
medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius m.
Popliteus m. belongs to what leg compartment?
deep posterior
Origin of popliteus m.?
lateral epicondyle of femur
Insert of popliteus m.?
posterior tibia, above soleal line
Action of popliteus m.?
lateral rotation of femur or "unlocks" knee joint which initiates flexion of the leg
Tibialis posterior m. belongs to what leg compartment?
deep posterior
Orientation of tibialis m., flexor digitorum longus m., and flexor hallucis m.?
pass behind medial malleolus (posterior to ankle joint) and enter deep plantar foot; tibialis m. is the deepest
Origin of tibialis m.?
posterior tibial and fibula and interosseous membrane
Insert of tibialis m.?
navicular bone (medial side of plantar foot)
Action of tibialis m.?
plantar flexion and inversion of foot
Flexor digitorum longus m. belongs to what leg compartment?
deep posterior
Origin of flexor digitorum longus m.?
posterior tibia - medial to tibialis posterior
Insert of flexor digitorum longus m.?
via 4 tendons to distal phalanges 2-5 (plantar surfaces)
Action of flexor digitorum longus m.?
flexes lateral 4 toes; plantar flexion of foot
Flexor hallucis longus m. belongs to what leg compartment?
deep posterior
Origin of flexor hallucis longus m.?
posterior fibula
Insert of flexor hallucis longus m./orientation of tendon?
-plantar surface, distal phalanx of big toe
-tendon passes behind medial malleolus, and runs down plantar side of medial foot
Action of flexor hallicus longus m.?
-flexes big toe (digit 1); plantar flexion of foot
-powerful muscle that provides last push off by foot during walking, running
The tendons of flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallicus longus muscles must do what?
cross each other as they enter the plantar foot
The muscles of the plantar foot are covered by what?
plantar aponeurosis - deep fascia of sole of foot
The plantar foot contains _____ plus ______.
the tendons of muscles from the leg; 4 layers of foot muscles
Orientation of the first layer of plantar foot muscles?
found immediately deep to plantar aponeurosis
Abductor hallucis m. is in what layer of the foot?
first layer
Orientation of abductor hallucis m.?
overlies tendons of deep posterior leg muscles entering foot
Origin of abductor hallucis m.?
calcaneus bone
Insert of hallicus m.?
proximal phalanx of great toe
Action of abductor hallucis m.?
abducts and flexes great toe; supports longitudinal arch of foot
Abductor digiti minimi m. belongs to what layer of the foot?
first layer
Origin of abductor digiti minimi m.?
calcaneus bone
Insert of abductor digiti minimi m.?
proximal phalanx of little toe
Action of abductor digiti minimi m.?
abducts and flexes little toe; supports longitudinal arch of foot
Flexor digitorum brevis m. belongs to what layer of the foot?
first layer
Origin of flexor digitorum brevis m.?
calcaneus bone
Insert of flexor digitorum brevis m.?
via 4 tendons to digits 2-5
Action of flexor digitorum brevis m.?
flexes lateral 4 toes (digits 2-5)
Tendons of what two muscles are in the second layer of the foot?
flexor digitorum longus m. and flexor hallucis longus m.
Quadratus plantae m. belongs to what layer of the foot?
second layer
Origin of quadratus plantae m.?
calcaneus bone
Insert of quadratus plantae m.?
onto tendon of flexor digitorum longus m.
Action of quadratus plantae m.?
flexes lateral 4 toes; increases longitudinal pull of flexor digitorum longus (which enters foot medially and tends to pull preferentially in that direction)