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79 Cards in this Set

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Myosin and Thick Filaments
3 thick filaments have a 3D structure, within myosin molecules arrayed around the circumference of the thick filament
Myosin Structure
Long tail, 2 heads, all tails point towards center
Even though each myosin has 2 heads, at any one time only one head can be bound and form a .....
cross bridge
Each Myosin Head has two binding sites:
1 Actin Binding Site

1 ATP Binding Site: power the movement of myosin
(power the cross bridge cycle)
The head of Myosin acts like a...

binds to actin, then changes confirmation and slides the thin filaments towards center of sarcomere
3 Proteins of a Thin Filament
Globular-Actin: "twisted pearl strand"
chains of actin molecules twisted
into helices

Actin covered by:
Tropomyosin: regulatory protein
blocks myosin binding site on actin

Attached to tropomyosin:
Troponin: regulatory protein
a: troponin t - portin bound to tropomyosin
b: troponin c - portion of troponin that will bind to calcium
Three subunits of Troponin
TnT: portion bound to tropomyosin

TnC: portion that will bind to calcium

What happens to a thin filament in the absence of calcium?
tropomyosin blocks the myosin binding site on the actin, preventing cross bridge attachment
When can't myosin bind to actin?
When tropomyosin blocks the cross bridge binding site on actin in a relaxed skeletal muscle
When will muscle contraction occur?
When you get calcium ions inside the cell to bind to troponin

this complex then pulls tropomyosin away from the cross bridge binding site, allowing myosin to bind to actin
Absence of calcium vs presence of calcium
absence: no binding

presence: myosin binds to actin
Where is calcium stored?
sarcoplasmic reticulum

*form of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Sliding Filament Theory
filaments slide past one another

thin towards center of sarcomere, no change in length
Calcium enters, binds to troponin, opening the binding site

Myosin binds, changes its confirmation in ratchets, slides thin filaments towards the center
Force exerted by each myosin head

Distance moved
10 pN

What does ATP do in the cross bridge cycle?
breaks bond between myosin and actin

resets myosin head to prepare for another cycle

provides energy for "power stroke:" movement of myosin
Neuromuscular Junction
Where the motor nerve innervates the muscle fiber

similar structure to a synaptic cleft
Motor Units
motor nerve plus all of the muscle fibers that it innervates
Where would you want a small motor unit? How about a large?
Small: Eyes, fine control

Large: Limbs
Unlike a nerve synapse... at the Neuromuscular junction:
An AP in the motor nerve causes an AP in the skeletal muscle

Action Potential in the motor neuron cause ______ release into the neuromuscular junction
Acetylcholine (Excitatory NT)

Muscle contraction follows the delivery of ACh to the muscle fiber
conduct electrical depolarization of the sarcolemma into the muscle cell interior

*Associated with the sarcoplasmic reticulum
As an AP travels along the t-tubule, it opens what kind of channel?
change in voltage activates a voltage gated receptor known as a DPH receptor
DPH receptor senses the t-tubule voltage and causes, open this receptor:
ryanodine receptor (essentially a modified calcium channel) on the sarcoplasmic reticulum

calcium ions released into the cytosol bind to troponin
Tension of a Single Muscle Fiber Depends On:
1. Number of cross bridges
2. Length at time of stimulation
3. Frequency of stimulation
Single Fiber Force Production
"All or none" principle

Either contracted (active) or relaxed
The larger the CSA activated...
The more force you can produce
Increase whole muscle force by:
Activate more motor units
What is force directly proportional to?
Cross Sectional Area
Whole Muscle Force Depends on:
- Contraction Type
- Velocity
- Muscle Fiber Type
- Muscle Architecture
4 Types of Skeletal Muscle Contraction
- Isotonic
- Isometric
- Eccentric
Are concentric contractions and eccentric contractions isotonic?
Why are isotonic contractions studied in a lab?
Can't do in a moving joint.

As you move through a range of motion, the force your muscle has to produce changes

Isotonic means "Same Force"
Isometric Contraction
Constant length contraction
Eccentric Contraction
Occurs when a muscle is active but being lengthed
Concentric Contraction
Occurs when a muscle is active and shortens
How does an Isotonic contraction happen?
attach muscle to a lever, then attach it to a weight, stimulate muscle

weight has to be light enough for muscle to shorten

force increases then levels out

force levels out: contraction begins, muscle shortens

Force the same, length changes
Describe an Isometric Contraction
Length doesn't change

Muscles are active, contracting, producing force
Muscle Fiber Types

(Forms of Myosin)
Fast Glycolytic (FG)

Slow Oxidative (SO)

Fast Oxidative Glycolytic (FOG)
Fast Glycolytic Fibers
White meat on the turkey

Produce high forces

low numbers of mitochondria, myoglobin, and blood capillaries

rely upon glycolysis for ATP: lactic acid build up = rapid fatigue
Slow Oxidative Fibers
Dark Meat Fibers

produce low levels of force

highly vascularized

abundant mitochondria

oxidative phosphorylation: slow fatigue
Fast Oxidative Glycolytic Fibers
Intermediate between FG and SO fibers

produce more force than SO, but less than FG

fairly fatigue resistant
Slow twitch, Red, Type I Fibers
Slow Oxidative
Fast twitch, White, Type II FIbers
Fast Glycolytic
Example of SO fibers
postural muscles

responds well to repetitive stimulation without becoming fatigued
Examples of FG fibers
muscles used in sprinting or jumping

quick bursts of strong activation
Examples of FOG fibers
muscles used in walking

responds quickly AND to repetitive stimulation without becoming fatigued.
Characteristics of slow fibers
smaller diameter
darker color (myoglobin)
fatigue resistant
Aerobic ATP synthesis
low glycogen content
Characteristics of fast fibers
larger diameter
paler color
easily fatigued
Anaerobic ATP synthesis
abundant glycogen
Size Principle of Muscle recruitment
when you want to produce more force, recruit smallest fibers first:

SO fibers, then activate FO, then activate FOG
Muscle Hypertrophy
muscles can grow from heavy training

Increase diameter of muscle fibers

increase the # of myofibrils

increase amount of mitochondria

increase amount of glycogen

CANNOT INCREASE 3 of MUSCLE FIBERS, just increase their diameter.

CSA that matters, not diameter (Force proportional to CSA)
Muscle Atrophy
reduction in muscle size and muscle tone at rest as a result of muscle inactivity

reduction in force, and hence its power
Anaerobic activity
Sprinting, weight lifting

Tend use more fast fibers, fibers that fatigue more rapidly
Aerobic activity
Prolonged activity: long distance running and swimming

Supported by mitochondria

Require oxygen

More FOG, less FO
Muscle Fiber Types
What you don't use, you lose

Muscle fibers break down proteins, become smaller and weaker

With prolonged inactivity, fibrous tissue may replace muscle fibers
Name two ways to increase CSA
change fiber type

activate more motor units
Muscle Architecture - Parallel or Fusiform
long chains of muscle fibers

Designed for muscles that undergo shortening contractions that produce work

Muscles usually contract over long distances
example of a muscles with fusiform architecture
sartorius or biceps brachii
Muscle Architecture - Convergent
Muscles converge onto a single insertion

Increase CSA

allow for intermediate length change while staying stable
example of a convergent muscle architecture
Pectoralis Major
Muscle Architecture: Pennate
designed to have a large CSA

designed to produce force

NOT designed to shorten over long distance
Unipennate Muscles
One group of fibers coming into a single tendon

fibers arranged to insert diagonally, allowing for great strength

ex: digitorum longus
Bipennate Muscles
two rows of muscle fibers, facing in opposite diagonal directions, with a central tendon (like a feather)

great power, but less range of motion

ex: rectus femoris
Multipennate Muscles
multiple rows of diagonal fibers, with a central tendon that branches into two or more tendons

ex: deltoid
What is the advantage of muscle architecture where there are short fibers placed at an angle?

thus, increase force

ex: deltoid
Parallel muscles are usually long and have good what?
Skeletal muscles are named by:

Movement they produce

Occupations or habits


Origins and Insertions

Fascicle Orientation

Relative Position

Structural Characteristics
Skeletal Muscles Named By Movement
Flexor, Extensor, Adductor, Abductor
Skeletal Muscles Named By Occupation or Habits
Riser muscles involved with laughter
Skeletal Muscles Named By Location in Body
Identifies body regions

abdominal obliques cover abdominal cavity;
Temporalis muscle
Skeletal Muscles Named By Origin and Insertion
First part of name indicates origin, second part indicates insertion

Skeletal Muscles Named By Fascicle Orientation
describes fascicle orientation within the muscle

obliques, rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus
Skeletal Muscles Named By Relative Position


superficialis tendon
external obliques
internal obliques
Skeletal Muscles Named By Structural Characteristics
Number of tendons they have

shape: trapezius, rhomboid, deltoid, biceps (Bi for 2 heads)

Skeletal Muscles Named By Action
Masseters involved in mastication
Appendicular Musculature
Position and stabilize pectoral and pelvic girdles

Move upper and lower limbs

Two divisions:
muscles of shoulders and upper limbs
muscles of pelvis and lower limbs
Major muscles that move the pectoral girdle
serratus anterior
teres minor
Muscles that move the arm
teres major
pectoralis major
latissimus dorsi
The Rotator Cuff
Muscles involved in shoulder rotation and stabilization

Teres Minor