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50 Cards in this Set

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Von Gierke's Disease
caused by G6P deficiency

characterized by hypoglycemia and a lack of glycogenolysis induced by epinephrine and glucagon
Glycogen Storage Diseases
Type Ia or von Gierke
Andersen's disease
McArdle's disease
Anderson's disease
defect in the glycogen branching enzyme

symptoms: liver cirrhosis, abnormal glycogen levels, and diminished hyperglycemic response to epinephrine
McArdle's disease
defect in muscle glycogen phosphorylase

characterized by reduction in blood lactate and pyruvate levels after exercise, no post-exercise drop in pH and a normal response to epinephrine.
- cross blood brain barrier
- a lot of osmotic potential
- high potential for water to rush into the cell and lyse
- extremely high-energy yield
- stored in convenient, compact form due to its hydrophobicity
- does not cross blood brain barrier b/c insoluble nature
- only used in aerobic conditions
- slow ATP generation
Ketone Bodies
- negatively charged
- readily soluble
- cross blood brain barrier
- only used aerobically
- slow ATP generation
Amino Acid and Proteins
- provide carbon skeleton for manufacturing glucose or ketone bodies
- last resort for filling the priority of maintaining blood glucose level
Glycogen is a polymer of glucose linked by
alpha 1-4 glycosidic
Every x-y residues, glucose branches at ....
every 8-10 residues, molecule branches at an alpha 1-6 linkage.
General properties of Glycogen
- soluble
- prohibitive osmotic force for cells
- plays different roles in the liver and in skeletal muscle
- stored in small granules in the cytoplasm
Glycogen in Liver
maintain glucose homeostasis
Glycogen in Muscle cells
provide a burst of energy in times of activity
- one of the two components of starch
- branches every 24-30 residues
Non-reducing ends of glucose
- where carbons 4 and 6 are located and are the 'business end' of the molecule.
- where glucose is added and where glycogen is broken down.
Advantage for storing glucose in the form of glycogen
- rapid mobilization under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
Disadvantage to using glycogen
- hygroscopic
- can bind about 3-4 times its weight in water, limiting the amount of glycogen that we can store
- nearly depleted after 12 hours of fasting
glycogen phosphorylase
- breaks down glycogen in glycogen mobilization
- phosphorylates glycogen at a non-reducing end and cleaves the alpha 1-4 linkage
After glycogen phosphorylase, glucose unit is released as:
- glucose 1 phosphate
- looks similar to G6P
- moves the phosphate on G1P to make G6P
- allowing it to participate in the glycolytic pathway
Limitation of glycogen phosphorylase
cannot cleave glucose from glycogen once it gets closer than 4 residues to a branch point in the molecule.
Debranching enzyme
- second enzyme involved in mobilizing glucose
- hydrolysis of glycogen
- slow enzyme
- moves trisaccharide unit until alpha 1-4 linkages from the limiting area of the molecule to the non-reducing end of another branch of glycogen
- then utilizes its alpha 1-6 glucosidase activity to hydrolyze and release the remaining glucose unit.
glucose 6 phosphatase
- enzyme in the membrane of the ER catalyzes the hydrolysis of glucose to inorganic phosphate and glucose.
GLUT-2 transporter
glucose is free to exit the cell through the GLUT-2 transporter and enter the blood
First step of Glycogen synthesis
- formation of UDP-glucose
UDP- glucose
- first step of glycogen synthesis
- activated form of glucose
G1P and UDP are covalently linked at:
1' carbon
UDP pryophosphorylase
catalyze the formation of UDP-glucose
glycogen synthase
- catalyze the polymerization of glucose
- needs a pre-existing polymer to work off of
- in glycogen synthesis, the primer is provided by this protein
- catalyze the addition of 8 glucose units to a tyrosine residue on itself
- then allow glycogen synthase to take over.
Glycogen synthase makes new linkages between...
carbons 1 and 4 at the expense of the linkage between glucose and UDP.
Branching enzyme
- involved in glycogen synthesis
- makes alpha 1-6 linkages periodically to branch te polymer of glycogen.
- catalyzes the rxn by transferring a seven residue segment from the non-reducing end of glycogen to another location on the same or another chain.
glycogen phosphorylase - phosphorylated
major enzyme involved in breaking down glycogen

active when phosphorylated

phosphorylase a
phosphorylated b
inactive version
phosphorylase kinase
catalyze the phosphorylation of a serine residue on glycogen phosphorylase

also has two forms
phosphorylase kinase a
active form of phosphorylase kinase

phosphate groups are removed by this class of molecules
phosphoprotein phosphatase - 1
phosphorylase kinase is deactivated by this molecule
protein kinase A
- cyclic AMP (cAMP) dependent kinase that is activated by cAMP levels increasing.

- one of the two major proteins that can phosphorylate glycogen synthase (turning it off)
phosphorylated glycogen synthase
glycogen synthase kinase 3

second important protein that can phosphorylate glycogen synthase (turning it off)
Insulin and GSK-3
insulin inhibit GSK-3's ability to phosphorylate glycogen synthase.

protects glycogen synthase from the deactivating effects of phosphorylation, and allows the body to make glycogen.
Red Blood Cell
- no nuclei or mitochondria
- completely dependent on glucose for energy
- only metabolize fuel anaerobically
major glucose demand b/c it utilizes glucose almost exclusively, oxidizing it all the way to CO2 and H2O.

under starving conditions, brain cell use ketone bodies as fuel, meet about 1/3 of the energy demands.
skeletal muscles
under resting conditions, fatty acids are used for fuel rather than glucose.

exercise: glycogen is mobilized to make glucose for the glycolytic pathway. b/c muscles need energy much more quickly.
adipose tissue
stores fatty acids in the form of triacylglycerol

availability of glucose plays a critical role in determining if triacylglycerol is stored in these cells.
fatty acids come from there

plays a crucial role in glucose homeostasis and pathways like glycolysis do not play the same role in the liver as they do in other organs
liver, after meal
glycolysis has the major role of forming acetyl-coA to make fatty acids
liver, fasting
glucose is very low, which stimulates gluconeogensis: the reverse of glycolysis which converts pyruvate to glucose and releases it into the blood.

Exclusively in the liver, and a small amount in the kidneys.
liver does not have hexokinase 1, it has this

much lower activity than hexokinase.

to protect newly formed glucose that is destined to be exported from the liver cell.