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34 Cards in this Set

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Origin, insertion and function of the trapezius

Origin: At base of occipital bone (nuchal line) & all cervical & thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: Inserts on the spine of scapula, the acromion, & clavicle

Function: Scapular elevation, adduction/retraction, upward rotation & depression, neck extension

Origin, insertion and function of the teres major

Origin: Inferior lateral border of scapula

Insertion: Along with pectoralis mahor & latttisimus dorsi, teres major inserts at the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of humerus

Function: Medial rotator, adductor & along with posterior head of the deltoid & latissimus dorsi, extends the humerus at the arm

Biceps brachii

the prominent muscle on the front side of the upper arm

Origin, insertion and function of the biceps brachii

Origin: (2 places on scapula) The short head: the tip of the coracoid process. The long head: the supraglenoid tubercle

Insertion: Its tendon attaches on the radial tuberosity

Function: Powerful supinator of the forearm; once forearm is supine, biceps brachii flexes elbow


its name comes from its attachment to upper arm (brachium) & radius (radialis)

Origin, insertion and function of the brachioradialis

Origin: Above the lateral epicondyle of humerus

Insertion: Styloid process on radius

Function: Powerful elbow flexor when radioulnar joint is midway between supination & pronation. More influential if forearm is pronated.

Origin, insertion and function of the pronator teres

Origin: On medial epicondye of humerus & coronoid process of ulna

Insertion: Lateral surface of the midshaft of radius

Function: Pronates forearm

Origin, insertion and function of the tensor fascia latae

Origin: Anterior iliac crest

Insertion: Iliotibial tract

Function: Flexion, abduction & medial rotation of the thigh


a superficial anterior muscle of the thigh. From Latin word sartor meaning "to mend"

Origin, insertion and function of the sartorius

Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine

Insertion: Medial surface of tibia

Function: Acts across 2 joints. Allows flexion & outward rotation of hip, & helps flex knee

Origin, insertion and function of the psoas minor

Origin: 12th thoracic & 1st lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: Top of pubic bone

Function: Weak trunk flexor

Origin, insertion and function of the adductor longus

Origin: At the body of pubis

Insertion: linea aspera

Function: Hip adduction

Origin, insertion and function of the adductor magnus

Origin: Inferior ramus of pubis & ischial tuberosity

Insertion: linea aspera & adductor tubercle

Function: Hip adduction & extension

Origin, insertion and function of the rectus femoris

Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine

Insertion: All quadriceps muscles joint at the patellar tendon, which wraps around the patellar ligament & inserts on the tibial tuberosity of the tibia.

Function: Knee extension & hip flexion

Origin, insertion and function of the biceps femoris

Origin: 2 heads: tibial tuberosity & linea aspera

Insertion: Its fibres join & insert into the head of the fibula

Function: Hip extension, knee flexion, externally rotates the flexed knee

Origin, insertion and function of the tibialis anterior

Origin: Anterior shaft of tibia

Insertion: Medial cuneiform & base of first metatarsal

Function: Dorsiflexes ankle & inverts foot

Origin, insertion and function of the gastrocnemius

Origin: Has lateral & medial head; originating from the lateral & medial epicondyles of the femor. Together they form the calf

Insertion: Heads attach a common tendon & fuse with tendon of soleus to form calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon); inserts at calcaneus

Function: Plantar flexion, knee flexion


the broad superficial muscle running upward at each side of the neck

Origin, insertion and function of the sternocleidomastoid

Originates: the sternum and the clavicle

Inserts: mastoid process (temporal bone, behind the ear)

Function: flexes the head from side to side and rotates it

runs along the posterior surface of the neck and joins the skull with the spine
Origin, insertion and function of the splenius

Originates: the last 4 cervical vertebrae and the upper thoracic vertebrae

Inserts: onto the temporal and occipital bones (nuchal line) and upper cervical vertebrae

Function: rotates the neck and head

lateral to spinalis, has capitus, cervicis & thoracis attachments
Origin, insertion and function of the longissimus

Origin: Cervical, thoracic & lumbar vertebrae

Insertion: Mastoid process & cervical & thoracic vertebrae

Function: Extend & laterally flex the spine & head

Rectus Abdominus

located on each side of a tendinous line extending from the xiphoid process to the pubis. Also transected horizontally by 3 tendinous intersections creating the "washboard" appearance

Origin, insertion and function of the rectus abdominis

Origin: At the pubic crest & symphysis pubis

Insertion: The xiphoid process & the inferior ribs

Function: Serves to flex the trunk & aids in expiration, defecation & childbirth

Origin, insertion and function of the external oblique

Origin: On the lower 8 ribs

Insertion: On the iliac crest & linea alba & pubis

Function: Flex & rotate the vertebral column & compress the abdomen during forced expiration

Pectoralis Major

thick muscle covering most of the front of the chest

Origin, insertion and function of the pectoralis major

Origin: The upper part on clavicle; the lower part from sternum & costal cartilage of ribs 1-6; abdominal part from external obliques

Insertion: Both heads unite within a tendon & insert on the lateral lip of the intertubercular groove

Function: Allows internal rotation, adduction & flexion of the arm

Latissimus Dorsi

makes up about a quarter of the back area known as "lats"/"wings"

Origin, insertion and function of the latissimus dorsi

Origin: Along the lumbar & lower half of the thoracic vertebrae & the iliac crest & sacrum

Insertion: Its tendon inserts on the humerus on floor of the intertubercular groove under pectoralis major's muscle tendon

Function: An adductor, extensor & internal rotator of the arm

is above the spine of the scapula
Origin, insertion and function of the supraspinatus

Origin: Originates & rests on the posterior surface of the scapula above its spine in the supraspinous fossa

Insertion: forms a common tendon that inserts on the greater tubercle of the humerus

Function: help stabilize the shoulder joint. Supraspinatous abducts the shoulder.


large triangular muscle & only S.I.T.S. muscle located on anterior surface of scapula

Origin, insertion and function of the subscapularis

Origin: On anterior surface of scapula on the subscapular fossa

Insertion: Only rotator cuff muscle that inserts on lesser tubercle of humerus

Function: Rotates humerus medially & Stabilizes shoulder