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85 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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O- Zygomatic arch

I- Mandible
O- temporal bone

I- coronoid process & ramus of the mandible
orbicularis oculi
O- medial wall of orbit, frontal, and maxillary bones

I- circular path around orbit
orbicularis oris
O- muscle fibers surrounding opening of mouth

I- skin at corner of mouth
levator palpebrae superioris
O- root of orbit (lesser wing of sphenoid bone)

I- skin of upper eyelid
O- temporal bone, mandible

I- hyoid bone
O- mandible

I- hyoid bone
O- superior border of scapula

I- body of hyoid bone
O- clavicle and manubrium of sternum

I- mastoid process of the temporal bone
O- clavicle and manubrium of sternum

I- hyoid bone
O- styloid process of temporal bone

I- hyoid bone
O- transverse process of C1- C7

I- first and second ribs
O- sternum

I- thyroid cartilage of larynx
O- thyroid cartilage of larynx

I- hyoid bone
O- pectoralis major & deltoid fascia

I- mandible, muscles around mouth, and lower face
erector spinae
(iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis)
O- nuchal ligament, ribs 3-12, t & l vertebrae, sacrum, thoracolumnar fascia

I- mastoid process, c & t vertebrae, all ribs
latissimus dorsi
O- T6-T12, all lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, illium and inferior 4 ribs

I- intertubercular groove of humerus
O- occipital bone and spines of C7 and all thoracic vertebrae

I- spine of scapula, acromion, lateral 1/a3 of clavicle
rhomboideous major
O- spinous processes of T2-T5

I- medial border of scapula
rhomboideous minor
O- spinous processes of C7 & T1

I- medial border border of scapula
external intercostals
O- ribs 5-12

I- illiac crest, pubic symphysis, superior pubis
internal intercostals
O- thoracolumnar fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament

I- ribs 10-12, costal cartilage 7-10, pubis
rectus abdominus
O- pubic crest and symphysis

I- xiphoid processs of sternum, linea alba, and pubis
linea alba
O- sternum

I- pubic symphysis
O= xiphoid process of sternum, ribs 7-12, lumbar vertebra

I- central tendon of diaphragm
external intercostals
O- inferior margin of ribs 1-11

I- superior margin of next lower rib
internal intercostals
O- superior ribs 2-12 and margin of sternum

I- inferior margin of next higher rib
pectoralis major
O- medial clavicle, costal cartilage (costals 1-7), aponeurosis of external obliques

I- intertubercle groove of humerus
pectoralis minor
O- anterior ribs 3-5

I- coracoid process of scapula
serratus anterior
O- all or nearly all ribs

I- medial border of scapula
O- lateral epicondyle of humerus

I- olecranon process of ulna
biceps brachii
O- scapula

I- radius
O- anterior humerus

I- coronoid process of ulna
O- lateral distal humerus

I- near styloid process of radius
O- coracoid process of scapula

I- medial mid-humerus
O- clavicle and scapula

I- deltoid tuberosity of humerus
O- infraspinous fossa of scapula

I- greater tubercle of humerus
levator scapulae
O- C1-C4

I- superior angle and medial border of scapula
O- subscapular fossa of scapula

I- lesser tubercle of humerus
O- supraspinous fossa of scapula

I- greater tubercle of humerus
teres major
O- inferior angle of scapula

I- intertubercular groove of humerus
teres minor
O- lateral posterior scapula

I- greater tubercle of humerus
triceps brachii
O- humerus and scapula

I- olecranon process of ulna
abductor pollicis longus
O- radius and ulna

I- trapezium and first metacarpal
extensor carpi radialis longus
O- humerus

I- second metacarpal
extensor carpi radialis brevis
O- humerus

I- third metacarpal
extensor carpi ulnaris
O- humerus and ulna

I- fifth metacarpal
extensor digitorum
O- humerus

I- distal phalanx of philanges 2-5
extensor pollicis brevis
O- radius

I- proximal phalanx of the pollex
extensor pollicis longus
O- ulna

I- distal phalanx of the pollex
flexor carpi radialis
O- epicondyle of humerus

I- second and third metacarpals
flexor carpi ulnaris
O- humerus and ulna

I- pisiform, hamate, fifth metacarpal anteriority
flexor digitorum profundus
O- ulna

I- distal phalanges 2-5
flexor digitorum superficialis
O- humerus

I- middle phalanges of 2-5
flexor pollicis longus
O- anterior radius

I- distal phalanx of pollex
palmaris longus
O- humerus

I- palmar fascia
pronator teres
O- humerus and ulna

I- radius
pronator quadratus
O- anterior distal ulna

I- anterior distal radius
O- upper ulna and humerus

I- upper radius
adductor brevis
O- inferior ramus of pubis

I- linea aspera of femur
adductor longus
O- inferior ramus of pubis

I- linea aspera of femur
adductor magnus
O- inferior pubis and ischium

I- adductor tubercle and linea aspera of femur
biceps femoris
O- ischial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur

I- fibula
gluteus maximus
O- iliac crest (ilium), sacrum, coccyx

I- gluteal tuberosity of femur, iliotibial band
gluteus medius
O- iliac crest (ilium)

I- greater trochanter of femur
gluteus minimus
O- gluteal lines on posterior ilium

I- greater trochanter of femur
O- inferior ramus of pubis

I- tibia
(iliacus and psoas major)
O- ilium and T12-L5

I- iliacus and lesser trochanter of femur
psoas major
O- bodies and interbertebral discs of T12-L5

I- lesser trochanter of femur
O- superior ramus of pubis

I- femur
rectus femoris
O- anterior inferior iliac spine, superior part of acetabulum

I- patella and tibia
O- anterior superior iliac spine (ilium)

I- tibia
O- ischial tuberosity (ischium)

I- tibia
O- ischial tuberosity (ischium)

I- tibia
tensor fasciae latae
O- iliac crest (ilium) and anterior superior iliac spine

I- iliotibial tract
vastus intermedius
O- femur

I- tibia and patella
vastus medialis
O- femur

I- tibia and patella
vastus lateralis
O- femur

I- tibia and patella
extensor digitorum longus
O- tibia and fibula

I- phalanges 2-5
extensor hallucis longus
O- fibula

I- hallux
fibularis (peroneus) brevis
O- fibula

I- fifth metatarsal
fibularis (peroneus) longus
O- fibula and tibia

I- first metatarsal and cuneiform
O- femur

I- calcaneus
O- fibula and tibia

I- calcaneus
tibialis anterior
O- tibia

I- first metatarsal and cuneiform