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52 Cards in this Set

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what are the 7 steps of an intro?
a. introduce your self
b. class room ploicies
c. topic
d. topic learning objectives
e. overview
f. general intrest for student
g. intence personal intrest for student
what are the types of oral questions
thought provoking
intrest arrousing
multiple answer
why do we ask questions or what is the purpose of a question
to stimulate student thought on the topic
what kind of tests do we have that are performanced based
proess/procedure= evaluation step by step

product= end result is most important

combination= means and end
a student can learn in how many ways and what are they
1. assoiation= ability to associate the taske with a past expiriance similar to the one at hand
2. transfer= changing a tire on a car and changing a tire on a bike
3. imitate= monkey see monkey do
4. insight= study of procedure theory and construction and comes natural
5. trial and error= dont succeed teh first time try try again
what are the instructors responsabilities
to the student in teaching effectivly
to safety and safey of the students
to security maintaining all matierial secure with no security violations
to curriculum keeping the course up todate
How do you ask a question to your students
ask= ask the question
pause= let the question sink in
pick= select a student to answer the question
listen= listen to the answer given
evaluate and expound= judge weather answer is right and expound on that answer giving positive feed back
traits of a good question
correct level of instruction
use of interogitive
clarity of meaning
what are the common traits each student shares
belief in they'er maturity
desire to succeed
ability to evaluate
fair play
communication skills and techniques
listening= ensure environment is free of distractions determine if students are listening by the type of feedback given
learning senses in order from most effective to least effective are
sound/ hearing
ways of motivation
make the subject matter interesting
establish goals
provide informative feedback
intrest in students
encourage participation

do everything possible to encourage your students to learn, keepiing it physicaly and psychologicly safe
why do we motivate
needs and drives= deflict or lack that causes a desire for satisfaction "the need to belong"
intrest= view activities as worth while it is an internal motivator (why, how it will bennifit them)
values= values addittudes and precioous experiances affect the nature of what they learn( if the see no value in the topic the will not retain it)
Attitudes= positive attitude will stimulate the student to learn
incentives= good grades rewards honnor man. will instill a desire to achieve greater things
achivement= you must want to achive a certain level (one must be a bud before it becomes a flower)
Discuss the categories of attrition.
Academic attrition
Lack of classroom ability
Lack of laboratory ability
All will result in an ARB

Non- academic attrition
No ARB required
How often is training on safety required for all staff?
How often will a Formal Course Review (FCR) be conducted?


No course review cycle will exceed three years
State the manual numbers and titles of the NAVEDTRA 130 series manuals.
130 Task Based Curriculum Development Manual
131 Personnel Performance Profile Based Curriculum Development Manual
134 Navy Instructor Manual
135 Navy School Management Manual
When are ARB’s required?
A students overall grade falls below the minimum passing grade
A student fails a retest after having received remediation on that same material
A students performance is below the expected academic progress
A student fails a test following an academic setback
What are the two purposes of Instructor Evaluations?
Technical qualification of the Instructor

Technique of the Instructor
State the 6 phases of the curriculum development/revision process
When will preliminary evaluation take place?
During the in-process reviews when required by the contract
State the purpose of (CANTRAC) Catalog of Navy Training Courses?
To provide policy and guidance for maintenance, production, format, submitting and updating of CANTRAC.
What type of courses are considered “High Risk”?
Training in which lack of stringent controls is likely to expose students, instructors, or bystanders to life threatening injury. A failure in equipment, procedures, environmental conditions, or human factors may result in a class A or B mishap.

Damage Control
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
What is a “Bottleneck Ratio”?
When more students are present than the training can handle, classes will have to be split, or when matierials or equpment can only handle a certain amount of students.
What Is the Most Essential Single Link in the Training Chain?
What Are the Qualities of an Efficient and Effective Instructor?

familiar with students education background

instructional strategies and techniques


Leadership: plan and organize, discipline, and monitor progress and results

Instructional:techniques, methods, and principles
Personality, Behavioral, temperamental, Emotional
What are the six key principles to applying motivation theory in a training situation.
Feedback Students need feedback when they are trying to meet goals
Interest Show interest in students, get involved, caring
Goals Establish goals so students know exactly what they are expected to know at the end of training
Participation Encourage participation (no question is a bad question)
Interesting Make subject interesting (motivation)
What is the ultimate goal of instruction?
Keep students motivated beyond the instructors influence
Apply what students have learned on the job
What are the five different ways of learning?
Imitation Imitate instructors behavior
Trial & Error Learning by doing
Association Comparison of past learning to new learning situation
Insight Whole is more than the sum of parts (book smart)
Transfer Applying past learning to new
What are the five laws of learning?
The single most important factor in a students educational advancement is …….
What are the five learning senses in order
Sight Most important (75% of basic learning)
Hearing Second most important
Touch Major learning factor when combined with other senses
Taste & Smell Part of human WARNING system
Kinesthesia Reaction and coordination
What are the four learning styles? What are the percentages?
Abstract Theory-based approach to learning (book smart)
Reflective Observation approach to learning (films)
Concrete Experience-based approach to learning (demo)
Active Hands on Training approach to learning (labs)

Abstract = 20%
Abstract and reflective = 50%
Abstract, reflective, and concrete = 70% (ARC)
Abstract, reflective, concrete, and active = 90%
What are the barriers to effective communication?
Send the message
Receive the message
What are the five factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery?
Grammar - correct usage of spoken or written words
Articulation - simple words
Rate of speech - fast enough to interest / slow enough to understand
Force - adding emphasis
Inflection- change of pitch or tone of voice
What are the characteristics of a good oral question?
Level of Instruction Use simple words, correct grammar, and complete sentences
Use of Interrogative Use interrogatory words at the beginning of each question. (What)
Clarity and Meaning Avoid trick questions
What are the types of oral questions?
Factual Help students memorize facts
Thought-provoking Begins with interrogatory word
Multi-answer Used to increase student participation and allows students to think about other student answers
Leading Suggest its own answer
Canvassing Determines class level
Yes/No Focusing attention and encouraging participation
What are the three learning domains?
What are the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test?
Comprehension Understanding what was taught
Application Use of knowledge in a job-related situation
Recall Remembering what was taught with an association of words, terms, and facts
Recognition Verbatim identification
Analysis Understanding information
What are the volumes of the NAVEDTRA 130 and their purpose?
Volume I Developers Guide
Step-by-step guidance for developing effective training materials

Volume II Sample Product
Sample documents

Volume III Managers Guide
Management information important to P.A.D.D.I.E
What is a Personnel Performance Profile (PPP)?
Minimum listing of knowledge and skills required to operate and maintain a system, subsystem, or equipment, or to perform a task or function
4 areas instructor eval
Explain the planning phase
Develop TPP> New Course
Revise Course
Delete course
Explain Analyze phase
analyze job>gather analysis> compile analysis> select duties and tasks> sort cttl by duties and tasks> check duties and tasks completeness and continuity> prepare CTTL
Explain the design phase
Develop TO, EO> Develop COI> Complete TCCD> Combine front matter, COI and annexes, Prepare TCCD
Explain the develop Phase
Develpop curriculum/support mat'l>combine elements> training mat'l> Conduct pilot> privide pilot pilot course monitoring report
Explain the implement phase
Curriculum control authority approves course> Functional commander authorizes the course to be taught
Explain the evaluate phase
Conduct internal and external eval> course modification
What is the normal certification path for instructors
Complete JIT 9502, attend instructor indoctrination, obtain qualification cards, Sit through, study, use all materials and aids. personalized instructor guide, serve as asst instructor, achiev sat evaluation on 2 practice teaches with a grade of satisfactory on qualification teachs (qualification can be combined with the second practice teach), Sit through oral interview with SME DEPT HD. issued a letter of qualification to instruct said topic signed by DEPT HEAD
what are the ways of learning
Readiness= ready to learn

Effect= cause and effec if i do this this will happen

Exercise= practice makes perfect

Primacy= whats first put out is hardest to forget

Intencity= experiance given in vivid context will be retained better
what are considdered learning styles
concrete learners= must approch situation hands on more of an experiance based approach

active learners=utilize a step by step systematic approach, experiment, and use trial and error

Reflective learners= compair and contrast what they observe prior to operation

abstract learners= theory based(book smart) plan anylize and discover concepts prior to operation
barriers of communication
lack of common expierience
over use of abstractions
Environmantal factors