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98 Cards in this Set

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What is the control center for the autonomic nervous system?
hypothalamus and brainstem
One of the main functions of the autonomic system is to:
coordinate regulation of internal environment
Is the autonomic system primarily voluntary or involuntary?
involuntary system
________ mediates reflexes with afferent sensory limb and both _______ and ________ effectors
Autonomic NS
Is the autonomic nervous system composed of disynatpic/monosynatpic pathways?
Disynaptic pathways to target
-the somatic motor control system is a monosynaptic pathway
How is information relayed through the disynpptic pathway in the ANS?
1. CNS preganglionic neuron to peripheral postganglionic neuron
2. Postganglionic neuron to smooth muscle or gland
Is the pre-ganglionic neuron in from the CNS to the ANS myelinated?
YES the pre-ganglionic neuron axon is
Is the post-ganglionic neuron in the ANS myelinated or un-myelinated?
Post-ganglionic is un-myelinated axon to smooth muscle or gland
What organ is an exception to the disynaptic pathway of the ANS?
adrenal medulla
it receives direct projection from pre-ganglionic neurons
Name the three divisions of the ANS
Describe the sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions in relation to one another.
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic have opposing influence and are selectively activated to regulate visceral functions
True or False
The enteric division of the ANS can function on its own, independent of the CNS
sensory, motor, and interneurons in the wall of the GI tract
-controls peristalsis anad GI secretions
Describe sympathetic tone
Normal tonic level of activity
Sympathetic Division mediates the global response to fear and prepares the body for _______ _ ______
fight or flight
What would some of the effects be if the sympathetic division was activated?
1. increases cardiac output, pulmonary ventilation, blood to muscles and blood glucose levels
2. slows digestion and kidney filtration
Where does the pre-ganglionic neuron of the sympathetic system originate?
in the brainstem or the spinal cord -intermediolateral cell column
-Lamina VII T1-L2
Where are the post-ganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system located?
outside the CNS in autonomic ganglia
-sympathetic trunk
-pre-vertebral ganglia
What type of NT does the pre-ganglionic neuron utilize in the sympathetic system?
ACh acting on nicotinic receptors
Which neurons in the sympathetic system would you expect to find utilizing norepinephrine in the sympathetic system?
Post-ganglionic neurons
The innervation ratio of the sympathetic system is:
very diffuse
-pre to post ganglionic 1:20
What system would you expect to find paravertebral ganglia present in?
sympathetic nervous system
Where are the paravertebral ganglia located?
These are the sympathetic chain ganglia (sympathetic trunk)
-trunk extends from cervical to sacral levels
What ganglion provides sympathetic innervation for the head?
superior cervical ganglion
What are the other ganglia of the sympathetic trunk involved in controlling?
heart rate, piloerection, sweat glands, and vascular constriction
the _______ _________ traverse the sympathetic trunk and exit as splanchnic nerves
pre-vertebral ganglia
Where do the pre-vertebral ganglia synapse?
Celiac ganglia
Superior mesenteric ganglia
Inferior mesenteric ganglia
in the celiac plexus
What part of the autonomic system is the adrenal medulla functionally considered part of?
Adrenal medulla is functionally part of he sympathetic nervous system
Why is the adrenal medulla functionally considered part of the sympathetic nervous system?
1. receives direct innervation from pre-ganglionic fibers in the greater splanchnic nerve
2. equivalent to modified autonomic ganglion + post-synaptic nerve
3. release of adrenaline into blood ensures global response to sympathetic stimulation
How many pairs of ganglia are present in the sympathetic nervous system?
21-22 pairs
Celiac ganglia innervates structures derived from embryonic _______.
Superior mesenteric ganglia innervates structures derived from embryonic _________
Inferior mesenteric ganglia innervates structures derived from embryonic ___________
What is the function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS
normal maintenance: conservation and restoration of energy
-activities initiated in response to sensory afferents (mechanoreceptors/chemoreceptors in heart, lung, and intestinal tract)
_____ ________ reduces heart ratel and blood pressure, increases blood flow to skin and viscera, as well as facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients and excretion of waste.
Parasympathetic division
What type of neuron are the pre-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?
Where are the pre-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division located?
cranial nerve nuclei & lamina VII of S2-S4
What type of NT does pre-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division utilize?
ACh acting on nicotinic receptors
Is the innervation of the parasympathetic division diffuse or localized?
localized for specific control
-ratio of pre to post ganglionic 1:2
Name the cranial visceral motor nuclei (GVE)
1. Edinger-Westphal nucleus, cranial nerve III, ciliary ganglion
2. Superior salivatory nucleus, CN VII, pterygopalatine & submandibular ganglia
3. Inferior salivatory nuclei, CN IX, otic ganglion
4. Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus and nucleus ambiguus, CN X, terminal ganglia
What nucleus is CN III
Edinger Westphal nucleus
What ganglion is CN III
ciliary ganglion
What parasympathetic response comes from the ciliary ganglion?
pupillary constrictor & ciliary muscles
What parasympathetic nucleus is CN VII
Superior salivatory nucleus
What parasympathetic ganglion is CN VII?
pterygopalatine & submandibular ganglion
What parasympathetic response is induced from activation of the pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglion?
lacrimal, submandibular, and sublingual glands secretions
What parasympathetic nuclei is CN IX present in?
inferior salivatory nuclei
What parasympathetic ganglion is CN IX responsible for activating?
Otic ganglion
What gland does the otic ganglion act on?
parotid gland
What nucleus is responsible for parasympathetic actions of cranial nerve X?
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus and nucleus ambiguus
What ganglion receives parasympathetic innervation from CN X?
terminal ganglion
What organs are acted on by the terminal ganglion for parasympathetic response?
heart, lungs, digestive tract
Name the parasympathetic ganglia?
Ciliary ganglion
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Submandibular ganglion
Otic ganglion
Terminal ganglion
What parasympathetic nuclei control bladder, bowel, and sexual organs?
Sacral parasympathetic nuclei (S2-S4)
What is the normal pattern of activation for the parasympathetic division?
discrete regulation of visceral organs
What type of post-ganglionic neuron is present in the periphery in the sympathetic vs. parasympathetic?
Sympathetic: paravertebral & prevertebral ganglia
Parasympathetic: terminal ganglia near or within target tissue
Describe post-ganglionic axon of the parasympathetic division?
short cholinergic
Descrive the post-ganglionic axon of the sympathetic division.
Long adernergic
Where are the pre-ganglionic located in the CNS sympathetic vs. parasympathetic?
sympathetic: intermediolateral cell column T1-L2
parasympathetic: brainstem and intermediate zone of S2-S4
What type of information is received by the hypothalamus?
diverse afferent information
-cortical, emotions, drives
-visceral sensory from nucleus of solitary tract
-reticular formation: skin temperature in spinoreticular pathway
-some hypothalamic neurons directly sesnse temperature, osmolarity, and substances in the blood
What is the major center for coordinating sympathetic and parasympathetic activity via descending projections to brain stem and spinal cord?
What hypothalamic nuclei do descending autonomic fibers primarily originate in?
paraventricular and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei
Where do hypothalamic axons descend?
in the medial forebrain bundle (MFB)
in both dorsolateral brainstem and medially in periaqueductal gray matter
Where do the hypothalamic tracts project to in the body?
1. brainstem parasympathetic nuclei
2. sympathetic neurons of intermediolateral cell column
3. parasympathetic neurson in S2-S4
What syndrome can result from damage to the hypothalamospinal pathway?
Horner's Syndrome
Describe Horner's syndrome
1. disruption of sympathetics to eye
-Ptosis (drooping eyelid)
-Miosis (decreased pupil size)
2. Disruption of sympathetic innervation to head and neck results in anhidrosis
3. Causes: spinal trauma, lateral brainstem infarct, sympathetic chain tumor/trauma, carotid dissection
What system is located primarily from the central nucleus of the amygdala?
Limbic System
What system mediates effects of emotional state on autonomic function, alters heart rate, peristalsis, sweating, and is relayed through the hypothalamus or reticular nuclei of the brainstem?
Limbic system
What formations contain "life suport" control centers for cardiac function and respiration?
pontine and medullary reticular formations
What information is regulated in the pontine and medullary reticular formations?
receives somatic and visceral sensory input as well as descending information from limbic system, hypothalamus
________ and _________ _________ formation projects to the intermediolateral cell column, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and nucleus ambiguus
pontine and medullary reticular formations
the pontine and medullary reticular formations coordinate what?
reflexes involving both somatic and autonomic components
what provides feedback for reflex control of circulation, respiration, digestion, micturtion?
visceral afferents of parasympathetic division
What is the major visceral sensory nucleus of the parasympathetic division?
caudal nucleus of solitary tract
-relays viscerosensory information to hypothalamus
What cranial nerves relay information from viscera into the parasympathetic nervous system?
CN IX, I and sacral nerves
what mediates senstations such as heartburn, nausea, and hunger?
visceral afferents mediate poorly localized conscious sensations
What are visceral pain afferents primarily associated with?
sympathetic nervous system in cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia
What is the primary relay tract for visceral pain afferents?
primarily relayed via spinoreticular and spinothalamic pathways
Where are visceral pain afferents projected to in the cortex?
True or False
Severe pain may be referred to somatic structures innervated by the same segments of the spinal cord
Examples: angina pectoris, gallbladder, smal intestine, diaphragms, etc.
Where is the sympathetic inneration of the bladder, bowel, and sexual functions coming from?
pre-ganglionic neurons in intermediolateral cell column (T11-L1)
post-ganglionic neurons in sympathetic chain ganglia innervate smooth muscle
The parasympathetic control of bladder, bowel, and sexual function is present in what pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic structures?
pre-ganglionic S2-S4
post-ganglionic neurons close to viscera innervate smooth muscle and glands
the somatic motor control of the pelvic striated muscles is received from where?
upper motor neuron control from frontal cortex for pelvic striated muscle
-relay nucleus in pons
-Onuf's nucleus (S2-S4) in lateral ventral horn innervates external urethral and anal sphincter and bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles
-pelvic floor muscles innervated by medial motor neurons S2-S4
How does the visceral sensory information get to the brainstem with respect to bladder, bowel, and sexual function?
visceral sensory information ascend in dorsal and lateral funiculi to the brainstem nuclei
True or False
bladder function is normally under voluntary control
-wouldn't just want to start peeing in the middle of class
What is the default state of activation for the bladder?
sympathetic activation which inhibits urination via contraction of smooth muscle in bladder neck and relaxation of detrusor
How is bladder fullness detected?
Bladder fullness is detected by sensory afferents from mechanoreceptors in bladder wal
What initiates the detrusor reflex (voiding)?
descending signal from medial frontal micturtion center initiates detrusor reflex
What type of lesion is described by the following signs:
1. loss of sympathetic control, flaccid paralysis of bladder, and bladder distention: urinary retention and overflow incontinence
-development of hyperreflexia in the bladder and body; bladder voids at low volumes and has spasms
-is ascending urinary visceral fibers in posterior column are intact the patient will have recurring sense of urinary urgency
Upper motor neuron lesion resulting in loss of bladder control
-caused by injury to lower brainstem or spinal cord
-this could be caused by acute spinal injury or spinal shock
describe the symptoms of a lower motor lesion resulting in loss of bladder control
1. injury to sacral spinal cord or sacral nerves
2. flaccid, areflexic bladder similar to flaccid paralysis of muscles in extremities
3. overflow incontinence
Smooth muscle sphincter for bowel function is controlled by ______ ________
sacral parasympathetics
What nucleus projects parasympathetics to the striated muscle sphincter for bowel function?
Onuf's nucleus
the sensory input for bowel function comes from _____
S2 to S4
Gastrointestinal motility is regulated by ______ and ________ parasympathetics for bowel function
vagal and sacral
Is sexual function mediated by both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the ANS?
Parasympathetic innervation S2-S4
Sympathetics innervation T11-L2
How does parasympathetic innervation affect sexual function?
1. engorgement via dilation of penile/clitoral arteries and relaxation of venous smooth muscle via release of NO
2. Excitation of vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate/vaginal glands
_______ effect on the vascular component for sexual function is constriction
What mediates ejaculation?
sympathetic activation of smooth muscles mediates ejaculation
What type of contractions of involved in ejaculation and orgasm?
Reflex contraction of striated pelvic floor muscles in ejaculation and orgasm