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24 Cards in this Set

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T/F: PAs are able to practice outside of the scope of their supervising physician as long as they have training in the manner
Which medical care tasks assigned to a PA can be further delegated by the PA?
T/F: PAs are able to administer medications and vaccines
T/F: PAs are able to prescribe independently
T/F: PAs must have specific guidelines describing what they can prescribe and for what indications
How many PAs can a physician supervise at one time? How many physicians can supervise one PA?
-2, unless granted otherwise
-more than one
For how many weeks is a PA allowed to be assigned to an alternative supervising physician per year?
8 weeks
T/F: it is considered unprofessional conduct for a physician to tell a pt that an incurable dz is curable or that a curable dz can be cured within a certain timeframe when in reality it cannot be
T/F: Schedule II amphetamines and sympathomimetics can be prescribed for weight loss
False, considered unprofessional conduct
T/F: Physicians are allowed to NOT inform patients about the availability of alternative treatments, including the risks and benefits of such
false, unprofessional conduct
T/F: physicians are able to prescribe anabolic steroids for the enhancement of athletic performance
false, unprofessional conduct
What are the requirements for prescribing CIII-CV drugs for weight loss?
-patient's BMI must be > 25
-baseline EKG, weight, BP, pulse
-concomitant diet and exercise plan
-quantity dispensed < 30 at any time
-tx must last no longer than 90 days unless pt: has lost at least 12 lbs, no A/Es
T/F: physicians are able to have sexual contact with patients as long as the patient terminated professional services with the physician at least 1 year ago
false, must be at least 2 years
What are the requirements for physician dispensing of controlled substances?
-records must be maintained at site of dispensing for at least 5 years
-must be recorded in a separate log book in which each schedule of controlled substances is listed separately (name of drug, dosage form, strength, name and address of patient, date of dispensing, quantity dispensed, initials of dispenser)
What is required on a prescription prepared by a nurse?
-name, address, and phone number of the prescriber
-name, address, and signature of the preparer
When can APNPs dispense medications?
-nearest pharmacy is greater than 30 miles away
Which medications are optometrist allowed to prescribe?
-any medication used for an ophthalmic therapeutic purpose (including oral scheduled analgesics, topical degongestants, anti-allergy meds, topical and oral antibiotics, topical and oral anti-inflammatories, anticholinergics, etc.)
-can only be used for ocular purposes
-must contact PCP before initiating beta blockers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Where are nursing homes allowed to obtain medications from?
licensed pharmacies
Whose control are emergency med boxes in nursing homes under?
a pharmacist, kit must be sealed and stored in a locked area
Are nursing homes allowed to stock contingency supplies of medications?
Yes, up to 10 units of any medication, provided that it is under the control of a pharmacist and the drugs are unit-dosed
What are the storage requirements for medications in nursing homes?
-stored near the nurses' station, in locked cabinets/rooms
-meds should not be transferred bewteen containers except by physicians and pharmacist
-CIIs must be stored in a separate locked box/area
-meds for individual residents must be separated
-poisons and topicals must be stored separately from main medicaitons (except time-released topicals)
-only RNs or designees have access
-labeled appropriately (OTCs need med name, directions, expiration date, resident's name)
How quickly must NHs destroy unreturned prescription medications for discontinued orders?
72 hours
-adequate records must be kept for returned and destroyed meds (signed by 2 HCPs)
What records must NHs keep regarding CIIs?
a proof-of-use record for each different CII
What are the labeling requirements of unit dose medicaitons in NHs? Any other rules about meds/trays?
-drug name, strength, expiration date, lot/control #
-med trays must be labeled with pt name and room #
-nursing station may not have more than a 4 day supply of medication for any one patient
-medications may not be transferred from one container to another