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423 Cards in this Set

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How many bp of DNA are there in each human cell?
3.3 billion
How many genes are there in the human genome?
25,000 - 30,000 genes
What is a mutation?
- Any change in DNA sequence away from normal
- Often disease-causing
- Rare frequency
What is a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)?
- DNA sequence variation that is common in the population (>1%)
- Affects only one single nucleotide base
- Usually non-disease causing
How frequent are SNPs?
~1 SNP for every 1000 base pairs (> 4 million total); although frequency varies by race
What is a haplotype?
Set or group of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)
What are copy number variations (CNVs)?
Abnormal number of copies of DNA (gene deletions/duplication)
How many CNV (copy number variations) have been identified?
>1400 CNV regions (covering ~12% of genome)
How long are CNVs (Copy number variations)?
1 kilobase to several megabases
What are Low Copy Repeats (LCRs)?
Region-specific repeat sequences, susceptible to genomic rearrangements, which can result in CNVs (Copy Number Variations)
What are some methods for SNP genotyping and mutation detection?
- Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) - used when a SNP creates or abolishes a restriction site
- High Resolution Melting Analysis
- Real-Time PCR
- SNP Microarrays - analyze gene expression
- First Generation Sequencing (Sanger Method)
- Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
What is necessary for Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) to be a technique usable for SNP Genotyping and Mutation Detection? How is it performed?
- Requires SNP to create or abolish a restriction site
- Amplify region of interest with flanking primers
- Digestion of PCR product with enzymes
- Resolve products by gel electrophoresis
What is an example of a SNP that was located via restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)?
- Cystic Fibrosis mutation 2789 + 5G>A
- Creates an Ssp1 cut site
- Generates 3 fragments compared to 2 fragments in WT
Where on a melting curve is the melting temperature?
The midpoint of the transition is the Tm
What factors can influence the melting temperature?
pH, Ionic Strength, and Size/Base composition of DNA
How is the High Resolution Melting Analysis performed for SNP Genotyping and Mutation Detection?
- PCR performed using primers flanking targeted region of interest and double-stranded nucleic acid dye
- Melting temp of entire amplicon determined
- When double-stranded DNA melts into single strands, dye is released, causing change in fluorescence
- Melting temp difference between samples due to sequence variation
How is Real-Time PCR (qPCR) used for SNP genotyping and mutation detection?
- Amplify and quantify targeted DNA molecule with qPCR in real-time
- Allele-specific probes designed for both alleles of a SNP w/ nucleotide of interest in middle
- 5' end of oligo labeled with fluorophore, 3' end contains quencher
- Fluorescence of 5' is quenched as long as fluorophore is in close proximity to quencher
- During PCR, 5' nuclease enzyme only cleaves hybridized probe, freeing the fluorescent label from quencher
- Allele-specific increase in fluorescence w/ each cycle of PCR
- If probe doesn't match and hybridize to allele than the fluorophore will not be detected
How are Microarrays conducted?
- mRNA samples are collected from cells at two different stages in development of a frog
- mRNA samples converted to cDNAs by reverse transcriptase using fluorescently labeled DNA nucleotides
- Add cDNAs to a microarray; fluorescent cDNAs anneal to complementary sequences on microarray
- Each spot represents a gene expressed in the cells
- Green spots represent mRNAs more abundant at single-cell stage; red for later in development; and yellow for equal abundance at both stages
How are Microarrays used to detect SNPs?
- High-density oligonucleotide SNP arrays, hundreds of thousands of probes with DNA variants are arrayed on a small chip
- Many SNPs are interrogated simultaneously
- Once DNA is attached to solid surface, microarray can be probed with DNA from an individual that has been fluorescently labeled
- Fluorescent nucleic acids anneal to complimentary sequences on microarray
What is the procedure for the First Generation Sequencing (Automated Sanger) Method?
- PCR amplification of target of interest
- PCR product is denatured and a sequencing primer is annealed to region of interest
- Extension reaction performed using dNTPs and dideoxynuclotides (ddNTPs) labeled w/ different colored fluorescent tags
- Incorporation of a ddNTP will terminate extension, resulting in various dye-labeled segments of DNA
- Colored fragments are separated by size when analyzed by gel-electrophoresis
- DNA sequence is ready as colors pass through detector
What is the principle behind the Next-Generation Sequencing Method?
- Sequencing DNA molecules in a massively parallel fashion in a flow cell
- Each clonal template or single molecular is "individually" sequenced and can be counted among the total sequences generated
What is a potential problem with second-generation NGS (next-generation sequencing) methods?
- PCR amplification may introduce base sequence errors or favor certain sequences over others
- This would change the relative frequency and abundance of various DNA fragments that existed before amplification
How do third-generation NGS (next-generation sequencing) methods overcome the issue of spontaneous sequencing errors that have been demonstrated in second-generation methods?
Third-generation method baesd on sequencing from a single DNA molecule without prior amplification
How does the Sanger method (first generation sequencing) compare to Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) methods?
- NGS platforms generate shorter reads with lower quality (but bioinformatics tools assist in mapping shorter reads to reference sequences
- NGS has higher throughput and faster turnaround time
- NGS has a small amount of starting material needed
- NGS is lower in cost - $1000 for entire genome
What is the purpose of molecular diagnostic testing?
- Detects variations associated with a disease or disorder
- Also predicts a patient's response to medications (or explain drug-related toxicity)
What is pharmacogenetics (PGx)? What is its goal?
- Study of individual genetic variations in DNA sequence related to drug response
- Goal is to select the right drug, at the right dose in order to avoid adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and ineffective treatment
- Used to personalize patient's medical treatment
What are the benefits of pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing?
- Optimize drug therapy (dose and medication choice) based on individual's DNA
- Limit drug toxicity/decrease number of adverse reactions
- Decrease number of treatment failures
- Increase clinical effectiveness of drug treatment
- Decrease overall health care costs
- Increase patient quality of care
Which enzymes are important for metabolism and bioactivation of ~75% of total drugs and xenobiotics?
Cytochrome P450 (CYP450)
How are Cytochrome P450s (CYP450) SNP alleles denoted?
- CYP450 SNP alleles are given a star nomenclature that corresponds to a specific genomic location
- e.g., CYP2C19*2 = CYP2C19:g, 19154G>A (reference nucleotide G at genomic "g" position is changed to A)
- Reference gene sequence (functional allele) is indicated as CYP2C19*1
How are SNPs categorized?
Based on overall function of the protein: functional, decreased-function, nonfunctional, increased function
What is an example of a drug that depends upon a CYP450 enzyme to activate it?
- Clopidogrel (Plavix) - given to prevent heart attack and stroke by limiting platelet aggregation
- CYP2C19 metabolizes the drug to its active form
What are the implications of having a variant of CYP450 (*2 or *3)?
- Results in decreased or poor metabolism of of Clopidogrel (Plavix)
- Poor metabolizers have a higher rate of cardiovascular events because Clopidogrel is ineffective at reducing platelet aggregation
What is the most common fatal autosomal recessive disorder in Caucasian populations? How common is it?
Cystic Fibrosis (CF): ~1:2000-3000 live births
What causes Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
Mutation in CFTR gene, which encodes a Cl- channel; >1500 mutations in CFTR gene have been identified
What is the most common mutation that causes Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
ΔF508 (frequency = 0.68)
If a rare mutation is suspected to be causing Cystic Fibrosis (CF) what is done?
Full gene sequencing of CFTR gene
How are newborns in WI screened for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
23 ACMG-recommended mutations are screened for (although larger mutation panels are available to increase detection rate)
What is the most prevalent inheritable genetic deletion syndrome (1:3000-4000 live births)?
- 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22qDS) - 1.5 to 3.0 Mb hemizygous deletion of chromosome 22q between low copy repeat regions (LCRs) (>35 genes)
- Found in most patients with DiGeorge Syndrome and Velocardiofacial Syndrome
How is 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q DS) obtained?
- Most cases are sporadic
- 10% of cases are inherited
- Autosomal dominant
Why is early detection of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q DS) so important?
75% of FISH-positive 22q11.2 deletion subjects have congenital heart disease (major cause of mortality)
How can the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q DS) be detected?
- Standard FISH probe (HIRA)
- Although it can miss 22q DS in subjects who carry smaller microdeletions within the typical deleted region
- PCR-based assays, such as multiplex quantitative rtPCR to detect TBX1 gene deletion (major genetic determinant of chromosome 22q DS) which is more sensitive than Standard FISH Probe
What is the "karyotype" of a cell?
Morphological characteristics of a cell's chromosomes (showing all 46+/- chromosomes)
Each haploid (2N) genome has how many genes?
~25,000 genes so ~1000 genes/chromosome
Each gene copy in a diploid genome is called what?
What are some examples of hyomozygous recessive conditions?
- Albinism
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Galactosemia
- Phenylketonuria
- Tay-Sachs Disease
How do you know that the mother is a carrier?
A recessive allele on the X chromosome (e.g., red-green color blindness and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy)
What happens to the DNA during S phase?
2N DNA becomes 4N
What is the "phenotype"?
- Biochemical, anatomical, physiological, or behavioral trait
- Mediated by genotype and environment
What is the "genotype"?
One's genetic makeup, governed by allelic differences
What stimulates mitosis?
Phosphorylation, mediated by Mitotic CDK (CDK-1 + Cyclin B), which is activated by de-phosphorylation of CDK-1 (via cdc25 phosphatase)
What is the goal of mitosis?
To restore the 2N condition by preciselyy splitting into two cells
What happens at the end of G2 phase?
Mitotic CDK (CDK-1) induces separation of the centrosomes, which had duplicated in S-phase, initiating formation of the mitotic spindle
What are the stages of mitosis?
1. Prophase
2. Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
5. Cytokinesis
What happens during early prophase?
- Mitotic CDK induces "condensin" which stimulates chromatin condensation
- Sister chromatids pair-up and are held together at the centromere
- Centrosomes arrive at spindle poles
What happens during late prophase?
- Mitotic CDK causes nuclear envelope breakdown
- Protein complexes called kinetochores envelop each centromere (center of chromatid) and kinetochore tubules connect the chromatids to the centrosomes (at poles)
- Astral microtubules decorate each centrosome
- Polar microtubules do not attach to chromatids but extend from centrosomes and overlap at equator
What happens during metaphase?
- Kinetochores microtubules align the chromosomes at the metaphase plate, which is halfway between the poles (centrosomes)
- Continued microtubule assembly via incorporation of tubulin subunits must happen for mitosis to continue
What kind of drugs block microtubule assembly and prolong metaphase, essentially blocking mitosis?
- Colchicine blocks microtubule assembly
- Chemotherapy: taxol and vinblastine
- Vinblastine also inhibits microtubule assembly by binding tubulin
- Taxol inhibits microtubule disassembly
What happens during anaphase?
- Anaphase-promoting complex (APC), which contains ubiquitin, initiates anaphase
- In the kinetochore, APC degrades securin, threby release separase which in turn degrades cohesin, permitting the release of the sister chromatids
- Chromatids move to opposite poles via a "push-pull" mechanism involving microtubules and microtubule motor proteins
What is the "push-pull" mechanism that occurs during anaphase?
- "Push" - via elongation of polar microtubules
- "Pull" - via shortening of kinetochore microtubules
What happens during telophase?
- Kinetochore tubules become extinct
- Polar tubules still elongating ("push")
- New nuclear envelope forms (lamin B)
- Nuclear division = karyokinesis
What is karyokinesis?
Nuclear division (Prophase - Telophase)
What happens during cytokinesis?
- Cytoplasm divides at the cleavage furrow
- Cleavage furrow is created by a ring of contractile proteins (including actin and myosin)
- Completes cytoplasmic division
How does mitosis and meiosis differ in the number of cell divisions and cells created?
- Mitosis: 1 cell division --> 2 cells
- Meiosis: 2 cell divisions --> 4 cells
How does the number of chromosomes throughout mitosis and meiosis differ?
- Mitosis: chromosome number stays the same (diploid, start with 2N --> 4N --> 2N)
- Meiosis: chromosome number is reduced (diploid --> haploid, start with 2N --> 4N --> 2N --> N)
How many S-phases are there per division in mitosis vs meiosis?
- Mitosis: 1 S-phase per division
- Meiosis: 1 S-phase per 2 divisions (no S-phase in meiosis-2)
How does chromosome pairing differ during prophase for mitosis and meiosis?
- Mitosis: Normally, no pairing of homologous chromosomes (each daughter cell receives maternal and paternal chromosomes)
- Meiosis: Homologous chromosomes do 'pair' during prophase I
How does the number of cross-overs during mitosis and meiosis differ?
- Mitosis: no crossovers
- Meiosis: at least 1 crossover per homologous pair
When do the centromeres that bind chromatids separate in mitosis vs. meiosis?
- Mitosis: Anaphase
- Meiosis: Anaphase II (not anaphase I)
How is the genotype of the daughter cells compare to the parental cells in mitosis and meiosis?
- Mitosis: daughter cell genotype is identical (conservative)
- Meiosis: daugther cell (gamete) genotype is variable
What happens during anaphase I in meiosis? in anaphase II?
- Anaphase I - Homologous chromosomes separate
- Anaphase II - chromatids separate
How many chromosomes are there in mitosis at S/G2? How many chromatids?
4N = 46 chromosomes = 92 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in mitosis at metaphase? How many chromatids?
4N = 46 chromosomes = 92 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in mitosis at anaphase? How many chromatids?
4N = 92 chromosomes (cells have not yet divided but the sister chromatids have separated) = 92 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in meiosis-1 at S/G2? How many chromatids?
4N = 46 chromosomes = 92 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in meiosis-1 at metaphase? How many chromatids?
4N = 46 chromosomes = 92 chromatids (chromosomes are lined up in pairs)
How many chromosomes are there in meiosis-1 at anaphase? How many chromatids?
4N = 46 chromosomes = 92 chromatids (homologous pairs have separated but cell is not divided)
How many chromosomes are there in daughter cells of meiosis-1? How many chromatids?
2N = 23 chromosomes = 46 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in daughter cells of mitosis? How many chromatids?
2N = 46 chromosomes = 46 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in meiosis-2 at anaphase? How many chromatids?
2N = 46 chromosomes (because 23 chromosomes have separated into two and the cell has not divided yet) = 46 chromatids
How many chromosomes are there in daughter cells of meiosis-2? How many chromatids?
N = 23 chromosomes = 23 chromatid
In mitosis, how do the daughter cells compare to each other?
They are genetically identical (2N)
In meiosis, how do the daughter cells compare to each other?
Produce gametes with different genotypes (by exploiting heterozygosity)
What is Mendel's 1st Law?
- Equal segregation of alleles
- When gametes are made, the two allelic copies of each gene, i.e., the maternal and paternal alleles respectively residing on the two homologous chromosomes, separate in a fashion wherein each gamete receives only one allele
- A gamete can receive only one allele or the other, never both, i.e. "equal segregation"
What is Mendel's 2nd Law?
- Independent Assortment of Alleles
- During gamete formation, alleles of different genes assort independently of each other
- Independent traits are sorted independently of each other
When does independent assortment of alleles occur?
During meiosis-1 (consequent to metaphase-1)
Why is it important to have independent assortment of alleles?
To generate genetic diversity
What kind of division is meiosis-1?
A Reductive Division - chromosome number in 2 daughter cells is reduced by half because the paired homologous chromosomes (each still with 2 chromatids) are apportioned to 2 daughter cells
What kind of division is meiosis-2?
A Mitotic Division - although there is no S-phase, the centromeres divide at anaphase II and the chromatids are apportioned to the daughter cells (gametes) which then have haploid (N) DNA content
What happens during genetic recombination?
- Randomly, segments of matching regions of homologous chromosomes break and re-connect
- Mediated by double-stranded DNA breaks
- Then independent assortment occurs at anaphase-1 as crossed-over chromatids independently assort to opposite poles
What are recombinant gametes?
Products of meiosis with allelic combinations differing from the original haploid cells
What are parental gametes?
Products of meiosis that have the same allelic combinations as the original haploid cells
When does crossing-over occur between chromatids of homologous choromsomes in meiosis?
During Zygotene/Pachytene stage of Meisois-1
When does independent assortment occur?
Following metaphase of meiosis-1 (when paired homologous chromosomes have crossed-over and separate/migrate to opposite poles)
What are the benefits of crossing-over besides generating genetic diversity?
- Promote proper chromosome segregation by establishing chiasmata
- Chiasmata represent the positions of crossovers
What are chiasmata and where do they occur?
- Positions of crossovers
- Occur anywhere along the length of a homologous pair
- Occur randomly
What is a possible detrimental effect of crossing-over?
- Crossing over requires double-stranded breaks (DSBs)
- Chromosome segregation in presence of persistent DSBs results in loss or mis-segregation of entire chromosome arms and can form aneuploid gametes
- Aneuploidy - abnormal number of chromosomes
Why is it important for cells to limit crossing-over during vegetative growth and to promote it during meiosis?
- Crossing over causes Double-Stranded Breaks (DSBs) which can lead to loss or mis-segregation of chromosome arms or formation of aneuploid gametes
- Associated with birth defects, stillbirths, and cancer susceptibility
How does the probability of breaking and crossing-over change as the distance changes between two genes?
- As distance between two genes increases, probability of crossing-over increases
- Contrarily, decreased distance leads to decreased probability of crossing-over
What are genes called that have a high frequency of crossing over?
"Loosely linked"
What are genes called that have a low frequency of crossing over?
"Tightly linked"
Are tightly linked genes close together or far apart?
Close together - less likely to crossover
Are loosely linked genes close together or far apart?
Far apart - more likely to crossover
What measurement is used to describe the distance between two genes?
1 chromosome map unit = 1 centiMorgan (cM) = 1% frequency of cross-over
1 cM in humans = 1 million bp DNA
What structures on a chromosome are the minimal requirements?
- Centromere - middle (with accompanying heterochromatin)
- Replication origins
- Telomere - ends
What are the ways to stain chromosomes?
- Unbanded - only stained, not organized
- G-banded - showing up to 850 discreet chr regions (organized by chr #)
- C-banding - reveals sites of repeats of 174-base pair subunits of alphoid DNA sequences at centromeres - "heterochromatin"
What is the role of DNA Polymerase I?
Extends DNA 5'-->3'
Can't prime at extreme end so shortening occurs at each replication
What is the role of Telomerase?
Protects germ cells by adding "TTAGGG" repeats at extreme end
What is progeria?
- Premature aging
- Associated with shortened telomeres (not causative though)
What are aneuploidies?
Chromosomal disorderes (aneuploidies) - too much or too little, but nearly always deleterious consequences
What chromosome abnormality is associated with Down Syndrome?
Trisomy of chromosome 21 (some partial trisomy 21 causes a mosaic)
What are the clinical and cognitive characteristics of someone with a trisomy 21?
- Down Syndrome
- Severe mental retardation
- Hypotonia (decreased muscle tone)
- Epicanthic folds (skin fold of upper eyelid)
- Flat occiput (back of head)
- Short, broad hands with simian crease
- Large, furrowed tongue
- AV canal defects (septum between atria and ventricle), ASD, VSD
- Duodenal atresia (incomplete closing of duodenum)
What is the incidence rate of Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)?
1/700, but 1% recurrence risk for moms following a +21 birth
What percent of Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) cases are due to maternal non-disjunction?
What are the risks a person with Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) has for other diseases?
- 15x higher risk for leukemia
- Higher risk for Alzheimers
What percent of patients with Down Syndrome (trisomy 21) have a mixture of normal and +21 cells (mosaicism)? What are the implications of this?
- Phenotype may be less severe, depends on proportion and lineage of cells affected
- Results from mitotic non-disjunction
- May involve fetus, chorion or both
What are the special educational/medical needs of someone with Down Syndrome (trisomy 21)?
- Patients may do well in structured environment
- Others may be institutionalized
What is the chromosome abnormality associated with Patau Syndrome? What is the incidence rate?
Trisomy 13 - 1/15,000
What are the clinical and cognitive characteristics of someone with a trisomy 13?
- Heart defects
- Cleft lip/palate
- Holoprosencephaly (malformed forebrain)
- Other midline defects
- Profound developmental delay
- Prominent heel
- Polydactyly (extra fingers)
- Long-term survival rare
What is the chromosome abnormality associated with Edwards Syndrome? What is the incidence rate?
Trisomy 18 - 1/8000
What are the clinical and cognitive characteristics of someone with a trisomy 18?
- Severe heart defects
- Profound developmental delay
- Micrognathia
- Overlapping digits
- Long-term survival rare
How do sex chromosome aneuploidies compare to autosomal aneuploidies?
Sex chromosome aneuploidies are much less severe due to X chromosome dosage compensation, but infertility and cognitive changes may result
What are the implications of a 47-XXX aneuploidy?
- No observable phenotype
- Occasional psychiatric disturbances
- Fertile
What chromosomal abnormality is associated with Turner Syndrome? What is the incidence rate?
1/2000 live born
99% lost before term
Is Turner Syndrome (45-X) associated with the loss of the maternal or paternal sex chromosome?
75% due to loss of paternal sex chromosome
What are the clinical and cognitive characteristics of someone with Turner Syndrome (45-X)?
- Short stature: 4'10" average
- Broad webbed neck from in utero edema
- Absence of menarche
- Oocytes involute prior to birth --> infertile
- Heart defects common
- Intellectual status in normal range, but unique deficit in spatial perception; may be high achieving
- "Hard wiring" of CNS altered
What are some treatments for Turner Syndrome (45-X)?
- Estrogen, growth hormone treatment may lead to greater stature, secondary sexual characteristics, sexual drive
- Does not restore fertility
- May carry pregnancy following oocyte donation and IVF
What chromosomal abnormality is associated with Klinefelter Syndrome? What is the incidence rate?
47-XXY (extra X chromosome) - 1/700
What are the clinical and cognitive characteristics of someone with Klinefelter Syndrome (47-XXY)?
- Tall, feminized features: low androgen, small testes, feminine fat distribution, gynecomastia (breasts)
- Normal IQ, but often difficulty in psycho/social, sexual, work relationships
- Infertile (androgen treatment doesn't help)
- Sterile secondary to immature sperm
What kind of treatments can be offered to a patient with Klinefelter Syndrome (47-XXY)?
- Androgen treatment (but still infertile)
- Sterile secondary to immature sperm, but can father children by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) following testicular biopsy to find islands of XY spermatocytes (i.e. mosaic cells that don't have aneuploidy)
What can sex chromosome aneuploidies be tolerated?
- For all but one X, most but not the entirety of genes on those X's are inactivated by XIST transcript
- XIST = X-inactivation center
- Small number of genes escape inactivation so that is why there are some abnormal features still
How does the increased number of Xs for an aneuploidy effect the patient?
- Increasing developmental delay
- Due to extra "dose" of active genes
What are the clinical and cognitive characteristics of someone with 47-XYY?
- Tall, large canines, fertile
- Impulsive, poor self concept, difficulty controlling anxiety
- More prone to break the law, overrepresented in penal institutions
- Sub-average IQ --> poor peer group choices
- EEG changes (changes in hard wiring of brain)
What kind of symptoms are exaggerated regarding patients with 47-XYY?
- Unduly sensationalized in press as violent, mostly petty, non-personal crimes
- Not necessarily a "double dose of aggressiveness"
How common is the 47-XYY aneuploidy?
How does maternal and paternal age affect the occurrence of trisomies?
- Female oogenesis initiated before birth - chromosomes remain paired up for decades in dictyotene (prolonged resting phase in oogenesis)
- Predisposes maternal chromosomes to non-disjunction which results in trisomy or monosomy
- Paternal age is not correlated with aneuploidy
What is the timeline of meiosis for oogenesis?
- Following DNA replication, meiosis I separates maternal from paternal homologues, resulting in 23 chromosomes, each with 2 chromatids
- Meiosis II is arrested in dictyotene
- Meiosis II is completed at fertilization (10-50 years later!)
What kind of tests can be done on a fetus to test for aneuploidies?
- Amniocentesis at >/= 16 weeks
- Chorionic Villus Samplint at > 9 weeks
What are some possible structural rearrangements following two breaks and re-ligation?
- Deletions (same chromosome)
- Ring (same chromosome)
- Pericentric inversion (same chromosome)
- Paracentric inversion (same chromosome)
- Reciprocal translocation (on different chromosomes)
What is the mechanism of a deletion rearrangement?
- Simple two break (ex: Cri-du-chat)
- OR Unequal, staggered crossover between identical repeats --> duplicated and deleted strand
What is the chromosomal abnormality in Cri-du-Chat Syndrome?
Missing portion of chromosome 5 (5p15.3) due to a simple two break deletion
What are the genotypic consequences of deletions (due to spontaneous chromosome breaks)?
- Missing genes ("haplo-insufficiency")
- Expression of recessive genes
What is a pericentric inversion?
- Pericentric inversions include the centromere and there is a break point in each arm
- Leads to duplication of one end, deficiency of other end of chromosome (reversed on other chromatid)
- May be viable
What is a paracentric inversion?
Paracentric inversions do not include the centromere and both breaks occur in one arm of the chromosome.
What is reciprocal translocation?
- Two chromosomes swap segments
- Duplication / deficiency gametes possible (as in inversion)
- 1st generation fine phenotypically
- 2nd generation more likely to have a problem
What are the two outcomes of reciprocal translocation?
- Balanced gametes - may disrupt genes, abnormal phenotype risk about 5-10%
- Unbalanced gametes
How can chromosomal abnormalities be diagnosed?
Using Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
In prenatal diagnosis, which chromosome specific centromeres are most important to label with contrasting flurochromes?
X, Y, 13, 18, and 21
How does a graph of maternal age vs frequency of aneuploidy / 1000 births look?
- Low occurrence of aneuploidy through age 30
- Starts increasing around 30
- Gets very steep around late 30s
What is done in a genomic microarray analysis?
- Fluorochrome-labelled human DNA is hybridized to 1000s or millions of individual DNA sequences anchored onto a slide
- Strength of fluorescence at each spot reflects the dosage for that region in the human DNA sample
- Can therefore detect copy number (deletion, duplication/deficiency from unbalanced translocation) of many genomic regions simultaneously
How can a microarray be designed to uniformly sample the human chromosomes?
- Microarray with 1000 sequences will sample the genome at approx. every 3 million bp
- More than that will exceed the resolution attainable by microscopic cytogenetic analysis (so extremely powerful)
Was the public human genome sequenced from one individual or many?
Many different individuals = consensus sequence
How similar are humans genetically?
- 99.9% identical (for humans of the same gender)
- Differences occur through variation in repeat sequences, chromosomal rearrangements, or single base pair sequences changes (mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs)
How many Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified?
Over 10 million
How similar are male and female humans genetically?
- 98.5% identical (~1.5% is the approximate size of the Y chromosome)
- However the autosomes and the X chromosomes are still 99.9% identical on average
How similar are humans and chimps genetically?
- 98.5% identical
- Differences are not uniformly distributed throughout genome, rather, specific small regions in genome can be identified that are more conserved between species while others show greater differences
How big is the nuclear genome? the mitochondrial genome?
- Nuclear genome = 3.3 billion bp (25,000 genes)
- Mitochondrial genome = 16,600 bp (37 genes)
What percentage of the nuclear genome is coding DNA?
What percentage of the nuclear genome is for genes and gene-related sequences? for extragenic DNA?
~25% genes and gene-related sequences (although of that only 10% (so 2.5% of total) is coding DNA, the rest is non-coding)
~75% extragenic DNA
The rest of the genome that is not "coding DNA" can be separated into what?
- Unique or moderately repetitive euchromatin (~70%)
- Highly repetitive regions of heterochromatin (~30%)
How is mitochondrial DNA inherited?
From maternal side only (no meiosis)
How can euchromatin and heterochromatin be distinguished when stained?
- Euchromatin - functional, stains lightly
- Heterochromatin - inactive, stains darkly
What are the types of tandemly repeated DNA in the human genome?
- Megasatellite DNA (hundreds of kb)
- Satellite DNA (100 kb to several Mb)
- Minisatellite DNA (0.1 - 20 kb)
- Microsatellite DNA (< 150 bp)
What percent of the nuclear genome is transcribed into a large variety of different RNA molecules?
62% - 31% are transcribed from intergenic regions
What percent of the nuclear genome contains binding sites for known or currently unknown DNA-binding proteins?
What percent of the nuclear genome is estimated to have a functional role?
- 80.4% functional role
- 95% is within 8 kb of a site of protein-DNA interaction that may influence and regulate genome function
- Although this was based on a limited number of cell types so it may be probably that very little if any of genome has no function
Does the human genome contain a lot or a little amount of highly repeated DNA sequences? What happens to it?
A lot - majority of these are not transcribed
Non-coding repetitive DNA is organized into what two major categories?
- Tandemly repeated non-coding DNA
- Interspersed repetitive non-coding DNA
What kind of repetitive DNA is found at the telomere?
Tandem repeats of TTAGGG minisatellite (length = several kb)
How are non-coding DNA that is tandemly repeated characterized?
- Blocks of repeated sequences
- Can occur at a few or many different locations across all chromosomes
- Grouped into three subclasses based on the avg size of repeat units (satellite, minisatellite, and microsatellite DNA)
Where are Satellite tandemly repeated non-coding DNA regions found? How long are the repeats and the blocks?
- Primarily in and around the centromeric heterochromatin
- Consists of repeat units containing 5-171 bp
- Repeated extensively forming blocks of 100 kb to several Mb in length
Where are minisatellite tandemly repeated non-coding DNA regions found? How long are the repeats and the blocks?
- At or near telomeric ends of chromosomes
- Repeat units 6-64 bp in length
- Form blocks up to 20 kb in size
Where are microsatellite tandemly repeated non-coding DNA regions found? How long are the repeats and the blocks?
- Throughout entire genome, with no usual preference or bias in distribution
- Repeat units 1-4 bp
- Form blocks of less than 160 bp (usually 5-40 repeats)
Where are interspersed repetitive non-coding DNA elements found?
- Repeat units are not clustered
- Distributed throughout entire genome
- Sequences contain transposable elements and others are capable of undergoing retrotransposition
How prevalent are interspersed repetitive non-coding DNA elements?
Account for over 1/3 of the entire human genome
The majority of the differences in the genome between two humans are from what?
Single base changes
What is a genetic marker?
- An identifiable physical location on a chromosome whose inheritance can be monitored
- Distinguishes two copies (alleles) of a chromosome
- Allows for observation of which allele of a chromosome is inherited from a parent to a child
In what kind of analysis are genetic markers used?
Linkage analysis - allows the identification of chromosomal regions that are inherited in affected children from each parent
What are some types of genetic markers?
- RFLPs (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms)
- SSLPs (Simple Sequence Length Polymorphisms)
- SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms)
- CNVs (Copy Number Variations)
How can restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) be used as a genetic marker?
- Restriction enzymes cut DNA at specific recognition sequences (usually 4-8bp palindormic sequences)
- Can be in coding or non-coding DNA
- If DNA is digested with enzyme it will generate DNA fragments of various sizes
- If any recognition sequences is mutated, resulting product is of different size since enzyme won't cut there
- Southern blot hybridization with specific probes can detect size difference and use this as a genetic marker
How can Short Sequence Length Polymorphisms (SSLPs) (Microsatellite DNA) be used as a genetic marker?
- Short repeats of 2, 3, or 4 nucleotides (STR - short tandem repeat)
- Randomly distributed throughout genome
- Different forms (alleles) of marker (microsatellite) can easily be differentiated by size
- Heterozygous individuals have two different products
What is the most abundant class of microsatellite repeats? How often do they appear?
Dinucleotide repeat of cytosine and adenine (aka "CA repeats"); occur every 30-60 kb corresponding to ~50,000-100,000 microsatellites in 3 billion bp genome
What is the variation in length of the microsatellite repeat thought to be caused by?
Errors in DNA replication - polymerase machinery may "slip" either eliminating or adding a few repeat units
What are the functional consequences of microsatellites?
They don't have any for the most part
Where are microsatellites most commonly found?
In intergenic or intronic portions of a eukaryotic genome
How can microsatellites be compared with an assay?
- Use PCR followed by gel electrophoresis
- Different numbers of repeats will result in a size difference in PCR products
- Size differences can be identified and distinguished by gel electrophoresis
How could assaying of microsatellites be useful as a genetic marker?
- For example, mom has two shorter differing lengths of CA repeats and dad has two longer differing lengths of CA repeats
- Look at children's DNA and look at length of CA repeats
- Match up to determine which chromosome it came from (which of moms and which of dads)
- Then you which chromosomes the child inherited from mom and dad
How frequent are SNPs in the genome?
1/1000bp so over 3 million SNPs when any two genomes are compared
How can single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) be used as a genetic marker?
- Since they are biallelic (only one of two nucleotides is present in sequence at a particular position) genotyping is significantly easier than microsatellite analyses
- Test for presence or absence of both SNP alleles
- If only one is present then individual is homozygous, if both are present they are heterozygous
- PCR-based (fast)
Which is easier, microsatellite or SNP analysis of genetic markers?
SNP analysis since they are biallelic (one or the other nucleotides)
What is a drawback about SNP genotyping?
Only provides information on presence or absence of one particular nucleotide at one particular position in genome
What are copy number variants (CNVs)?
- Imbalances that alter the diploid status of a locus
- Leads to increases (duplications) or decreases (deletions) in copy number
How long are copy number variations (CNVs) usually?
- Between 50 bp and >1 Mbp
What percentage of the human genome is affected by copy number variations (CNVs)? How many CNVs are found in the average person compared to the reference genome?
15% - 12 CNVs exist per individual when compared to reference
Do Copy Number Variations (CNVs) have functional consequences?
Yes - such as changing expression levels of genes in or near the affected regions, due to positional effects, gene dosage alteration, and disruption or fusion of genes
What diseases have been associated with Copy Number Variations (CNVs)?
- Alzheimer's disease
- Autism
- Schizophrenia
- Breast cancer
- Obesity
- Developmental delays
What are the primary mechanisms that generate Copy Number Variations (CNVs)?
- Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)
- Non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR)
- Transposition of transposable elements or pseudogenes
- Variable numbers of tandem repeats
- Replication errors bought about by fork stalling or template switching during replication of DNA
What kind of genes have are enriched with copy number variants (CNVs)?
- Genes involved in immunity and cell-cell signaling
- Genes encoding proteins involved in interaction with the environent (e.g., immune response, perception of smell)
- Retrovirus- and transposition-related protein coding genes
What kind of genes have a reduced number of copy number variations (CNVs)?
- Genes that encode proteins that mediate their effect via protein-protein interactions
- Dosage-sensitive genes
What kind of technologies are used to analyze Copy Number Variations (CNVs)?
- Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)
- Array-based methodologies
- Targeted quantitative PCR (qPCR)
Where are a large number of repetitive sequences found?
What are three types of genetic disorders?
- Chromosomal
- Monogenic (single-gene)
- Complex (polygenic / multifactorial) disorders
How can the characteristic inheritance patterns of genetic disorders be established?
Using pedigree analysis
Chromosomal disorders are associated with what kind of issues?
- Aneuploidy (addition or loss of chromosome(s))
- Deletions or duplications of chromosomal material
- Translocations (balanced and unbalanced) of chromosomal material
How do chromosomal disorders appear in the genome
- Sporadically during gamete formation
- Inherited
How are chromosomal disorders detected?
Easily by modern cytogenetic techniques but are often difficult to dissect to individual genes
What are chromosomal disorders associated with?
History of multiple miscarriages on a pedigree
What kind of inheritance patterns do monogenic disorders follow?
- Autosomal dominant and recessive
- X-linked dominant and recessive
- Y-linked
- Mitochondrial (maternal)
How common are monogenic disorders?
Relatively rare: 6-8% of diseases among hospitalized children
How can monogenic disorders be identified?
Genetic techniques/tests:
- Gene-specific PCR/DNA sequencing or conformational analyses
- Copy Number Variation Analysis
- Whole exome/genome sequencing
What kind of mutations cause complex disorders?
- Mutations at more than one gene locus (polygenic inheritance)
- A combination of genetic and environmental factors (multifactorial inheritance)
What kind of patterns in pedigrees do complex disorders show?
- No specific pattern of inheritance
- Shows familial clustering or aggregating (genetic predisposition)
What is the recurrence risk for a complex disorder as compared to a monogenic disorder?
Much lower for a complex disorder than would be expected for a monogenic disorder based on direct observations from a pedigree
Can complex disorders be dissected down to their individual genetic and environmental contributions?
Very challenging
What is another term for "monogenic" disorders?
Mendialian disorders - monogenic disorders follow Mendel's postulates
What are Mendel's postulates for inheritance of traits?
- Genetic traits are controlled by alleles that exist in pairs in individual organisms
- When two unlike alleles responsible for a single trait are present in a single individual, one is dominant and the other is recessive
- Paired alleles separate in such a way that each gamete is equally likely to contain either member of the pair (principle of segregation)
- Segregating pairs of alleles assort independently of each other (principle of independent assortment)
Monogenic disorders exhibit characteristic patterns of inheritance based on what?
- Location of gene (chromosomal vs mitochondrial)
- Dominance/recessivity of mutant allele associated with disease
What is a medical pedigree?
- Graphic representation of family's genetic interrelationships and health problems
- Focuses on a specific diagnosis observed in multiple family members
How is a medical pedigree drawn?
- Start with proband (affected individual) and immediate relatives expanding downward (offspring), outward (siblings), and upward (parents and past generations)
- Contains information about ethnicity, religious heritage, and country of origin
- Utilizes standard pedigree nomenclature
What does the analysis of a medical pedigree do?
- Helps obtain additional information about a disease such as mode of inheritance (dominant, recessive, etc) and disease features (age of onset, phenotypic spectrum, etc)
- Information is used to quantify the risk for developing the disease for family members and to guide potential diagnostic procedures
What is the common pedigree symbol for a male and a female?
- Male - square
- Female - circle
How are affected individuals symbolized on a pedigree?
- Affected - shaded
- Not affected - white
How is a deceased individual symbolized on a pedigree?
With a slash through it indicating age and cause of death if known
How is the proband identified on a pedigree?
An arrow is pointing at their symbol
Do the parents of an individual with an autosomal-dominant disorder (monogenic) have the disorder?
Must have an affected parent (exception: new mutation arises in parental sperm or ovum)
Do the normal children of an individual with an autosomal-dominant disorder (monogenic) have children with the disorder?
No, they will have normal offspring (unless partner has disorder)
How are males and females affected by an individual with an autosomal-dominant disorder (monogenic)?
Equal proportions of males and females get disorder
Does the gender of an individual with an autosomal-dominant disorder (monogenic) affect transmission to offspring?
No - each sex is equally likely to transmit the condition to male and female offspring
Is it likely for every generation to have an affected individual when an autsomal-dominant (monogenic) disorder is in the family?
Yes - every generation tends to have an affected individual
An affected parent is usually heterozygous or homozygous for an autosomal-dominant disorder? How does this affect their children's probability of getting the disorder?
Usually heterozygous:
- Probability for affected child (Heterozygous for mutant allele) is 0.50
- Probability for an unaffected child (homozygous for normal allele) is 0.50
The less frequent a mutant allele is in the population, the stronger the likelihood that the affected individuals with an autosomal-recessive disorder are from what kind of parents?
Parents from an isolated population ("consanguineous marriage" - same ancestor)
What is the genotype of unaffected parents of an affected child with an autosomal-recessive disorder?
Both heterozygous for the autosomal recessive allele
When two parents are heterozygous for an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the probabilities for the different outcomes of children they could have?
- Affected child: 0.25
- Heterozygote (carrier) = 0.50
- Non-carrier = 0.25
What is the term to describe males for all X-linked traits?
How many versions of an allele do you need for an X-linked dominant disorder?
Only one version of a mutant allele is necessary
A male with an X-linked dominant disorder can pass it to which of his children?
Only daughters, not sons (because he only gives them a Y)
Which type of inheritance pattern is never passed from father to son?
X-linked disorders (dominant or recessive)
If a father has an X-linked dominant disorder and the mother is normal, which of their children will have the disorder?
100% of daughters
0% of sons
If a mother has an X-linked dominant disorder and the father is normal, which of their children will have the disorder?
50% of daughters
50% of sons
Which gender is more likely to be affected by an X-linked dominant disorder?
What is necessary for a female to have an X-linked recessive disorder?
Both alleles must be mutant
What is necessary for a male to have an X-linked recessive disorder?
His only X allele is mutant
How can a grandfather affected by an X-linked recessive disorder pass on the disorder?
- Daughters are carriers
- Daughters pass to 1/2 of their sons
- So 1/2 of grandsons from daughters are affected
Which gender is more likely to be affected by an X-linked recessive disorder?
How do affected males get X-linked disorders?
From mothers
If a male has a Y-linked disorder, which of his family member will also be affected?
- His father, and grandfather, and so on
- His sons, and their sons, and so on
Can a father with a mitochondrial inherited disorder have children with the disorder?
No (unless his wife has it too)
Can a mother with a mitochondrial inherited disorder have children with the disorder?
Yes, all of her children will have it
The probability of the realization of one or the other of two mutually exclusive possibilities is calculated how?
Sum of their separate possibilities
The probability of the realization of two simultaneous things with independent possibilities is calculated how?
Product of their separate probabilities
In a Punnett square, the vertical columns represent which parent and the horizontal columns represent which parent?
- Vertical - mom
- Horizontal - dad
What is meant by variable expressivity?
- Affected individuals may express all of the symptoms or only a few
- Severity of features may vary
What is meant by incomplete penetrance?
- Person with an affected dominant allele may not express the disease phenotype (penetrance is usually expressed as a %)
- If they express some of the symptoms it is not incomplete penetrance rather it is variable expressivity
What is meant by genetic anticipation?
- Members of a pedigree exhibit a progressively earlier age of onset and an increased severity of the disorder in each successive generation
- Basis: expansion of trinucleotide repeats (unstable mutations)
When does mosaicism of a disorder come about?
- Mutation originated as a somatic mutation during embryogenesis of one of the parents of the affected child
- Two cell types are present, one normal and one containing the mutant allele
What determines the severity of a disorder that is a mosaic?
- Proportion of cells affected
- Type of cells affected
What is a de novo mutation?
Mutation originated spontaneously in parental gamete
What is Achondroplasia? How common is it?
- One of major causes of dwarfism
- 1/10,000 live births
- Close to 85% of all cases are results of new mutations, with both parents having a normal phenotype/genotype
Why is the mutant gene for dwarfism so common in the population?
High recurrent mutation rate
What is meant by a "genetic (locus) heterogeneity"?
- Multiple genes when mutated can cause the same phenotype
- Ex: retinitis pigmentosa - at least 45 causative genes known
What is meant by lethality?
Mutation results in a phenotype associated with premature death
What can affect the frequency of a mutant allele?
Population characteristics: Founder effect, cultural/geographic isolation
- Increased risk for recessive disorders
- Pedigree may resemble dominant
What does the term "syntenic" genes describe?
Two genes on the same chromosome
What does the term "linked" genes describe?
Genes on the same chromosome that are so close that they don't segregate independently
What is a polymorphic marker?
Contains variation within sequence resulting in several alleles
What is the "Lod Score Method" for linkage analysis?
- Logarithm of the odds of linkage between two loci is calculated
- Calculated from pedigree data as the log of the ratio of the prob. of observed pedigree assuming linkage w/ a specified recombination fraction q/ to the prob. of observed pedigree assuming no linkage
What does a "Lod Score" mean?
Logarithm of Odds - measure of the probability that a particular region of the chromosome contains the mutation
+3 or greater = odds of 1000:1 is regarded as evidence of linkage
-2 or less = odds of 1:100 indicates no linkage
What are some benefits of genetic testing?
- Determine a specific genetic diagnosis
- Give explanation for an otherwise "unexpected problem"
- Guide clinical management/monitoring recommendations
- Opportunity for family planning by defining recurrence risk
What factors can improve the success of a linkage study?
- Number of family members included in pedigree
- LOD score increases with more people included and with number of affected individuals
- Accuracy of phenotypes for family members in pedigree
What is "reverse genetics"?
- Start with a phenotype that is in multiple family members
- Linkage analysis to identify a narrow region of an individual chromosome containing the disease-causing mutation
- Mutation identified by positional cloning
- Overall: start with a phenotype and trace it back to the genetic information coding it
What is the most frequent lethal genetic disease of childhood? How common is it?
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) - 1/3,900 live births in U.S.
(30,000 individuals have CF in U.S.)
People of what descent are at higher risk for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? What are the rates of carriers for various ethnicities?
European or Middle-Easter descent at highest risk
- 1 in 25 people of European descent
- 1 in 29 people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent
- 1 in 46 Hispanics
- 1 in 65 Africans
- 1 in 90 Asians
What are the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis?
- Respiratory problems
- Problems clearing mucus from airways
- Abnormalities in pancreas, liver, and sweat glands
What type of disorder is Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? How is it inherited?
- Single gene disorder
- Inherited in an autosomal recessive mode
Where is the disease causing mutation that is responsible for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Chromosome 7 in small region on 7q22
- CFTR gene (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator)
What is the CFTR gene for? What is wrong if its mutated?
- Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator gene
- Membrane chloride channel responsible for salt balance
- Mutations either impair function of channel or lead to clearance of the channel protein from membrane
What is the most common mutation that causes Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- ΔF508 (deletion of Phe at position 508), but over 120 mutations have been described in CFTR gene
- ΔF508 is most common in individuals of N. European descent (88% of cases in Denmark) but less common in those with Mediterranean ancestry (30% of cases in Turkey)
Hungtington's disease is what kind of a disorder? How is it inherited?
- Single gene disorder
- Degenerative
- Autsomal dominant
What is the rate of people affected by Huntington's Disease?
30-70 per 1,000,000 on average, but the following groups have even lower rates:
- South African blacks: 0.6 per 1,000,000
- Japanese and Chines: 3.8 per 1,000,000
- Finland: 5.0 per 1,000,000
- North-American blacks: 15 per 1,000,000
What are the symptoms of Huntington's Disease?
- Degenerative disorder of brain
- Progressive dementia
- Uncontrolled movement
What is the age of onset of Huntington's Disease?
Variable: 17-60 years
How soon after the age of onset do most people die from Huntington's Disease?
On average about 17 years from occurrence of first symptoms
Patients with late-onset HD were more likely to inherit HD from which parent?
Affected mother
Patients who inherit Huntington's disease from their late-onset fathers are more likely to have onset when?
Earlier-onset HD
Do people in the same family have the same symptoms for Huntington's disease?
They could, but there is a variability of symptoms
How do scientists explain the variability of symptoms within families?
Modifier gene(s) that affect disease severity
Why does the manifestation of Huntington's disease differ when the disease allele is inherited from the mother as compared to the father?
Differential methylation (inactivation) of individual genes and gene regions in the paternal and maternal germline cells
What is an example of two different diseases caused by the same deletion but only differing in whether the deletion was on the maternal or paternal chromosome?
- Prader-Willi Syndrome - heterozygous deletion of 15q11 in sperm - maternal imprinting of normal chromosome copy
- Angelman Syndrome - heterozygous deletion of 15q11 in egg - paternal imprinting of normal chromosome copy
What may be responsible for the "anticipation" effect noticed in children with Huntington's disease (earlier disease onset than in parents)?
Perhaps there is more alert and intense observation of the children for disease symptoms once a parent has been diagnosed (if you're looking for symptoms you'll find them sooner)
What mutation is responsible for Huntington's disease?
On tip of chromosome 4 (4p16.3)
- Gene - "huntingtin"
What is the gene "huntingtin" required for? What happens if it is mutated?
- Widely expressed in multiple tissues and required for normal development
- Mutation = Huntington's disease
What is the mutation in the gene "huntingtin" like?
- Repeat of a (CAG) trinucleotide in the coding region
- Normal individuals: repeated 9-36 times
- HD patients: repeated 37-100 times, expanding polyglutamine tract in protein
What are some examples of "triplet expansion" disorders?
- Huntington's Disease - repeat of CAG trinucleotide 37+ times causes disease (9-36 times is normal)
- Fragile X syndrome
- Kennedy syndrome
- Myotonic dystrophy
- All are dominant, affect the brain, and a specific threshold can be defined for number of triplet repeats that causes deleterious effects
What kind of disorder is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? How is it inherited?
- Single-gene disorder
- X-linked inheritance
What is the timeline for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?
- Diagnosed before age 3
- Require wheelchair by age 12
- Die before age 20
What is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy? What is usually the cause of death?
- Progressive muscular dystrophy
- Death from heart failure and/or smooth muscle failure in digestive and urinary tract
What is the disease causing gene for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?
"Dystrophin" - located on Xp21.2
3rd largest protein (3685 AA)
What causes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?
Deletion or duplication of individual exons (55-65%) but also by spontaneous mutations (22%); Dystrophin protein is completely absent in those with DMD
Is there a correlation between the extent of the deletion and the severity of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy?
No correlation
What is the protein Dystrophin needed for?
- Muscle function
- Possibly Ca2+ release for muscle contraction
What are some inconsistencies regarding Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) that are not completely explained yet?
- 2.5% of heterozygous individuals have symptoms
- Monozygotic twin girls have different phenotypes
- Many DMD patients have muscle fibers that can be strained for the presence of Dystrophin protein
- Germline mosaicism
In general, what tissues are affected by Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
Exocrine tissues - tissues that make secretions
What are the most frequent organs affected by Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Upper and lower respiratory tract
- Pancreas
- Sweat glands
- Reproductive tract
- Hepatobiliary tree
What is the classic triad of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Recurrent sinopulmonary disease
- Elevated sweat chloride
- Pancreatic insufficiency
When was Cystic Fibrosis (CF) first described? How old was the patient when they died?
- 1938 frist described
- Death from malnutrition in infancy
What was the first treatment for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? When did it begin? What else was noted at that time?
- Pancreatic enzyme replacement
- Recessive inheritance pattern noted
What was discovered in the 1950s about Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? What was the median survival at that time?
- Sweat salt defect
- Median survival: 12 months
When was the "sweat test" for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) developed?
When was the chloride ion transport defect discovered for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? At this point, what is the median survival time?
- 1981 defect discovered
- Median survival 18 years
What happens in 1989 related to Cystic Fibrosis (CF)? At this point, what is the median survival time?
- CF gene cloned
- Median survival 25 years
By 2005, what is the median survival for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
~34 years
How many new cases of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are diagnosed each year?
What is the carrier rate for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
90% of people with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are under what age?
35-40 yo (as of 2003)
As of 2007, what percent of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are under 18 years old?
~50% less than 18, ~50% greater or equal to 18
Which chromosome is the CF gene on?
Chromosome 7
How is the CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Receptor) channel for Cl- activated?
ATP hydrolysis - moves R subunit out of the way so Cl- can pass through
How is CFTR Cl- channel oriented in the membrane?
- Must be in outer layer of apical cell pointed in correct direction
- Helps Cl- get out of cell into lumen
What is the CFTR Cl- channel important for regulating?
Controls reabsorption of Na+ through epithelial channel ; if not regulated excessive reabsorption of Na+ causes excessive reabsorption of H2O
What kind of mucus do patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) have?
Abnormally thick mucus --> complications
What are the 6 classes of CFTR mutations?
- I - no synthesis (premature stop codon)
- II - defective processing (ΔF508)
- III - disordered regulation
- IV - abnormal conduction
- V - reduced synthesis
- VI - accelerated turnover
- Variable disease severity
To change lifespan, what amount of functionality of the Cl- channel do you need?
Heterozygotes for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) mutation have what functionality of the Cl- channel?
50% and they are normal
What is the pathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Defective CF gene
- Leads to defective/deficient CFTR
- Leads to decreased Cl- secretion and increased Na+ absorption
- Leads to bronchial obstruction
- Leads to infection
- Leads to inflammation
- Leads to bronchiectasis (increased widening of bronchioles)
What are some respiratory infections that are very common in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Any Staph (65.3%)
- P. aeruginosa (52.5%)
- S. aureus (50.9%)
- MRSA (22.6%)
- H. influenza (16.3%)
- S. maltophilia (12.5%)
- B. cepacia complex (2.8%)
If Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients never are infected by P. aeruginosa or B. cepacia how is their median survival compare to those who have been infected and just the overall median survival?
Data from 1991-1995 (but relative trends still important)
- Overall median survival ~30 yo
- Colonized P. aeruginosa ~29 yo
- Colonized B. cepacia ~21 yo
- Never colonized b P.A. or B.C. ~51 yo
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients with infections have what complications?
- Trapping of bacteria in mucus layer
- Biofilm formation
- Excess inflammation
- Poor oxygenation of tissues
- Neutrophil damage
In lungs of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) how do they differ?
- Shouldn't be able to see bronchi at edges of lungs
- in CF patients can see dilated bronchi much bigger than it should be
When lungs are examined of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) how do they look?
Covered in pus and mucus from infections
What information is used to diagnose someone with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Appropriate clinical symptoms
- Family history
- Sweat chloride / pilocarpine iontophoresis
- CF genotype / gene sequencing
- Nasal potential difference
- Newborn screening
How common are the "common" clinical symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Meconium ileus (blockage of baby's first poop in ileum) - 13%
- Respiratory symptoms - 45%
- Failure to thrive - 27%
- Steatorrhea (fat in poop) - 20%
- Neonatal screening - 11%
- Family history - 15%
How is sweating induced for a sweat test (to test for Cystic Fibrosis (CF))?
Pilocarpine iontophoresis
What is an adequate collection of sweat for a sweat test?
>75 mg
What do the concentrations of sweat chloride tell you from a sweat test?
> 60 mEq/L --> most frequently CF
40-55 mEq/L --> indeterminate
>35 mEq/L in infants --> most likely CF
~1% CF patients have normal Cl- levels
How does sweat chloride change with age?
Tends to increase with age
What can cause a false positive sweat test for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypoadrenalism
- Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
- Severe malnutrition
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Pseudohypoparathyroidism
- Ectodermal dysplasia
- Glycogen Storage Disease
- Severe edema
- Poor collection
What is the purpose of the nasal potential difference (NPD) measurement?
- Diagnosis of CF usually based on high sweat chloride concentrations, characteristic clinical findings, and/or family history
- Small portion of CF patients, especially those with "mild" mutations of CFTR, have near-normal sweat tests
- In these cases, a useful diagnostic involves measuring the nasal transepithelial potential difference (ie, the charge on the respiratory eithelial surface as compared to interstitial fluid)
- Individuals with CF have a significantly more negative nasoepithelial surface than normal, due to increased luminal Na+ absorption
When are most patients diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
< 3 yo, but some are still not diagnosed until 40s!
What are the respiratory manifestations seen in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Air trapping and mucus plugging
- Ongoing chronic airway inflammation and bronchitis
- CF exacerbation (cough, sputum, malaise, weight loss)
- 100% of CF patients have chronic or recurrent sinus disease (headache, anosmia, deformity of bony structures, halitosis, etc)
- Nasal polyps in 25% of patients
Nasal polyps should prompt suspicion of what?
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
What kind of therapy is used for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients with sinus disease?
Topical coupled with antibiotics
Nasal polyps for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are treated with what?
Nasal steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs
What kind of implications are there for the liver in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- CFTR channels localized to epithelial cells lining biliary ductules
- Extensive, diffuse plugging leads to obstruction and cirrhosis (>25% of patients)
- Elevated liver function tests (5%)
- Portal hypertension leads to hypersplenism and esophageal varices (2%)
- Abnormal mucus in gallbladder leads to cholelithiasis (gallstones) (15%)
What kind of implications are there for the pancreas in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Plugging of pancreatic ducts leads to loss of exocrine function (85%)
- Autodigestion of pancreas causes recurrent pancreatitis (2-4%)
- CF related diabetes (12-20%)
What happens to the fingers of patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Clubbing - changes in distal aspect of digits
- Distal phalangeal depth greater than interphalangeal
- Changes in nailbed angle
- Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
What are the treatments for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Antibiotics
- Airway clearance (help them cough up gunk)
- Nutrition (need to eat 20-50% more calories)
- Anti-inflammatories
- Mucolytics
- Airway surface fluid restoration
What is the goal with using antibiotics to treat Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Airway sterilization infrequent if not impossible with Pseudomonas
- Goals: reduce bacterial burden to preserve lung function and improve nutrition as well as to delay onset of Pseudomonas
What kinds of antibiotics are used for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Oral: anti-staphylococcal or fluoroquinolones
- Intravenous: aminoglycoside + broad spectrum antibiotic for 10-21 days
- Inhaled tobramycin into nebulizer
How can nutrition be improved in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Pancreatic enzyme replacement ~85%
- Dosed per units of lipase
- High calorie requirements (~20-50% greater than non-CF)
- Supplements vital especially during growth periods
- Fat soluble vitamin replacement
What is the current survival rate for Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
37 years
What are the primary causes of death in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- Cardiorespiratory (70%)
- Liver disease/failure (2-3%)
- Transplant complication (10%)
When is it indicated for a lung transplant for someone with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)?
- FEV < 30% predicted (forced expiratory volume)
- Need for supplemental O2
- Increasing need for IV antibiotics
- Poor quality of life
- Do not wait for increased pCO2
What are the two types of SNPs?
SNPs found in coding sequence and SNPs in introns or intergenic (noncoding) regions; both are equally common
What impact do SNPs have?
- Majority of SNPs have no discernible function
- Some cause premature stop codons
- Some cause changes in amino acid sequence
- Some cause changes in gene expression (promoter SNPs or SNPs altering regulatory elements)
- Some cause changes in mRNA processing (SNPs that alter sequence of splice sites)
For SNPs with no discernible function, how do you know which is the wild-type (original) and which is the "mutant"?
It is not easy to tell which is which
What is a "transition" mutation?
When a purine is substituted for another purine (G, A), or a pyrimidine switched for another pyrimidine (C, T)
What is a "transversion" mutation?
When a purine is substituted to a pyrimidine or vice versa
(purine - G, A; pyrimidine - C, T)
Which are more common, transition or transversion mutations?
Transitions (one purine for another, or one pyrimidine for another) are twice as common as transversions
How are mutations that cause a loss of function usually inherited?
Usually recessive
How are mutations that cause a gain of function usually inherited?
Usually dominant or co-dominant
What is the mutation rate of the human genome?
- 2.5 x 10^-8 per bp per generation
- Each new gamete contains ~75 new DNA sequence variants
- In the average lifetime of a human, each base in the genome will have been mutated more than a billion times
- But for any one DNA sequence, only an extremely small fraction of all cells will carry that mutation
Which mutations are passed on to offspring?
Only mutations in the germline (and even then only a 50% chance of transmission)
What influences the "fate" (frequency) of a mutation?
- Selection (positive or negative - only acts on mutations that have an effect on reproductive fitness, which is not many)
- Genetic drift
- Migration
- Inbreeding
What is genetic drift?
- Purely random rise and fall in frequency of a mutation in the population
- Some mutations will be transmitted and others will disappear
What frequency is necessary for a mutation to become "permanent" by genetic drift?
What does "reproductive fitness" mean?
An individual's ability to have children
What is "selection"?
- When a mutation increases an individual's reproductive fitness = positive selection
- When a mutation decreases an individual's reproductive fitness = negative selection
Mutations that have a negative selection, undergo what?
- Negative or purifying selection
- Reduces allele frequency in population
- Allele will not be transmitted since individuals have reduced reproductive success
Mutations that have a positive selection, undergo what?
- Increase in allele frequency
- Allele will be transmitted since individuals have increased reproductive success
Are many mutations under selection?
No, because they do not affect reproductive fitness negatively or positively (e.g. Alzheimer's disease occurs later in life beyond reproductive years)
Why does selection rarely completely eliminate a deleterious allele?
- Lower the frequency of a deleterious allele in the population, the more frequently it occurs in heterozygotes, compared to homozygotes
- This makes selection against it increasingly inefficient because the less frequent it becomes, the greater percent of what is left is "protected" in the heterozygous state
What happens to the majority of newly occurring mutations?
Disappear quickly from the genome / gene pool (because hard to meet 10% frequency threshold by genetic drift)
How does migration affect the fate of a mutation?
- Migrating and mating between two sub-populations with a different frequency of the allele will result in altered allele frequency for offspring population
- This may potentially add additional sequence variants to gene pool (increase in variation)
How does inbreeding affect the fate of a mutation?
- The mating of close relatives, eventually leads to complete homozygosity
- This reduces the overall variation in the population
- Leads to an increased chance of recessive disorders
What is the Hardy-Weinbert Law?
Mendelian segregation of two alleles in a randomly mating population leads to an equilibration distribution of genotypes after one generation
How can p, the frequency of the dominant allele (A), be calculated?
p = f (A/A) + 1/2 f (A/a)

f (A/A) = frequency of homozygous dominant alleles
f (A/a) = frequency of heterozygosity
How can q, the frequency of the recessive allele (a), be calculated?
q = f (a/a) + 1/2 f (A/a)

f (a/a) = frequency of homozygous recessive alleles
f (A/a) = frequency of heterozygosity
For any "p" and "q" (frequencies of dominant allele, A, and recessive allele, a) how do you determine the genotype frequencies (A/A), (A/a), and (a/a) after one generation?
p^2 + 2pq + q^2

p^2 = f (A/A)
2pq = f (A/a)
q^2 = f (a/a)
What are haplotypes?
Patterns of SNP alleles on a single chromosome (haploid)
What is linkage disequilibrium?
- The non-random association of SNP alleles at closely linked loci
- Recombination breaks up association
In an individual that is heterozygous for two neighboring biallelic SNPs, how many combinations of alleles are present on each of the two chromosome copies if the individual is in linkage equilibrium?
- Four combinations are possible (and present in population at significant frequencies)
- Allele 1 of SNP1 with allele 1 of SNP2
- Allele 1 of SNP1 with allele 2 of SNP2
- Allele 2 of SNP1 with allele 1 of SNP2
- Allele 2 of SNP1 with allele 2 of SNP2
In an individual that is heterozygous for two neighboring biallelic SNPs, how many combinations of alleles are present on each of the two chromosome copies if the individual is in linkage disequilibrium?
- Not all combinations are found in population, rather certain allelic combinations are more likely
- Ex: Allele 1 of SNP1 with allele 1 of SNP2
- & Allele 2 of SNP1 with allele 2 of SNP2
How is the extent of linkage disequilibrium between two SNPs determined?
By extent of recombination (i.e., the number of recombination events) over successive generations
How can all four allelic combinations of two SNPs occur if the mutation resulted from a single mutation event?
What happens to linkage disequilibrium as the SNPs are further apart?
Decreasing likelihood of linkage disequilibrium (however there are "LD blocks" scattered throughout genome so LD does not continuously decline with distance)
What is the average length of linkage disequilibrium blocks in individuals of North European descent? vs African descent?
- N. European - ~60 kb
- African - ~6 kb
What is the maximum number of haplotypes (patterns of SNP alleles on a single chromosome)?
n = number of SNPs
In regions of high Linkage Disequilibrium, what is the number of haplotypes possible?
<< 2^n (which is the max number of haplotypes possible)
n = number of SNPs
What are tagSNPs?
- Subset of SNPs in a region of high linkage disequilibrium that can be used to predict the haplotype of the rest of the SNPs that were not genotyped
- Hypothetically, you could only genotype 2 TagSNPs to determine all 16 SNPs allele in a LD block!
In what regions of the genome can tagSNPs be used to determine haplotypes?
In Linkage Disequilibrium blocks, because these regions have far fewer haplotypes observed than theoretically possible (2^n)
What can a linkage analysis identify?
A region of the genome that contains the mutation responsible for the disease
What are linkage analyses most powerful for?
Identifying mutations that have a large effect (e.g. single gene disorders or rare disorders that occur only in specific families)
If two pieces of DNA are very far apart, what are the chances for recombination between them?
50% (independent assortment
If two pieces of DNA are very close together, what are the chances for recombination between them?
What do the four allele markers represent (A, B, C, and D) for a linkage analysis?
- Used to distinguish the four parental chromosomes
- If a marker is linked to the disorder, then one of the marker alleles from the affected parent is always present in affected offspring
- Linkage markers define the region that contains the disease causing mutation
What are polygenic disorders?
- Disorders influenced by more than one gene
- Environmental factors (nutrition, lifestyle) also influence the phenotype
- Often called "complex traits"
What is the purpose of an "association study"?
- Determines whether an allele of a SNP is correlated with a disease
- Whether the allele occurs more frequently in individuals who are affected by the disease
How do linkage studies and association studies differ in who they sample?
- Linkage = family-based
- Association = family-based or unrelated individuals in a population
How do linkage studies and association studies differ in how they sample?
- Linkage = ~300 STR (short-tandem repeats) markers (genome-wide)
- Association = hundreds of thousands of SNPs (genome-wide) or candidate genes; direct or indirect association
How do linkage studies and association studies differ in what kind of disorders they are best suited for?
- Linkage = single gene disorders, disorders with large gene effect
- Association = complex disorders (polygenic), moderate individual gene effects, common disorders
How do linkage studies and association studies differ in results?
- Linkage = identification of linkage region on chromosome
- Association = identification of associated alleles of SNPs
How do linkage studies and association studies differ in the frequency of the disorders being studied in the population?
- Linkage = rare (except within families)
- Association = common
How do linkage studies and association studies differ in inheritance patterns?
- Linkage = Mendelian inheritance
- Association = Complex inheritance (disease susceptibility with environmental factors influencing phenotype too)
What are the two types of association studies based on participants used?
- Case-Control Study
- Population-Based Study
What analysis is used for a case-control study?
- Select individuals from both categories (disease and control)
- Identify frequency differences between two groups (how many from each category have each allele)
- Use a Chi-square test
What analysis is used for a population-based study?
- Select individuals randomly from population
- Identify phenotypic differences between genotype groups
- Analyze using a t-test
What are the benefits of a population-based study over a case-control study?
Population-based study avoids any potential bias or stratification easily possible in a case-control study
What are the two types of association studies based on SNPs used?
- Direct Association Study - catalog and test all functional SNPs (assume that they would directly cause disease when associated)
- Indirect Association Study - use dense map of tagSNPs and test for linkage disequilibrium (site association) (assume that in region of high LD, all other SNPs would be tested indirectly)
What is a major limitation of direct association studies?
Limited knowledge and public availability of information on functional SNPs
How do you select SNPs to study with association studies?
- Candidate Gene Studies
- Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
What is wrong with association studies that focus on SNPs in individual candidate genes?
- Your study can only be as good as the initial guess about the appropriate candidate gene
- Only studying genes we already know are involved in pathways that are abnormally regulated in a disease
- No discovery of novel candidate genes
What is an example of a candidate gene study?
- Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARγ) gene
- Candidate gene for diabetes (on chromosome 3)
- Codes for a nuclear hormone receptor
- Over-expression of this gene inhibits insulin release (in mice)
What mutation on the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARγ) gene has been associated with diabetes?
- Pro12Ala mutation associated with lower diabetes risk
- 16% frequency
- However, subsequent studies trying to confirm results failed
How does the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARγ) gene work?
- Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) act through binding to PPARγ
- This normalizes elevated plasma glucose levels
- Overexpression of this gene in mice inhibits insulin release
What are some common problems with candidate gene studies?
- Hard to replicate results
- Selection of candidate genes
- Selection of SNPs (comprehensive analysis better than analysis of individual SNPs; use of linkage disequilibrium and haplotypes)
What is done in a genome-wide association study (GWAS)?
- Selection of a representative set of SNPs to cover the entire genome
- Select informative tagSNPs
- 500,000 - 1,000,000 SNPs are needed for a genome-wide analysis
- Statistical analysis: must correct for number of SNPs tested, so a significant p value is < 5 x 10^-8
How do you calculate the actual p value you need for statistical significance?
p < 0.05 / (# of SNPs tested)
What is an example of a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS)?
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Leading cause of vision loss and blindness among older individuals
- 10% of AMD patients have wet form (new blood vessels form and break beneath retina)
- One SNP showed up as significantly statistic (transcription factor binding site for Heat Shock Serine Protease HTRA1)
What are some common problems with Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)?
- Not always successful in finding a statistically significant SNP with small sample sizes
- Primarily due to statistical problems (such small p value required)
- Even with large sample sizes, results are rarely obtained
What are common problems in genetics studies of complex diseases?
- Genome-wide analyses are difficult and elaborate
- Phenotype/diseases are often heterogenous (individuals with same symptoms may have different causes of disease and not all individuals have same severity)
- When tagSNPs are used, the ID of "true" causal functional mutations is difficult
- Connection between SNPs/mutations and physiological mechanisms leading to disease is unclear
What are two studies that re-sequenced the exons of entire genomes to identify disease-causing mutations for two distinct diseases?
- At Univ. of Washington - Miller Syndrome in 4 individuals
- At CHW - Inflammatory Bowel Disease in 15 mo. child
What is Miller Syndrome?
- Rare autosomal recessive disorder
- Limb malformations, missing toes, cleft palate
What was the outcome of the study at the Univ. of Washington that studied the genomes of 4 individuals with Miller Syndrome?
- 4 individuals from 3 unrelated families
- Identification of a single gene, DHODH, which encodes a key enzyme in pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway
- Mutation identified was subsequently confirmed in three additional cases
What was the outcome of the study at CHW that studied a 15 mo child with a rapidly progressing form of inflammatory bowel disease?
- Re-sequenced all exons of his genome
- Identified 27,982 sequence changes
- Ultimately revealed single point mutation in XIAP, gene mutated in a distinct unrelated immune disorder
- Now successfully treated with immune reconsititution