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31 Cards in this Set

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What is the Alphabetic Prinicple?

the idea that written spellings represent spoken words
What is Alliteration?
occurs when words begin with the same consonant sound as in "Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers."
What is an Anchor Block?
a balanced literacy term for a book that is purposely read repeatedly and used as part of both the reading and writing workshop.
What is Assonance?
Occurs when words begin with the same vowel sound.
What is Authentic Assessment?
Assessment activities which reflect the actual workplace, family, community and school curriculum.
What is the Balanced Literacy lesson format?
Begins with a 10-15 minute mini-lesson which is delivered to the whole class. It is then followed by a 30 minute small group lesson. It concludes with a 10 minute share during which the whole class reconvenes to share.
What is BICS- Basic Interpersonal Communications Skills?
learning a second language skill and becoming proficient in a 2nd language through face to face interactions-translations through speaking, listening and viewing.
What is blending?
The process of hearing seperate phonemes and being able to merge them together.
What features of a book do children need to be familiar with?
Front/back covers, title page, half title page, dedication page, table of contents, prologue and epilogue, forward and after notes, captions, lables, glossary, index, heading, charts and sidebars.
What is reading comprehension?
occurs when the readers correctly interprets the print on the page and constructs meaning. depends on activating prior knowledge, cultural and social background of the reader, and the reader's ability to use comprehension monitoring strategies.
What are consonant diagrams?
two consecutive consonants that represent one new speech sound. In the word "digraph" the "ph" sounds like /f/. This is a digraph.
What is a kinesthetic learner?
learning is tactile as contrasted with an activity where the learner sits still or attempts to sit still. Cutting and moving syllable or word strips or using sand paper letters are kinesthetic activities.
What is Meaning Vocabulary?
words whose meaning children understand and can use.
What is syntax?
the way words are put together in a language to form phrases, clauses or sentences.
What is orthography?
a method of representing spoken language through letters and diacritics.
What is guided reading?
one of the key modes of instruction in the balanced literacy approach. During guided reading the teacher "guides" the child through silent reading of a text by giving them prompts, target questions and even helping the child start an answer. At the end of each guided reading section or exerpt of a text, the child stops to talk about the text. This is an interactive lesson. Generally used when the child needs more support in constructing meaning beacuse the text is complex.
Fluent Readers
Id most words. They can read chapter books with good comprehension. They consistantly monitor cross-check and sel, correct reading. They can offer their own interpretations of text based on personal experience and prior reading.
to change information from one code to another, reading to writing.
Word Analysis
analyzing words based on letters, phonic strutures and dictionary skills.
study of engaging in efective communications
study of language, intonation, rhythm, pitch, stress and juncture.
word sentence meaning
made of up affixes and base word.
contextual redefinition
using context to determine word meaning
sounding out a printed sequence of letters based on knowledge of letter sound correspondences
two vowels that are prounced seperately. "ou" in house.
Early Readers
id most high frequency words, and many simple words. use pics to confirm meaning . use syntax and phonics to figure out most simple words. use spelling patterns to figure out words. the are gaining control of reading strategies. use their own experiences and background information to glean meaning.
to change a message into symbols. from oral language to writing.
emergent readers
reader understands that print contains a message. can regognize some high frequency words using context. pics can be used to predict meaning. understand directionality in reading.
study of speech structure
semantic cues
use of prior knowledge and sense of story to have comprehension