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83 Cards in this Set

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Name the 6 Characteristics of Qualitative Data Analysis.
1) Data is textual/visual (not numerical)
2) Goal is understanding
3) Analyses are on-going and iterative
4) Member checking is used
5) Approach is inductive
6) Need to establish credibility
Define Member Checking.
Asking key people to read the researcher’s report to verify that the analyses are right.
Define Thick Description.
An ethnographic research report that related behavior within a culture or subculture.
-Explain consumer behavior better than other methods because it connects behaviors to social contexts.
Name the 4 Steps of Data Analysis
1) Data Collection
2) Data Display
3) Data Reduction
4) Conclusion Drawing
What does Data Reduction Involve?
-Categorization and coding of data
-Theory development
-Iteration and negative case analysis
Name 4 Ways of Data Reduction
Define Categorization.
Putting parts of transcripts into similar groups based on content.
Define Code Sheet.
List of the different themes or categories for a study.
Define Codes.
Labels or numbers that are used to track categories in a study.
Define Comparison.
Process of developing and refining theory and constructs by analyzing the differences and similarities in passages, themes or participants.
Define Integration.
The process of moving from identifying themes and categories to developing a theory.
Define Recursive.
Relationship where a variable can both cause and be caused by the same variable.
Define Selective Coding.
Building a report around one main category or theme; the other categories will be related to this central category.
Define Iteration.
Going over the data many times in order to modify early ideas and to be informed by later analyses.
Define Memoing.
Writing down thoughts asap after each interview, etc
Define Negative Case Analysis.
Intentionally looking for cases and instances that contradict the ideas and theories that researchers have been developing.
Define Emic Validity
Verifies that the key members within a culture agree with the findings of a research report.
Define Cross-Researcher Reliability
The degree of similarity in the coding of the same data by different researchers.
Define Triangulation.
-Multiple methods of data collection and analysis
-Multiple data sets
-Multiple researchers analyzing data
-Data collection in multiple time periods
-Providing selective breadth in informants
Name the 3 Major Parts of Writing a Report
1) Introduction
-Description of methods
2) Analysis of data/findings
-Literature review/secondary data
-Findings displayed in tables or charts
-Interpretation and summary of findings
3) Conclusion/Recommendations
Name the 4 Steps in the Data Preparation Process.
1) Data Validation

2) Editing and Coding

3) Data Entry

4) Data Tabulation
Define Data Validation.
Process of determining whether a survey’s interviews or observations were done right and are free of fraud/bias.
Define Curbstoning.
Cheating or falsification in the data collection process.
Name the 5 Primary Areas Where Validation is a Concern.
1) Fraud

2) Screening

3) Procedure

4) Completeness

5) Courtesy
Name 5 Factors that Aid in Error Detection.
1) Validation

2) Editing and Coding

3) Data Entry

4) Data Tabulation

5) Data Analysis
Define Editing.
Checking raw data for mistakes made by the interviewer or respondent.
Name the 4 Steps Involved with Developing Response Codes.
1) Generate list of potential responses and assign values.

2) Consolidate responses

3) Assign numerical value as a code

4) Assign a coded value to each response
Define Data Entry.
Input of the coded data into software that will let the researcher transform the raw data into useful information.
Name 3 Methods of Error Detection
1) Software “error edit routines”
-Identify the wrong type of data

2) Scan the actual data that was entered

3) Produce a data/column list procedure for the entered data
Define One-Way Tabulation.
Categorization of a single variable in a study.
How is One-Way Tabulation Used?
Used to calculate summary statistics on questions: Averages, Standard Deviations, Percentages.
How is One-Way Tabulation Shown?
Show OWT by constructing a One-Way Frequency table.
Define Cross-Tabulation.
Categorization of respondents by 2+ variables in the study.
-Categorizing the number of respondents who have answered 2+ questions in a row.
What is the Purpose of Cross-Tabulation?
Determine if certain variables differ when compared among various subgroups of the total sample.
(main form of data analysis in research projects)
Define Measures of Central Tendency.
Mean, median and mode all describe the center of the distribution of a set of values.
Define Mean.
Arithmetic average. All values are added up / # of valid responses.
→Used for interval or ratio data.
Define Mode.
Most frequently occurring value in a distribution of values.
→Used for nominal data.
Define Median.
Middle value of a ordered set of values.
→Used for ordinal data
Define Measures of Dispersions.
Describes how close values fall to the mean or other measures of central tendency.
Name 2 Measures of Dispersion.
1) Range
2) Standard Deviation
Define Range.
Distance between the smallest and largest value in a set.
Define Standard Deviation.
The average distance of the distribution values from the mean.
Define Variance.
The standard deviation squared.
List 3 Things to Consider When Selecting a Stat Technique.
1) # of variables

2) Scale of measurement

3) Parametric v. non-parametric stats
Name 2 Univariate Tests of Significance.
1) Z-Test
2) T-Test
→Appropriate for interval or ratio data.
What do Bivariate Statistical Tests do?
Compare characteristics of 2 groups or 2 variables
Define Chi-Square Analysis.
Test for stat significance between the FDs of 2+ variables in a cross-tabulation table to determine if there is any association between the variables.
Define Independent Samples.
2 or more groups of responses that are tested as though they may come from different populations.
Define Related Samples.
2 or more groups of responses that came from the sample population.
What is the T-Test Used For?
Tells the difference between two means.

Used when the sample size is less than 30 and the SD is unknown.
Define Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Determines if 3+ means are statistically different from each other.
Define F-Test.
The test used to statistically evaluate the differences between the group means in ANOVA
When should N-Way ANOVA be used?
-Multiple independent variables

-Experimental designs with groups of multiple variables
Define Perceptual Mapping.
Process that is used develop maps showing the perceptions of respondents. The map visually represents respondent perceptions in 2 dimensions.
Name 4 Ways to Describe the Relationship Between Variables
1) Presence

2) Direction

3) Strength of Association

4) Type
Define Linear Relationship.
Association between 2 variables where the relationship remains the same over the range of both variables.
Define Curvilinear Relationship.
Association between 2 variables where the strength and/or direction of their relationship changes over the range of both variables.
Define Covariation.
Amount of change in one variable that is consistently related to the change in another variable.
Explain What a Scatter Diagram Does.
Graphically shows the relative position of 2 variables using a horizontal and a vertical axis to represent the variable values.
Define Correlation Analysis/ Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
Measure of the strength of a linear relationship between 2 variables.
Explain Coefficient of Determination (r2).
A number measuring the proportion of variation in one variable accounted for by another.
-Think of r2 as a percentage and varies from 0.0 to 1.00
Define Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient.
Statistical measure of the linear association between 2 variables. Both have been measured using ordinal (rank order) scales.
Define Regression Analysis.
Getting more detailed answers (predictions) than can be provided by the correlation coefficient.
Define Bivariate Regression Analysis.
Analyzing the linear relationship between 2 variables by estimating coefficients for an equation for a straight line.
Variable (A) is designated as a dependent variable, and Variable (B) as an independent variable.
Define Least Squares Procedure.
Regression that determines the line of best fit by minimizing the distances between all the points on the line.
Define Unexplained Variance.
The amount of variation in the dependent construct that cannot be accounted for by the combination of independent variables
Define Regression Coefficient.
Indicated the importance of an independent variable in predicting a dependent variable. Large Coeffs are good, small coeffs are weak.
Define Ordinary Least Squares.
Estimating regression equation coefficients which produce the lowest sum of squared differences between the actual and predicted values of the dependent variable
Define Multiple Regression Analysis.
Analyzing the linear relationships between a dependent variable and multiple independent variables by estimating coefficients for the equation for a straight line.
Define Beta Coefficient.
Estimated regression coefficient that has been recalculated to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
This lets the independent variables with different units of measurement to be directly compared to the dependent variable.
Define Multicollinearity.
A situation in which several independent variables are highly correlated with each other. This characteristic can result in difficulty in estimating separate or independent regression coefficients for the correlated variables.
Objectives of Marketing Research Reports
-Communicate findings of project
-Provide interpretations of findings
-Illustrate credibility of the research project
-Serve as a future reference document for future decisions
Major Topics to Include in Your Report
-Research objectives
-Research questions
-Literature review
-Research methods
-Interpretation and summary
-Conclusion and recommendations
Name 3 Ways to Enhance Credibility
1) Accuracy
2) Believable
3) Professionally organized
Format for Marketing Research Reports
1) Title page
2) Table of contents
3) Executive summary
-Research objectives
-Statement of method
-Key findings
-Conclusion/ recommendations
4) Introduction
5) Research methods and procedures
-Research design used
-Types of secondary data
-Data collection procedures
-Sampling and sampling processes
6) Data analysis and findings
7) Conclusions and recommendations
8) Limitations
9) Appendices
Define Appendix.
A section at the end of the final research report used to house complex, detailed, or technical information.
Define Believability.
Achieved by building a final report that is based on clear, logical thinking, precise expression, and accurate presentation.
Define Credibility.
Achieved by developing a final report that is accurate, believable, and professionally organized.
Define Executive Summary.
The part of the final research report that illustrates the major points of the report in a manner complete enough to provide a true representation of the entire document.
Define Introduction.
Contains background information that is necessary to understand the report.
Define Limitations.
A section of the final research report where all extra events that have certain restrictions on the report are fully communicated.
Define Methods and Procedures.
Communicates how the research was conducted.
Name 5 Common Problems in Preparing Reports.
1) Lack of data interpretation
2) Unnecessary use of multivariate statistics
3) Emphasis on packaging instead of quality
4) Lack of relevance
5) Placing too much emphasis on a few statistics