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104 Cards in this Set

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what does blood enter when reaching aorta?
right and left coronary aa to make jock strap waistband
what a does left coronary give off? right coronary?
left coronary a --> left anterior descending br
right coronary a --> marginal branch
what's the significance of dominance of right coronary/left coronary a?
depending on which is dominant determines which area of cardiac wall is damaged during heart attack
which vessels are the most commonly occluded vessels in heart attack, in decreases order of occurrence? *occlusion happens near origin of respective vessels
1) left anterior descending branch
2) right coronary a
3) circumflex branch
where does coronary sinus drain into?
right atrium
where do thesbian vv drain from/into?
drain from cardiac muscles into cardiac chambers, especially atria
what are the 4 main divisions of venous circulation?
1) superior vena cava and divisons
2) inferior vena cava and divisions
3) azygous system
4) portal circulation
what do the 1st intercostal spaces drain into?
brachiocephalic vv
what branches does the internal thoracic v have?
anterior intercostal branches which anastomose w/ intercostal branches of azygous v
what does azygous v drain?
intercostal spaces
thoracic cord
what does azygous vein join after rib cage? what does it become?
renal v and becomes ascending lumbar v of abdomen
do intercostal and lumbar vv correspond to intercostal and lumbar aa?
what's the cysterna chyli? where?
expansion at lower end of thoracic duct at level of L2
what do the bronchomediastinal trunks drain?
deep thoracic viscera (like lung!)
where does lymph from lung tend to drain into?
nodes at hilum of lung, which is near carina
where does the right lung and lower left lung tend to drain into?
right bronchomediastinal trunk
where does lymph from upper left lung drain into?
left bronchomediastinal trunk
a tumor in the right bronchomediastinal trunk nodes may have come from where?
left lower lung or right lung
mediastinal nodes drain the lungs, tracheobronchial tree, heart and esophagus by:
bronchomediastinal trunks
what v is entered by the internal thoracic (internal mammary) chain of nodes?
brachiocephalic v
can cancer from thorax spread to abdomen?
yes and vice-versa
where does superficial skin drainage of breast go to?
axillary nodes
where does deep breast tissue drain to?
axillary nodes if tumor is lateral
if tumor is medial, drains to internal thoracic chain
what purpose do areolar glands serve?
make lubricating secretion that facilitates nursing
how is breast divided up?
into 15-20 lobes.. ea. lobe w/ lactiferous ducts and lactiferous sinuses before exit pt of lactiferous ducts
what separates lobules?
fibrous septa: suspensory ligaments of Cooper
in lung inflammation, where does fluid collect and can be drained from? how do you do it?
costodiaphragmatic recess
*collect from 8th intercostal space (b/w ribs 8 and 9) just over rib 9 rather than just under rib 8 to avoid hitting the "VAN"
what happens if you puncture lung?
leakage of air b/w pleura layers and collapse of lung
where does trachea bifurcate?
sternal angle of Louis (junc b/w manubrium and sternum body)
which bronchus side are things lodged in more frequently?
right side b/c steeper angle than left
which side of lung has 3 lobes?
right b/c sad it has no heart so must compensate
(left lung has 2 lobes)
where does the middle lobe of the lung rest? significance?
abscess from liver can extend thru diaphragm and cause right middle lobe pneumonia
what's the lingula?
part of left lung that's left upper lobe which is homologus w/ right middle lobe and also touches diaphragm
where is it easiest to examine lobes of lung?
back: inferior lobes
front: superior lobes
what's an azygous lobe?
sometimes an accessory at lung apex on right side where azygous v indents superior lobe
are disease processes spread thruout lung?
no - confined to a certain lobe
what's thymus gland's func?
makes lymphocytes!
ea pair of sensory and motor nerve roots joins in intervertebral foramen to form:
spinal n
once outside vertebral canal, spinal n divides into :
posterior (dorsal) and anterior (ventral) ramus
*ea contains mixture of motor and sensory fibers
once outside the vertebral canal, the spinal nerve divides into: __________________ . each of which contains: __________
1) posterior (dorsal) and anterior (ventral) ramus
2) contains mix of motor and sensory fibers
do sacral nerve roots get out of sacral foramina before dividing?
no- roots fuse and form spinal nerves while in vertebral canal and divide into post and ant rami w/i canal
how many exit pts does ea sacral n have?
2: posterior and anterior foramen on either side of sacrum
what does posterior rami supply?
skin near middle of back, as well as midline skeletal muscles of spine
what does anterior rami supply?
rest of neck, trunk, and extremities
what plexi have extensions of anterior rami?
lumbosacral plexuses
what makes up dermatome map of body?
posterior and anterior rami
what nerve has sensation on C5-T1 dermatomes?
upper extremities
C1 dermatome?
C2 dermatome?
skull cap
C3 dermatome?
high collar- turtleneck
C4 dermatome?
cape around shoulder
T5 dermatome?
T10 dermatome?
belly button
L1 dermatome?
inguinal ligament
L4 dermatome:
knee and big toe
L5 dermatome?
3 middle toes
S1 dermatome?
ankle jerk reflex
S1-S2 dermatome?
rear of lower extremities
S2-S5 dermatome?
genital and anal zones
what rami form intercostal nn?
anterior rami
do intercostal nn travel b/w external and internal intercostal muscles?
no b/c the muscles run at oblique angles, which confuses nerves
what intercostal n is the subcostal n?
what does it supply?
supplies part of abdominal wall
what nn supply the abdominal wall?
T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12
where does T7-T11 run?
b/w internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles
what do somatic motor fibers innerv?
striated skeletal muscle
what does somatic sensory fibers innerv?
skin, muscle and tissues other than viscera
what's viscera?
cardiac muscle
smooth muscle
where are visceral (autonomic) motor nuclei located?
b/w somatic sensory and motor areas of spinal cord grey matter
what main components make up the autonomic system?
visceral sensory
visceral motor
what does the autonomic system regulate?
smooth muscle
cardiac muscle
which system is anabolic? catabolic?
anabolic- parasympathetic
catabolic- sympathetic
where are the cell bodies of preganglionic sympathetic fibers?
in spinal cord @ spinal cord level: T1-L2
where are the cell bodies of pregang parasymp fibers?
in spinal cord @ S2-S4
are there any cranial nn w/ parasymp components?
3- pupil and ciliary body constriction
7- tearing and salivation
9- salivation
10- vagus and vagus parts
what does hypothalamus control?
autonomic nervous system
what does cerebrum control?
somatic motor system
what can sympathetic axons run w/?
peripheral nn
how does sympathetic axons prepare for long trip w/ peripheral nn?
goes to bathroom 1st: synapses in ganglia of paravertebral chain
came in clean (white shirt) gets dirty in bathroom and leaves w/ poo shirt (gray rami)
what if sympathetic axon is going to innerv viscera?
synapse in paravertebral ganglion (go to bathroom) b/c can't pee in heart!
how do sympathetics innervating abdominal viscera travel?
sympathetics innervating abdominal viscera are nervous pooers.. hence their interest in the abdomen.. they want to figure the abdomen out so they won't be such nervous pooers. So, before they leave on their journey, they can't synapse on paravertebral ganglion b/c they're nervous pooers. Instead they wait until they get to the abdomen, they understand how to not be a nervous pooer, and they synapse in prevertebral ganglia (poo)!
what are some exs. of prevertebral ganglia?
superior mesenteric
inferior mesenteric
where do sympathetic splanchnic nn synapse?
splanchnic's have been ganked (beaten by gang) in bathrooms before and are wary of going to the bathroom.. So they hold it and hold it and hold it until they can't hold it anymore and they synapse in deeper ganglia than others: on splanchnic nn
where do parasympathetics synapse?
ganglia near or within target organs
most sympathetic fibers to head and neck travel by which ganglia?
superior cervical ganglion: most superior of paravertebral sympathetic ganglia
which ganglia supply important innerv to cardiac and pulmonary plexi?
superior cervical ganglion
middle cervical ganglia
inferior cervical ganglia
thoracic ganglia
what fusion makes the stellate ganglion?
inferior cervical ganglion and 1st thoracic ganglion
where is the stellate ganglion?
on 1st and 2nd ribs, posterior to origin of vertebral a
symp fibers to thorax originate in what ganglia?
paravertebral ganglia of neck and thorax
symp fibers to abdomen originate in which ganglia?
paravertebral ganglia of thorax and abdomen
symp fibers to pelvis originate in which ganglia?
paravertebral ganglia of abdomen and pelvis
symp fibers to celiac, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric abdominal ganglia and other abdomen ganglia arise from:
greater splanchnic n (T5-T8 paravert gang)
lesser splanchnic n (T9-T11 paravert gang)
lowest/least splanchnic n (T12 paravert gang)
how do the pregang symp nerves to abdomen arise in thorax, but enter abdomen?
pierce diaphragm near aorta
the final synapse of parasymp system has what nt? symp? sweating?
para= Ach
symp= Norep
sweating = Ach
what is the wonderful purpose of S2, 3, 4?
keeps the penis off the floor!
what system stims secretion of lacrimal gland or salivary glands?
what system stims secretion of adrenaline?
what are the branches of the vagus n?
auricular br
pharyngeal br
superior laryngeal n
recurrent laryngeal n
cardiac branches
esophageal plexus
anterior vagal trunk to anterior stomach and liver
posterior vagal trunk to posterior stomach and then to liver, kidney, SI, LI
what are the vagal branches to the pharynx?
pharyngeal branch
superior laryngeal n
recurrent laryngeal n
what does right recurrent n wrap around? left?
right - front of subclavian a
left- aorta
what do recurrent laryngeal n innervv?
all larynx muscles, except for cricothyroid
what innerv cricothyroid?
superior laryngeal n: external branch
what does internal br of superior laryngeal n innerv?
sensation to laryngeal mucosa above vocal cord
what provides sensation to laryngeal mucosa below vocal cord?
recurrent laryngeal n
why might surgeons cut some branches of vagus n to stomach?
to decrease gastric acid production