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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the two content areas in domain One?
-Conducting Ongoing Assessment of Reading Development.
-Planning, Organizing, and Managing Reading Instruction.
Domain one addresses...
general principles of assessment and instruction.
All good assessment tools have the following four characteristics.
-A standard piece of work to be performed.
-A standard way of creating the conditions for and administering the work to be performed.
-Standards of measurement so that teachers can kinow how and when to make dependable, meaningful comparisons.
-A peice of work that can be found in the real world so that observations and assessments made by the teacher will have some relevance to the child's real-world existence.
Analysis of children's assessment scores enables the teacher to...
Tailor their lessons to their students' individual need to progress through literacy acquisition.
Name the five categories that most assessment tolls can be organized into.
-Student Profile
-Auditor Discrimination and Phoneme Awareness
-Emerging Literacy Assessments
-Sight Word Assessments
-Formal Reading Assessment
What will student profiling help teachers determine about their students.
It may prove valuable in determining how to motivate students and how their background and home life inform their reading development.
Five examples of student profiling tools include:
-The Burke Interview
-Concepts of Pring Invantory
-A survey of home literacy
-observations of the student
-interviewing the student
Two auditory descrimination and Phoneme Awareness tests may include:
-The Yopp-singer Phoneme Segmentation Test
-The Sehfelbine Basic Phonic Skills Test
The Yopp-singer Phoneme Segmentation Test and The Sehfelbine Basic Phonic Skills Test, test:
Rhyming, blending, substisution of sounds, and deletion of sounds and are most usefull in kindergarden.
Emerging Literacy assessments determine a student's readiness to learn to read and may include these five assessment tools:
-Environmental print assessments,
-name literacy,
-book handling assessments,
-language of experience assessments, and
-stages of writing assessments
Sight word assessments are designed to indicate the number of words a student recognizes upon sight and include:
-The Dolch sight word assessment
-The second language assessment (ESL)
-BICS/CALP assessments.
Formal reading assessments, usually done on a schoolwide or state wide basis to measure student progress in reading may include:
-Basal end of unit testing
-Benchmark testing
What are the three reading levels students have that teachers can assess?
-Independent = 95% accuracy
-Instructional = w/ assistance of teacher 85-95%
-Frustration Level = Below 85% accuracy
What tools can teachers use to determine student reading levels?
-five-finger rule
-Cloze precedure
-miscue analysis
-basic reading invantory
-The Ekwall Shanker Reading Inventory
-Textbook placement materials
The most_____ and the most ________strategy is most likely to be the correct answer.
Flexible, individualized