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17 Cards in this Set

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What are 4 necessary characteristics to be in the phylum chordata?
Dorsal, hollow nerve chord
pharyngeal gill slits
post anal tale
What is oviparous reproduction? Name one animal who does this
The young develop in eggs layed outside the mothers body. EX Chickens
What is Ovoviviparous reproduction? Name one animal who does this
The young develop in eggs held in the mothers uterus. EX garder snakes
What is viviparous reproduction? Name one animal that does this
The young are born alive after having been nourished in the uterous. EX Humans
What is ultimate causation?
The evolutionary reason for something
What is Proximate Causation?
The immdiate cause or reason for a behavior
What is Ethology?
The study of animals in their natural environment
What is Learning? What is Maturation? Give examples
Learning is the modification of a behavior by experience.

Maturation is the development of neuromuscular systems that allows behavioral improvement.
What are the 4 types of learning? Give examples
Habituation is learning to ignore irrelevant stimuli. EX the cry wolf effect

Imprinting is irreversible, and occurs at a critical period of time

Associative learning the ability of many animals to associate one stimulus with another

Play uses movements closely associated with goal directed behaviors.. Allows animals to practice behaviors. Play can be dangerous
What are the two types of associative learning?
Classical conditioning is an arbitrar stimulus is associated with a rewaqrd or punishment.

Operant conditioning is trial and error learning.
What is social behavior?
an interaction between two or more animals
What is sociobiology?
the study of social behavior that has evolutionary teory as its conceptual framework
What is agonistic behavior?
A contest of threatening and submissive behavior that determines which competitor gains access to a resource
What are dominant hierachies?
A top ranked member of a social group controls the behavior of the group. EX wolf packs
What is Territoriality?
Behaviors used for defending an area
What is Altruism?
A behavior that reduces and individuals fitness and increases the fitness of the recipent of the behavior
What is inclusive fitness?
The concept which describes the total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring