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48 Cards in this Set

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cause of vasculitis


but there are co-morbid disease associations to be aware of

4 symptoms that are seen in all vasculitides



weight loss

joint and muscle pain

-associated wtih HBV and HVC infection

affects small to medium sized vessels but spares the lungs

polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)

is there any distinguishing feature of PAN?

no it's very hard to dx apart from its association with hepattiis

what GI complaint is common in PAN patients?

pain worsened with eating due to mesenteric vasculitis, similar to ischemic bowel disease

what is the classic skin finding with PAN?

livedo reticularis

you also see on the skin:




lower extremity ulcers

what are some neurological manifestations of PAN?

can give symptoms of peripheral neuropathy like foot drop

foot drop is the most common

the other thing that can happen is a stroke in a young person

what is mononeuritis multiplex?

it's a feature of PAN in which multiple nerves large enough to have a name (e.g. ulnar, radial, common peroneal etc.

most accurate test for PAN?

biopsy of an affected vessel, site

what does angiography show in a case of PAN?

shows beading (aka abnormal dilatations along the vessels)

What is the big antibody associated with PAN?

p-ANCA, but it's only seen in about 20% of cases

what effect on the kidney does PAN have?

causes a general nephritic syndrome but doesn't really give any specific signs or findigns on U/A or anything

2 drugs used in mgmt of PAN



treat the underlying hepatitis as well

what is the quintessential lab finding associated with PMR?

really high ESR

what is the hx like for PMR?

hair/chair/stair weakness that is associated wth MUSCLE PAIN as well

What do CPK and aldolase show in a case of PMR?

they are normal

treatment of PMR

it's extremely responsive to steroids

disease that tends to be on a spectrum with PMR

giant cell arteritis

how does GCA present?

visual symptoms, scalp tenderness, unilateral headache

what can you see in the arms and near the clavicles in giant cell arteritis?

you can see decreased arm pulses, bruits near the clavicles, aortic regurg etc.

a lab test that is obviously useful in GCA

really high ESR

but the most accurate test for GCA is

temporal artery biopsy

treatment of GCA

high dose prednisone

what do you do first? steroids or biopsy?

steroids to prevent blindness

what is the classic jaw-related symptom in GCA>

jaw claudication with chewing

upper respiratory tract findings along with renal insufficiency and granulomas

Wegener's granulomatosis

what are some ways for upper respiratory tract to be involved in Wegener's?

sinusitis, mastoiditis, otitis media

nasal septal perforation

oral and gingival involvement even

best initial test for Wegener's granulomatosis

antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c ANCA)

what is the difference between cANCA and p ANCA?

directed at different things:

c-ANCA is against proteinase-3

p ANCA is against myeloperoxidase

what type of biopsy is best to dx Wegener's definitively?

lung biopsy

tx of Wegener's

prednisone and cyclophosphamide just like PAN

classic way for USMLE to ask Wegner's

a pneumonia that is not resolving with antibiotics

another pulmonary renal syndrome but this vasculitis shows an association with asthma and eosinophilia

Churg Strauss

most accurate test for churg strauss

biopsy of affected areas

tx for Churg strauss

prednisone and cyclophosphamide

kid with abdominal pain and bleeding, palpable purpura, joint pains, hematuria after a recent hx of URTI

Henoch Schonlein purpura (HSP)

dx of HSP

mostly clinical

you can get a biopsy to be most accurate, but you should probabyl just treat it when it presents

what is the mgmt for HSP

this should resolve on its own but STEROIDS are used to reduce severe abdominal pain as well as decrease renal progression

Is serum IgA useful for dx of HSP?>


another vasculitis that is associated with HCV

also connected to endocarditis and Sjogren syndrome as a comorbidity


what is the difference between cryoglobulinemia and cold agglutinins?

they're both IgM antibodies, cold agglutinins are associated with EBV and Mycoplasma pneumonia. they are more characterized by HEMOLYSIS

so cold agglutinins hemolyze. What does cryoglobulinemia result in?

it's a much more systemic disease characterized by joint pain, purpuric skin lesions, neuropathy, nephritis etc.

What is the tx for cryoglobulinemia?




so in other words treat their Hep C

as opposed to cold agglutinins treatment which is

stay warm

give rituximab, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporine

Asian or Middle Eastern person with painful oral and genital ulcers and erytema nodosum-like lesions on the skni

Behcet syndrome

what is the eye manifestation of Behcet

gives ocular lesions and anterior uveitis

BLINDNESS eventually

What CNS disease can Behcet mimic?