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47 Cards in this Set

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Erector spinae
Trunk Extension, trunk hyperextension, lateral flexion
Rectus abdominis
Flexion and lateral flexion of the spine
External oblique
Lateral flexion of the spine
Internal oblique
Lateral trunk flexion
Transverse abdominis
Compresses abdominal viscera
Hip flexion and lateral rotation
Rectus femoris
Hip flexion and knee extension
Hip flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation; knee flexion and medial rotation
Tensor fasciae latae
Hip flexion, medial rotation, abduction
Gluteus maximus
Hip extension and lateral rotation
Biceps femoris
Hip extension and knee flexion
Hip extension and knee flexion
Hip extension and knee flexion
Hip external rotators
Hip lateral rotation
Adductor magnus, brevis, and longus
Hip adduction and rotation
Hip adduction, knee flexion, and medial rotation
Hip flexion and hip adduction
Gluteus medius and minimus
Hip abduction and medial rotation
Quadriceps: Vastus medialis, intermedius, and lateralis
Knee extension
Ankle plantarflexion and assists with knee flexion
Ankle plantarflexion
Posterior tibialis
Foot inversion, assists with ankle plantarflexion
Anterior tibialis
Ankle dorsiflexion, foot inversion
Peroneus longus
Plantarflexion and eversion
Peroneus brevis
Plantarflexion and eversion
Trapezius upper
Scapular elevation; stabilizer for scapular adduction; upward rotation of the scapula; head and neck extension and lateral flexion; head and neck rotation to the opposite side
Trapezius middle
Scapular adduction, stabilizer for upward rotation
Trapezius lower
Scapular depression, stabilizer for scapular adduction, upward rotation
Rhomboids (major and minor)
Scapular adduction and elevation, downward rotation of the scapula
Levator scapulae
Scapular elevation, downward rotation; rotates and laterally flexes the cervical vertebrae to the same side
Serratus anterior
Upward rotation of scapula, holds scapula flat on thorax, scapular abduction
Pectoralis minor
Tilts the scapulae anteriorly; with scapulae stabilized in adduction may lift chest and assist with forced inspiration
Deltoid (anterior)
Shoulder flexion and internal rotation, stabilizer for shoulder abduction
Deltoid (middle)
Shoulder abduction
Deltoid (posterior)
Shoulder extension and external rotation, stabilizer for shoulder abduction
Shoulder abduction, stabilizes humeral head in glenoid fossa
Shoulder external rotation, stabilizes humerus in glenoid fossa during shoulder motion
Teres minor
Shoulder external rotation, stabilizes humeral head in glenoid fossa during shoulder motion
Shoulder internal rotation, stabilizes humeral head in glenoid fossa during shoulder motion
Latissimus dorsi
Shoulder adduction, extension and internal rotation
Teres major
Shoulder adduction, extension and internal rotation
Pectoralis major
Shoulder adduction and internal rotation; upper fibers: shoulder flexion and horizontal adduction towards opposite shoulder;

lower fibers: horizontal adduction toward opposite iliac crest
Shoulder flexion and adduction
Biceps brachii
Elbow flexion
Elbow flexion; assists with supination and pronation to midposition
Triceps brachii
Elbow extension; long head may assist in shoulder adduction and extension
Pronator teres
Forearm pronation; assists with elbow flexion