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48 Cards in this Set

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What are the two memory systems in Control Theory and how is the action controlled?
1st: Recognition memory (Sensation/Perception)
2nd: Recall memory (Response Selection/Execution)
Perform the action, get feedback, compare it to current memory representation in Recognition, update, then select and execute.
Comparisons between two systems to control an action
If a contrast between two, then you error correct
Could you develop a memory representation of what an action is supposed to be like that is independent of the memory representation used to produce the action? Give an example
Female football coaches, although never having played professionally, are still able to be just as good as males that have played
Coach with muscular dystrophy
What happens in Recognition memory stage (Sensation/Perception) of Control Theory?
Response Produced Feedback is compared to the correct response and after updated to perform again
Adams states you need a _____ _____ to get the action started, then a _____ _____ to determine if the feedback information is correct
Motor trace
Perceptual trace
What drives the response in Adams' theory?
Perceptual trace
What is a trace and which theorist came up with this concept?
A memory representation for each, individual response
What is a schema and which theorist came up with this concept?
A memory representation for a class of responses
In Schmidt's theory, what drives the entire response?
Recall schema
What happens in control theory according to Schmidt?
Recall schema produces the entire response
KR and feedback are then used in recognition schema to error correct in the updating stage
What does a motor program do according to Schmidt?
Starts the entire action
Adams is more a _____ _____ theorist while Schmidt is more a ____ _____ theorist
Closed loop
Open loop
How do Adams and Schmidt differ from each other?
In how they view memory representations (trace v. schema)
Argue what should be practiced in getting ready to perform criterion (practice just criterion v. variations)
What does Schmidt mainly argue for when it comes to what should be practiced and why?
Different responses can have the same memory representation, so by practicing variations of the criterion, one should put the invariant feature in memory and enrich experience
What does Adams mainly argue for when it comes to what should be practiced and why?
More transfer to the criterion will occur if just the criterion response is done in practice
Develops a trace
What is the criterion response?
the response you will be tested on
Which group performs better?
1) C/C/C/C/C/ Test:C
2) A/A/A/A/A/ Test:C
Adams argues more transfer to the criterion will occur if just practice criterion
Which groups performs better?
1) A/B/D/E/B/D/A/E Test:C
2) A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A Test:C
Schmidt argues practicing variations of the criterion response will lead to more transfer to C than by just practicing one variation
Why are Adams and Schmidt's ideas more complimentary in nature?
It is about knowing what the criterion response will be with the test.
If it is known, it would be better to practice just the criterion
If it is unknown, it would be better to practice variations
What is the ranking of performance in acquisition? retention?
C/A/B/C/D/E/C/A/E/C/D/B/C Test:C (Specificity + Variability)
C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C Test:C (Specificity)
C C C C C Test:C (Specificity +Nothing)
C-------C--------C--------C-------C Test: C (Specificity + different task)
Acquisition: Specificity was best, specificity + nothing and +different task were second, and specificity + variability was worst
Retention: Specificity + variability was best, and specificity alone was worst
A reversal effect was seen
Does how you perform in acquisition say anything about how you'll perform in the future?
Which group performed better in acquisition? retention?
A/A/A/B/B/B/C/C/C Test:ABC (Block)
A/C/B/C/A/B/A/B/C Test:ABC (Random)
Block performed better during acquisition and random performed better during retention
What is the same about random and block practicing designs? what is different?
Same: there are three of each variation in each practicing schedule
Different: There is a scheduling manipulation
What happens in a frequency manipulation?
The number of response variations changes
Why are frequency manipulations confounded by scheduling manipulations?
Once the response variations are added/subtracted, the order is changed
Scheduling must hold frequency constant
Why does the random group perform better in retention?
Their practice schedule involves more memory reconstruction/cognitive effort
What is absolute frequency?
When the number of trials that receive KR are held constant and the number of total responses is manipulated
What is relative frequency?
When there are a constant number of responses and the number of responses that receive KR is manipulated
Which group performs better during acquisition? retention?
1) C/C/C/C/C/C Test:C
2) C/C C/C C/C Test:C
Acquisition: 1
Retention: 2
KR was withheld in 2
What does the guidance hypothesis state?
KR is used to develop the correct response
However when lots of KR is given, we stop using it to guide the response
It works best when used in a temporary fashion
What happens when KR is withheld?
The person is forced to use more estimation and cognitive effort to promote more memory reconstruction
What is operant conditioning?
Rewarding the learner by successive approximations
Which group performs better during acquisition? retention?
1) C/C/C/ Test:C
2) C/C C/C C/C Test:C
What kind of design is this?
Acquisition: 1
Retention: 2
Absolute frequency
What kind of frequency manipulation is this?
1) C/C/C/C/C/C Test:C
2) C C C/(1-3) C C C/(4-6) Test:C
Summary Manipulation
Forces the learner to process ambiguity
In receiving KR and estimating error, what is the best and worst combination?
Best: After estimating KR 100% of the time, KR is received 100% of the time
Worst: After never estimating KR, KR is received 100% of the time
Data is ____
Explanations are ____
What is the one way that should never be used in practice for one will not learn?
Repetitive practice that receives KR 100% of the time for simple tasks
According to the feedback hypothesis, there is ____ transfer to the indirect limb if practice with the direct limb, but if you ____ with the direct limb, there is ___ transfer to the indirect limb during the test
This is knowledge we are unaware of, but when asked, can take facets of it and put it together
Tacit knowledge
What does Pishin argue in imagery?
Tacit knowledge is what allows us to image what we already know
Imagery provides nothing new, no information
Pishin is more a ____ theorist, while Kosslyn is more a ____ theorist
Open loop
Closed loop
What does Kosslyn argue in how imagery promotes learning?
Imagery is used/needed to produce feedback of the response
Imagery and the real world are same in a ______ sense but not in a ______ sense
In measuring relative features of imagery and the actual task, ___________, for it measures what's being shared between them
neither does better than the other
The ______ features are what is unique between imaging and actual performing the task
Are some of the same mechanisms activated during imagery that are when the movement is actually performed?
What are the two main things needed for observational learning to work?
1) Need to relate to person performing the action
2) Observer has to be active, not passive
In Shibilski's video game experiment, what group performed the best?
The group where someone was playing and someone was watching and they were allowed to switch constantly and converse
Allowed them to see two different components in learning (bigger schema v. focused scene)
Diad training
In imagery and observational learning both compared with actual practice:
One is not a subset of the other, but both clearly affect each other