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45 Cards in this Set

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What are the connective tissue pathologies?

Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Pediatric Lupus

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis


Etiology and Pathology of EDS

Etiology: Autosomal dominant inheritance most common

Pathology: Abnormal collagen Type V

EDS BF&S impairments


•Hyperextensibility of the skin & joints





•Structuralcardiac abnormalities

EDS activity and Participation restrictions

•Needto avoid physical activities that put bones and joints at risk

•Mayencounter social stigma

•Maylimit choice of hobby or activities as isometric and strenuous weight-bearingexercise must be avoided

EDS - Potential Interventions

•Childand family education to minimize injury

•Strengtheningand fitness programs to reduce injuries (Avoid contact sports & rough-houseplay)

•Painmanagement as needed

•Assistivedevices and functional training as needed

Etiology and Pathology of JIA

Etiology: May be genetic/environmental, autoimmune related to inc interleukin 1

Pathology: Joint inflammation, joint synovium proliferates --> pannus --> erodes cartilage 7 bone

Joint adhesions and osteophytes

JIA BS&F impairments


•Oligoarthritis: 20% have chronic iritiswhich may lead to blindness

•Rheumatoidfactor – negative polyarticularonset: bilateral knees, wrists &ankles

•Rheumatoidfactor - positive polyarticularonset

All have a degree of ROM limitations& joint space narrowing &/or destruction.

JIA activity and participation instructions

May limit mobility and self care activities

May impair hand writing

JIA potential Interventions

•Child& Family Education


•Strengthening& fitness programs

•Painmanagement (NSAIDS)

•Environmental& lifestyle modifications


•Assistivedevice & mobility aid selection

Etiology and Pathology of Hemophilia

•Etiology: Defect in gene on X chromosome; incidence 1per 5,000 live male births

•Pathology: Missing protein (clotting factor) requiredfor blood clotting

Hemophilia BS&F impairemnts

-Joint destruction,leading to prematurearthritis andchronic pain

-Muscle disuseatrophy

-Potential nervecompression

-If bleeding occursin the brain, sensory,motor, orcognitive impairmentsmaydevelop; if thebleeding is severe,death may result

Hemophilia potential activity and participation restrictions

Pain may lead to diminished interaction with peers and absencefrom work/school.

Functionallimitations due to pain and joint swelling.

What are the bony disorders

•ArthrogryposisMultiplex Congenita (AMC)



•Slippedcapital epiphysis



•OsteogenesisImperfecta (OI)

Etiology of AMC


-Suspect teratogens

-Lack of in uteromovement

-In utero muscle atrophy caused by muscle disease, virus, or maternalfever

-Insufficient room due to lack of amniotic fluid or abnormally shapeduterus.

Pathology of AMC

•Deficitin the motor unit leads to severe fetal weakness

•Fetalimmobility leads to hypoplasticjoint development & contractures

AMC BF&S impairments

•Characteristicimpairment is joint contractures.


•Decreasedjaw and tongue ROM

•Tubularlimbs, lacking normal joint creases

•Diminishedmass and muscle strength

AMC activity and participation limitations


•DiminishedADL skills such as dressing and toileting

•Poorgrasp and feeding or speech difficulties

•Limitedplay and activity

•Cognition is typical

AMC potential interventions


•Stretchingand Splinting/Casting



•Assistivetechnology for mobility & communication

Etiology and Pathology of Blount disease (Tibia Vara)


-Infantile: obese children who walked before age 1

-Juvenile: most common in obese African-Americanteenagers


-Compression of proximal tibial physes that inhibits normal endochondral growth

Blount Disease BS&F impairments

Lateral bowing of the tibia

Medial Knee Instability

Blount disease activity and participation limitations


Knee instability

Progressive joint degeneration


Blount disease potential interventions

Postsurgical ambulation training

Splinting as needed

Etiology for Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease


•Numerousassociated factors include later birth presentation, increasing parental age,ADHD

•Higherincidence in lower SES, urban areas leads to hypothesis of nutrition.

Pathology for Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease


•Currenttheory: vascular disruption leading toaseptic necrosis of proximal femur

•Systemiccomponent suspected because epiphyseal changes have been noted in the nonproblematicjoints; blood content abnormalities

Legg-Calve-Perthes BF&S impairments

•Limpcaused by pain or weak abductor muscles

•Frequentlypositive Trendelenburg sign

•LimitedROM in hip abduction & internal rotation

•Painin hip or groin with activity

•Maybe referred knee pain

Legg-Calve-Perthes activity and participation limitations

Pain can limit play & ADLs


Legg-Calve-Perthes Interventions

-Child/Family education

-ROM program

-Ambulation training post surgery

--Proximal varus derotational osteotomy of the femur

-Positioning Devices

Etiology of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis


-2.5:1 male-female ratio

-Higher incidence in african americans

-Local trauma in 25% of cases

-Inflammation may weaken physeal plate

-Endocrine/hormone imbalance

-Delayed skeletal maturity



Pathology of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Posterior displacement of the capital femoral epiphysis from femoral neck through a weakened physis

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis BF&S impairments

-Antalgic limp

-Groin pain or referred AM thigh and knee

-ER posturing

-Dec hip flexion, abd, and IR

-Leg moves into ER when flexed.

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis activity and participation limitations

Pain may limit activities

Long term degenerative changes

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis interventions

-Child and family education

-ROM program

-Positioning program

-Postsurgical ambulation training

Describe a epiphyseal fracture

Fracture goes through the growth plate. Can cause growth arrest in a childs bone

See Salter Harris Classification

What is a greenstick fracture

Occur in long bones when a force applied to one side of the bone breaks. Cause angular deformity

Etiology of Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Dominant heritable genetic disorder

Collagen defect, bone fragility, and frequent fracture

Pathology of Osteogenesis Imperfecta

-Defects in type 1 collagen

-Increased bone turnover

-Sequelaeinclude shore stature, scoliosis, poor tooth formation, deafness, blue sclera,translucent skin, osteoporosis, and ligamentous laxity.

Review slide 38

Types of OI

Osteogenesis Imperfecta BF&S Impairments

Propensity for fractures and deformities

Severe scoliosis may impair cardiorespiratory status

Osteogenesis Imperfecta activity and participation limitations

Fragility with play and ADLs

Deformities may diminish ADL skills and mobility

Osteogenesis Imperfecta potential interventions

•Childand family education


•Strengtheningand fitness programs



•Behavioralmodification to reduce injury

•Splintingand ambulation aid selection