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28 Cards in this Set

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C5 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Lateral arm, Deltoid patch
- Motor - Deltoid, Biceps
- Reflex - Biceps
C6 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Lateral forearm, thumb and index finger
- Motor - Biceps, Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
- Reflex - Brachioradialis
C7 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Middle finger
- Motor - Triceps, Flexor carpi radialis, Extensor digitorum communis, Extensor indicis proprius, Extensor digiti minimi proprius
- Reflex - Triceps
C8 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Ulnar fingers, Medial forearm
- Motor - Flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus, Interossei
- Reflex - None
T1 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Medial arm
- Motor - Interossei
- Reflex - None
L4 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Medial leg and foot
- Motor - Tibialis anterior
- Reflex - Quadriceps
L5 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Lateral leg, Dorsum of foot, 1st web space
- Motor - Extensor hallucis longus, Tibialis posterior, Peroneus longus and brevis, Flexor digitorum longus, Tibialis anterior
- Reflex - None (tibialis posterior)
S1 radiculopathy
- Sensory - Lateral foot, Posterior leg and heel
- Motor - Gastrocnemius and soleus, Flexor hallucis longus
- Reflex - Gastrosoleus (Achilles)
special aspects of cervical vertebrae
- most flexible
- horizontal facet joints
- large foramina
what nods the head?
- kidney atlas w/ occiptal bones
where do lumbar puctures go?
- interval b/t spinous process and laminae of adjacent lumbar vertebra
pars interarticularis
- region of lamina b/t superior and inferior process
- spondylosis is a break in the scottydog neck
what is the nucleus propulsus made of?
- type 2 collagen
- proteoglycans
- chondrocytes
what is the annulus fibrosis made of?
- fibrocytes
- Type I collagen
how does the nucleus propulsus get its nutrition?
- a little from diffusion from the annulus
- most from the adjacent vertebral end plates
- no big molecules or anions (cartialge is negative)
- no ox, so anaerobic metabolism
how do the disks change w/ age?
- decreased water and proteoglycan, and increased type I collagen of nucleus
- decreased perm of vertebral end plates
- by 70's, nucleus is mostly fibrocartilage
disk herniation characteristics
- lumbar and cervical
- posterolateral
- incidence decreases after 50
where does the spinal cord end?
L1 or L2
where does the dural sac end?
whats in the dorsal root ganglion
cell bodies of afferent neurons
how a lumbar herniated disk different?
- the IV foramina are really big, so the nerve emerges above the disk
- so protrusion gets the next one down
cauda equina syndrome
- if a large lumbar disk compresses the cauda equina
- severe pain, diffuse bilateral lower extremity weakness
- decreased perineal sensation (saddle anesthesia)
- possible bowel and bladder dysfunction
- surgical emergency
Batson's plexus
- the veins of the vertebrae
- communicate freely w/ veins
of the body wall
- relatively few valves
- good collateral circulation in obstruction of IVC
- pathway for mets of pelvis to vertebral column and cranium
intermediate muscles of the back
- two small muscles of respiration
- the serratus posterior superior and the serratus posterior inferior
superficial splenius
- deep muscles of the back
- muscles that extend the neck and head
erector spinae muscles
- deep muscles of the back
- acting as a unit, extend the vertebral column
transversospinalis muscles
- deep muscles of the back
- extend, laterally flex and rotate the spine
what innervates the deep muscles of the back
- primary dorsal rami of spinal nerves
- they divide into medial and lateral branches that run down the spine
- supply their segment and a segment or 2 below