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80 Cards in this Set

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Thiazide drug interactions
interfere with anticoagulants, decrease effects of some insulin, prolong chemo and bipolar drug effects.
Thiazide effects
diuretic: limits sodium/potassium reuptake in loop of henle, convoluted tubules/nephron.
Loop diuretic effects
Limits sodium/potassium reuptake in loop of henle and distal convoluted tubule
Potassium-sparing diuretic effects
Cause sodium and water to be excreted in urine but spares potassium.
UTI (urinary tract infection) bacteria is what type?
gram-negative bacteria
Types of UTI drugs
penicillin, cephalosporin, quinolone, fuoroquinolone, sulfonamide, folic acid, combination, cranberry juice (prevention)
Types of overactive bladder drugs
Anticholinergic drug effects
reduce smooth muscle tone of bladder and relax bladder contractions.
Types of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy drugs
Androgen inhibitor, Alpha1 receptor blocker
Androgen inhibitor drug effects
Inhibits male hormone dihydrotestosterone (androgen) reducing its effect on prostate), takes 6-12 months to review effectivness.
Alpha1 receptor drug effects
Block alpha1 receptors in the smooth muscles of the urethra and prostate gland allowing easier urine flow.
Drugs to treat errectile dysfunction
PDE5 inhibitor, prostaglandin E1,
PDE5 inhibitor drug effects
Stops PDE5 from metabolizing CGMP. cGMP creates and maintains the erection.
Prostaglandin E1 drug effects
Relax smooth muscles in the arteries of the penis increasing blood flow for an erection.
Types of GERD drugs
Antacids, H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors, gastric stimulant
Antacid drug effects
raise ph stomach, decrease mucous memb. irritation, inhibit pepsin, include aluminum, magnesium, calcium, sodium
H2 blocker drug effects
blocks histimine H2 receptors in stomach which are what cause the release of hydrochloric acid. Must be taken 30 min before eating.
What is the difference between H1 and H2 receptors?
H1 is receptor for allergic reactions like sneezing, eyes, etc. H2 is hydrochloric acid creation in the stomach.
Proton pump inhibitor drug effects
Decrease production of hyrochloric acid in stomach
purple pill?
Gastric stimulant drug effects
Increase rate of gastric emptying
Peptic ulcer drugs
H2 blocker, proton pump inhibitor, binding "bandage" over ulcer, or antibacterial/protozoal if H. Pylori cause.
Antidiarrheal drugs
anticholinergic, absorbent, opium, antibiotic, anti-infective
Anticholinergic drug effects
slows perristallasis in intestines
Absorbent drug effects
absorb excess water from stool to solidify it
Laxative drugs
Osmotic, bulk producing laxatives, stool softeners, Chloride channel laxative drugs, irritant/stimlant,
Osmotic drug effects
attract water from blood into intestines to soften stool
bulk producing laxative drug effects
indigestible substances to absorb and hold water in intestines to soften stool saftest/most natural treatment
stool softener drug effects
emulsifier that allows fat in stool to mix with water and soften stool.
Chloride channel laxative drug effects
Stimulate chloride channels in mucosa of intestineal wall causing fluid to flow into intestines
Irritant/stimulant laxative drug effects
stimulate intestinal mucosa to stimulate peristalsis
Ulcerative Colitis drugs
5-aminosalicylic acid drugs or 5-ASA, corticosteroids,
Chrons drugs
Monoclonal antibody, antibiotic/antiprotozoal,
IBS drugs
Serotonin receptor blockers, Chloride channel activators, Antispasmodic, Guanylate cyclase-C agonist, Antibiotic
Osteoarthritis drugs
Analgesic, Salicylates, NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitor, corticosteroids, Hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, zinc, capsaicin,
Salicylate drug effects
Analgesic/anti inflammatory effects, long term they are irritating to stomach and cause gastric ulcers
NSAID drug effects
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, inhibit prostaglandin production,
COX-2 inhibitor drug effects
larger catagory of NSAIDs, inhibit cyclooxygenase-2. Enzyme that decreases production of prostaglandins that cause pain and inflammation.
Hyaluronic acid osteoarthritis drug effect
secreted by synovial membrane of joint to help maintain lubricating quality of fluid.
Prostiglandin chemical effect
Play role in causing pain/inflammation in osteoarth, rheum arth. When material of join breakdown they are coverted by COX enzymes to prostaglandins, which then stim pain receptors in the area.
Rheumatoid arthritis drugs
Gold compounds, Salicylates, NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, Janus Kinase inhibitor drugs,
Gold effect on rheumatoid arthritis
inhibit macrophages from immune system that attack joints
Monoclonal antibodies (RA) effects
Bind with necrosis factor to prevent inflammation.
Osteoporosis treatments/drugs
supplements: D, estradiol, progesterone, calcium, excercise. Bone resorbtion inhibitor drugs, SERM Selective estrogen receptor modulator, Calcitonin-salmon, monoclonal antibody,
Estradiol drug effects
Inhibits the action of osteoclasts
Bronchiodilator drugs
Beta Agonist, Xanthine
Beta-agonist drug effects
Stimulate Beta2 receptors, Relax smooth muscle surrounding the bronchioles, allowing them to dilate, increase air flow.
Xanthine drug effects
Directly relax smooth muscle around bronchioles, stim the respiratory centers of brain
Anticholinergic drug effects
Block acetylcholine action on muscarinic receptors in smooth muscles around bronchioles
Corticosteroid effect on lungs
Supress inflammatory response and edema, CANNOT treat acute attacks.
Leukotriene formation inhibitor drug effects
Blocks action of leukotriene at the receptor. Leukotriene causes airway edems, bronchospasms, inflammation.
Monoclonal antibody drug effects
Keep immunoglobulin E (IgE) from binding to receptors on mast and basophil cells which stops the release of histimine.
Mast Cell stabilizer drug effects
Stabilize cell membrane of mast cells preventing them from releasing histamine during immune response to antigens.
Expectorant drugs
Reduce viscosity of mucus.
Tuberculosis is caused by what kind of bacterium?
Gram positive bacterium
Nicotine drug effects
Stim frontal cortex to increase alertness/performance, stim limbic lobe to provide pleasure, addicitve,
Quit smoking aid drugs
Nicotine, Nicotine antagonist, Adrenergic blocker, Antidepressant
Hypertension treatment
Lifestyle, Diuretic, Alpha1 blocker, Beta blockers, Calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor, Renin inhibitor, Selective Aldosterone receptor antagonist drug effect, Peripheral vasodilator,
Alpha1 blocker drug effects
Cause all blood vessels to dilate lowering blood preassure.
Beta blocker drug effects hypertension
Block action of ephenephrine decreasing heart rate and dilating blood vessels
How beta receptors work on heart
Beta 1 in heart when stim increase heart rate, Beta 2 in blood vessels stim smooth muscles constricting blood vessels
Calcium channel blocker drug effect
block movement of calcium ions into heart muscle and smooth muscles in blood vessels. Decrease heart rate and dilate arteries
ACE inhibitor drug effects
inhibits Angiotensis II causing dilation of blood vessels.
Renin inhibitor drug effect
blocks renin produced in kidneys dilating blood vessels.
Selective Aldosterone receptor antagonist drug effect
blocks aldosterone receptor which stops sodium reuptake into blood, causing more urination, less blood volume and lower preassure.
Peripheral vasodilator drug effects
relax smooth muscles of blood vessels.
Hyperlipidemia drugs
Bile sequestration drugs, HMB-CoA reductase inhibitor,
Bile sequestration drug effects
Causes cholesterol to bind to bile to make a substance that is excreted.
HMB-CoA reductase inhibitor drug effects
Blocks enzyme involved in one step of cholesterol production
Ezetimibe (zetia) drug effect
block cholesterol from being absorbed by small intestine back into blood
Drugs to treat Congestive heart failure
Diuretics, digitalis (slow heart pump but also strengthen), ACE inhibitor, angeotensis II inhibitor, beta blocker, adosterone receptor inhibitor,
Drugs to treat Angina Pectoris
Nitrate, calcium channel blocker, anticoagulant,
Drugs to treat Myocardial infarction
Thrombolytic drug, Beta blockers, Ace inhib, Angiotensin II recept blocker, platelet aggregation inhib,
Anticoagulant drugs
Heparin(Factor X inhibitor) Warfarin (block Vit K liver clot factor), Garlic, platlet aggregation inhib, Thrombin inhib, Factor Xa inhibitor drug, Thrombolytic enzyme, tussue plasminogen activator.
Thrombin inhib drug effect
inhibit action of thrombin, bind to receptors on both circulating thrombin and thrombin already incorporated into a blood clot.
Thrombolytic enzyme drug effect
Only anticoagulant other than plasminogen activator drug that can bread up a blood clot.
Anemia treatment
iron supplements, Erythropoietin-like drugs, Folic acid,
Hemophilia treatment
Coagulin-B, Vit K drug,
Types of contraceptive
mono/bi/tri phasic, progestin only (plan B one example),
infertility drugs
Progesterone, various