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5 Cards in this Set

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What is “High-Risk” training?
High-risk training is training in which a lack of stringent controls is likely to expose students, instructors, or bystanders to life threatening injury. A failure in equipment, procedures, environmental conditions, or human factors may result in a class A or B mishap. The improper actions of even one high-risk instructor may result in a class A or B mishap.
What is “Moderate-Risk” training?
Moderate-risk training is training in which a lack of stringent controls could expose students and/or instructors to injury. Equipment failure, faulty procedures, environmental, or human factors might result in a class A or B mishap, but are more likely to result in a class C or D mishap. The improper actions of one moderate-risk instructor will not likely result in a serious mishap because equipment/site design, procedures, or redundant controls prevent it.
What is a Drop on Request (DOR) and the procedure for conducting one?
1. Definition: A DOR is when a student requests to drop voluntary training based on concern for personal well-being.

2. Procedure:

a. After removal from training, the student shall submit a written request detailing the reasons for the DOR. It must clearly state the student’s desire to DOR. The request shall be submitted directly to the training or division officer and shall become a part of the student’s training record.

b. The student will be interviewed by the training or division officer. This person shall make a reasonable effort to determine:

(1) The real motivation for the request.

(2) If the decision to DOR is the result of some training factor which may lead other students to DOR.

(3) If the student desires to reenter the program.

(4) If student retention is warranted, are there actions (counseling, change of instructor, or special assistant) which might cause the student not to DOR? Are such actions justified in view of the impact upon the overall training program and upon other students?

c. The interview need only be detailed enough to satisfy the CO, OIC, or DOT that the student understands the gravity of DOR, and that the reasons for the DOR are known or that further questioning is unlikely to reveal additional information.

d. No one in the DOR chain shall refuse to forward a request or to remove the student from training, nor shall anyone delay a request in an effort to arrive at the cause of the DOR, or threaten/coerce a student to reconsider.

e. Post-Interview Procedure. If, after the interview, a student still desires to DOR, the interviewer shall refer the student to the reviewing officer for further interviews and recommend actions shall be provided by the interviewing officer to the reviewing officer.

f. Administrative Procedure. The administrative procedures for disposition of a DOR attrite are the same as those for a disenrollment. There is, however, no requirement for a formal ARB.
Explain the use of "Training Time Outs."
a. The purpose of a TTO is to correct the situation of concern, provide clarifying information, or to remove the student or instructor from the possible hazardous environment.

b. A Training Time-Out (TTO) may be called in any training situation where a student or instructor expresses concern for personal safety or requests clarification of procedures or requirements. TTO is also an appropriate means for a student to obtain relief if he or she is experiencing pain, heat stress, or other serious physical discomfort.

c. Students shall be briefed on TTO policy and procedures prior to each high or moderate-risk evolution or laboratory. At this time, the appropriate verbal and/or nonverbal signals to use
will be discussed. TTO shall be rebriefed prior to the start of training following major breaks,
such as meal times. Evolution-specific TTO procedures should be added where needed.
How often are “Safety Stand-Downs” required?
Stand-downs are required annually for high/moderate-risk courses. Stand-downs shall also be conducted following mishaps, near misses, or major course revisions/equipment modifications (these may focus on the specific topics involved and may be shorter in duration than annual stand-downs).