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66 Cards in this Set

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Actions: bu yin, clear heat, descend yang counterflow, calm shen, revive consciousness

Indications: loss of consciousness, lumbar, pain/contracture foot, h/a, dizziness, blurry vision, sore throat, tidal fever, 5 palm heat, epilepsy, anxiety, rage, insomnia, infantile convulsions
KD 1
Yong Guan
Wood element pnt
Sedation pnt
Jing well pnt
Entry pnt
clears Liver fire
cools Blood
subdues Liver Yang
calms internal Wind
spreads Liver Qi
clears the Lower Jiao

red/painful eyes
decreased visual acuity
febrile disease
hypochondriac pain/distention
lower abdominal pain
difficult urination (UTI)

Notes:The most powerful point
to clear Liver heat. can also use for:
menstrual cramps (with heat)
LVR2 – Xingjian – Moving Between
Ying-Spring (Fire)
regulates Bladder
clears damp heat
regulates menses
benefits the uterus
tonifies Kidney
benefits lower Jiao

urinary retention, dribbling, or frequency
seminal/nocturnal emissions
uterine bleeding
uterine prolapse
irregular menstruation
genital itching
lower abdominal/lower back pain
Ren3 – Zhongji – Middle Extremity
Front-Mu Point of the Urinary Bladder
Meeting Point of Ren, LVR, SP, & KD (ST, GB, UB, LI, SI, & SJ)
Actions: Bu KD, warm yang, benefit jing, open mai, benefit low back

Indications: impotence, seminal emissions, irregular menses, leukorrhea, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, fatigue, lassitude, cold sensation in body, ab pain, low back pain/stiffness
DU 4
Ming Men
Actions: clear heat, dispel wind, benefit ears, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: deafness, tinnitus, ear pain, ottorrhea, t/a, tmj, mumps, deviation eye/mouth
GB 2
TIng Hui
Bu Qi, Xue, Yin, Yang, & Jing
calm the Shen
benefits the KD & uterus
warms the lower jiao
regulates the lower jiao
benefits the bladder

lower back pain
rectal prolapse
wind stroke
tidal fever
urinary retention/frequency
genital pain
irregular menstruaiton
postpartum hemorrhage
lower abdominal pain
Ren4 – Guanyuan – Source Gate
Front-Mu Point of the Small Intestine
Meeting Point of Ren, LVR, SP, & KD
Actions: Bu SP, drain damp, benefit spine

Indications: Ab fullness/bloating/pain, diarrhea, jaundice, anorexia, middle to low back pain/stiffness, epilepsy
DU 6
Ji Zhong
spreads Liver Qi
clears heat
calms Shen
tonifies Liver Yin
subdues Yang
calms internal wind
clears Lower Jiao
regulates menses

childhood convulations
seminal emissions
foot pain
red/painful eyes
blurry vision
hypochondriac pain/fullness
depression mania
irregular menstruation
uterine bleeding
lower abdominal/back pain
urinary retention
LVR3 – Taichong – Great Surge
Shu-Stream (Earth)
Yuan Source
Actions: Bu LU, descend LU qi, open channel, alleviate pain

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, TB, hemoptysis, pain/stiffness of neck/shoulder
UB 42
Po Hu
LU outer shu
Actions: soothe LV, calm wind, relax sinews, supplement SP/KD, calm shen

Indications: ab/back pain, jaundice, mania, epilepsy
DU 8
Jin Suo
tonifies Qi, Yang & Jing
benefits the Kidney
regulates Qi
harmonizes Blood

loss of consciousness
seminal emissions
irregular menstruation
uterine bleeding
lower abdominal/back pain
Ren6 – Qihai – Sea of Qi
connects to a deep level of the Body's Qi (An Energetic Center)
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, benefit ears, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, febrile disease, red eyes, sore throat, deafness, tinnitus, dizzy, elbow/arm pain, pain/ROM hand/fingers
SJ 3
Zhong Zhu
Shu stream pnt
Wood element pnt
Tonification pnt
spreads Liver Qi
regulates menses
clears damp heat

irregular menstruation
vaginal itching
urinary retention
hypochondriac pain
plumb-pit Qi
leg pain/weakness

Note: major female repro point
LVR5 – Ligou – Woodworm/Gourd Ditch
Luo Connecting Point
warms Yang
tonifies Qi
tonifies Spleen
harmonizes the Intestines

abdominal pain
wind stroke
loss of consciousness
(cold pain in the abdomen)
Ren8 – Shenque – Spirit Palace/Gate
Actions: bu LU, clear heat, calm wind, calm shen

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, mania, epilepsy, carbuncles, back pain/stiffness
DU 12
Shen Zhu
Actions: clear heat, cool xue, harm ST, stop vomiting, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: febrile disease, agitation, irritability, palpitations, cardiac pain, ST ache, vomiting, tremor hand/arm, pain elbow/arm
PC 3
Qu Ze
He Sea Point
Water Element Point
Actions: clear heat, transform fluids, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: thirst, malaria, febrile disease, deafness, pain shoulder/arm/wrist
SJ 4
Yang Chi
Yuan source pnt
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, release exterior, clear/reg yang, calm shen

Indications: febrile disease, shi heat, afternoon fever, steaming bone, malaria, common cold, asthma, pain/stiffness neck/back epilepsy, agitation
DU 14
Da Shui
Meeting pnt DU LI SI SJ GB ST UB (all yang mai)
Actions: clear empty heat, bu KD, reg low jiao, benefit uterus

Indications: sore throat, hemoptysis, tidal fever, thirst, night sweats, nocturnal emissions, genital itching, uterine prolapse, infertility, irregular menstruation, pain/swelling foot
KD 2
Ran Gu
Ying spring pnt
Fire element pnt
nourishes Liver Blood
relaxes the sinews
clears damp heat from the
Lower Jiao

lower abdominal pain
uterine prolapse
swelling, itching, & pain of genitals
urinary retention
seminal emissions
knee pain and swelling

Tonifies and
moves the Liver. The best
point on the body for Liver
Blood Xu. An important
point for female
reproductive issues. Helps
deal with improper flow of
Liver Qi.
LVR8 – Quguan – Spring at the Bend
He-Sea (Water)
Actions: dispel wind, calm shen, benefit brain

Indications: h/a, cloudy head, dizziness, blurry vision, epistaxis, sore throat, aphasia, hemiplagia, wind stroke, neck pain/stiffness, mental disorder
DU 16
Feng Fu
Meeting pnt DU Yang Wei Mai
Sea of Marrow
Window of Sky Point
harmonizes middle Jiao
descends Qi
tonifies SP/ST
resolves dampness

abdominal distention/pain
Ren12 – Zhongwan – Middle Duct
Front-Mu Point of the Stomach
Influential point of the Fu Organs
Meeting Point of Ren, SI, SJ, & ST
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, release exterior, clear head, subdue yang, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: febrile disease, latent heat patterns, c/f, h/a, deafness, tinnitus, dizziness, red eyes, neck pain, constipation, pain/ROM shoulder/arm/elbow/hand, hand tremor
SJ 5
Wei Guan
Luo connecting pnt
Master pnt Yang Wei
harmonizes ST
descends Qi

barfolosis of the blow-hole
abdominal pain/distention
epigastric pain/distention
insomnia (due to food stasis)
Ren13 – Shangwan – Upper Duct
Meeting Point of Ren, ST, & SI
Actions: clear heat, cool xue, open chest, reg qi, calm shen

Indications: cardiac pain, palpitation, vomiting, hemoptysis, epistaxis, agitation, insomnia, epilepsy
PC 4
Xi Men
Xi Cleft Point
Actions: calm wind, subdue yang, raise yang, uplift qi, benefit brain, calm shen

Indications: h/a, sinus congestion, dizzy, tinnitus, hemiplagia, aphasia, mental disorders, coma, hemorrhoids, uterine prolapse
DU 20
Bai Hui
Meeting pnt DU UB GB SJ LV
Sea of Marrow
regulates Heart
opens the chest
transforms Phlegm
calms Shen
regulates Stomach
descends Qi

cardiac/chest pain
mental disorders
difficulty swallowing
Ren14 – Juque – Great Gate Tower
Front-Mu of the Heart
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, release exterior, invigorate qi, reg intestines, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: deafness, tinnitus, hypochondriac pain, febrile disease, sudden loss of voice, constipation, vomiting, pain shoulder/upper back/arm
SJ 6
Zhi Gou
Jing river pnt
Fire element pnt
Horary pnt
Actions: Bu HT/LU/KD/SP/ST, calm shen, bu yin, clear heat, bu qi, support jing

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, hemoptysis, TB, poor memory, palpitations, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, seminal emissions, impotence, dizziness, pain/stiffness of neck/shoulder
UB 43
Gao Huang Shu
PC outer shu
Actions: bu KD qi/yin/yang, benefit jing, root qi, anchor yang, clear heat, benefit low back, reg uterus

Indications: frequent urination, pain/weakness low back/knees/ankle, h/a, dizziness, deafness/tinnitus, sore throat, t/a, hemoptysis, cough, asthma, dyspnea, fatigue, insomnia, seminal emissions, impotence, irregular menstruation
KD 3
Tai Xi
Yuan source pnt
Shu stream pnt
Earth element pnt
Actions: eliminate wind, clear head, calm shen

Indications: h/a, dizzy, epilepsy, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, mania, nasal discharge
DU 24
Shen Ting
Meeting pnt DU UB ST
Traditionally CI moxa
regulates Qi
opens the chest
descends Qi
benefits the diaphragm
tonifies Qi
calms Shen

pain/fullness in chest
difficulty swallowing
insufficient lactation
emotional imbalance

Notes: Point is also known as Shang
Qi Hai (Upper Sea of Qi). Good for
any kind of HT or LU condition. A
major Shen calming point (acute sxs)
Use intradermal needles with
indirect moxa to tonify point. Great
point for chest constriction.
Ren17 – Tanzhong – Chest Center
Front-Mu of the Pericardium
Influential Point of Qi - Sea of Qi Point
Meeting Point of Ren, SP, KD, SI, & SJ
spread Liver Qi
tonifies Spleen
regulates middle and lower Jiaos
harmonizes Liver and Spleen

abdominal distention/pain
hypochondriac pain/fullness
LVR13 – Zhangmen – Chapter/Completion Gate
Front Mu of the Spleen
Influential Point of the Zang Organs
Meeting Point of LVR & GB & SP
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, open head, alleviate pain, calm shen

Indications: h/a, t/a, hemiplagia, facial swelling, deviation eye/mouth, insomnia
GB 12
Wan Gu
Meeting pnt GB UB
spreads Liver Qi
invigorates Blood
harmonizes the LVR & ST/SP

hypochondriac pain/fullness
chest pain
febrile disease
mental depression
LVR14 – Qimen – Cycle Gate
Front Mu of the Liver
Meeting Point of LVR, SP, & Yin Wei
Exit Point
Actions: clear heat, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: deafness, sudden loss of voice, tooth ache, febrile disease, hypochondriac pain, pain hand/arm
SJ 8
San Yang Luo
Meeting pnt SJ LI SI
Actions: open chest, reg qi/HT, calm shen, harm ST, descend qi, clear heat, transform phlegm

Indications: cardiac pain, palpitations, chest congestion/oppression, SOB, hypochondriac pain, n/v, hiccups, reflux, epigastric pain, anorexia, malaria, febrile disease, irritable/agitation, insomnia, mental disorder, epilepsy, pain elbow/arm/wrist
PC 6
Nei Guan
Luo Connecting Point
Master Point Yin Wei Mai
descends Qi
alleviates cough
clears heat
benefits the throat

sore/dry throat
phlegm accumulation in throat
sudden loss of voice
difficulty swallowing

Notes: Good for the cough that
has a tickle at the back of the
throat. Use stick moxa.
Intradermals are good for a
chronic cough or a cough at the
end of the cold.
Ren22 – Tiantu – Celestial Chimney
Meeting Point of Ren & Yin Wei Mai
Window of the Sky Point
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, benefit eyes

Indications: frontal h/a, red/painful eyes, lacrimation, dizziness, vertigo, epilepsy, twitching/tosis eyelids
GB 14
Yang Bai
Meeting pnt GB SJ ST LI yang wei
Actions: open chest, reg qi, bu HT, calm shen, open channel, alleviate pain

Indications: cough, asthma, dyspnea, chest pain/congestion, palpitations, insomnia, emotional disharmony
UB 44
Shen Tang
HT outer shu
Actions: transform phlegm, dissipate nodules, clear heat, calm shen, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: cough, phlegm, scrofula, goiter, one sided h/a, migraine, epilepsy, mania, pain/numbness arm/neck/shoulder
SJ 10
Tian Jing
He sea pnt
Earth element pnt
Sedation pnt
Actions: clear heat, calm shen, open chest, harm ST

Indications: cardiac pain, palpitations, chest congestion, hypochondriac pain, ST ache, n/v, hemoptysis, febrile disease, excima, irritability, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, convulsions, foul breath, pain hand/wrist/forearm
PC 7
Da Ling
Yuan Source Point
Shu Stream Point
Earth Element Point
Sedation Point
tonifies KD, benefits lower back,
anchors Qi, strengthens the Shen/Zhi (will),
benefits Jing & Shen (according
to one text, source unknown)

cough/asthma/dyspnea, hemoptosis, constipation, palpitations, dementia, mania, fear, depression, lower back pain, heel pain
KD4 – Dazhong – Great Bell
Luo Connecting Point
Actions: clear heat, cool xue, calm shen, harm ST

Indications: febrile disease, wind stroke, hypertension, epilepsy, mania, mental disorders, cardiac pain, mouth ulcers, foul breath, gastritis, n/v, hemoptysis, epistaxis, excima, fungal infection hand/foot
PC 8
Lao Gong
Ying Spring point
Fire element point
Horary point
Exit point
Actions: reg LV qi, harmonize mid jiao

Indications: chest distension/fullness/pain, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, back pain
UB 47
Hun Men
LV outer shu
Actions: clear heat/head, expel wind, subdue yang, benefit eyes/ears, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, vertigo, hypertension, blurry vision, red/painful eyes, decrease visual acuity, glaucoma, tinnitus, deafness, ear congestion, febrile disease, common cold, c/f, sinus congestion/discharge, epistaxis, urticaria (hives), hemiplagia, tics/tremors, convulsions, epilepsy, insomnia, stiffness/pain neck/shoulder/upper back
GB 20
Feng Shi
Meeting pnt GB SJ yang wei yang qiao
opens lower Jiao, regulates the menses

irregular menstruation, amenorhea, dysmenorrhea, uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, blurry vision
KD5 – Shuiquan – Water Spring
Xi-Cleft Point
Actions: open mai, clear wind damp, alleviate pain, open chest, reg qi

Indications: pain/stiffness neck/shoulder, chest oppression
SJ 15
Tian Liao
Meeting pnt SJ GB Yang Wei
Actions: bu SP, resolve damp heat

Indications: ab distension.fullness, slippery diarrhea, indigestion, borborygmus, vomiting
UB 49
Yi She
SP outer shu
tonifies Yin, clears heat, tonifies KD, regulates lower Jiao, opens chest, benefits the throat, invigorates the Yin Qiao Mai, calms Shen

tidal fever, insomnia, foot/leg cramping/pain or
weakness, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, infertility, genital itching, sudden erection, uterine prolapse, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, constipation, red/painful eyes, sore throat
KD6 – Zhaohai – Shining Sea
Master Point of Yin Qiao Mai
Actions: invigorates qi, benefits LV/GB, harmonize middle jiao, clear damp heat

Indications: hypochondriac pain, epigastric pain/distension, n/v, reflux, hiccoughs, hepatitis, jaundice, gall stones, mastitis
GB 24
Ri Yue
Meeting pnt GB SP
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, benefit ears, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: deafness, tinnitus, ear congestion/pain, otorrhea, facial paralysis, lock jaw, tooth ache, scrofula
SJ 17
Yi Feng
Meeting pnt SJ GB
Actions: bu KD, reg qi, strengthen low back,

Indications: hypochondriac pain, borborygmus, diarrhea, difficult urination
GB 25
Jing Men
Front Mu pnt KD
Actions: bu KD, benefit jing, reg urination, benefit low back

Indications: low back pain/stiffness, difficult/dribbling/frequent urination, nocturnal emissions, impotence, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, fatigue/weakness, sore/weak knees, edema
UB 52
Zhi Shi
KD outer shu
tonifies KD, regulates water passages, drains dampness, clears damp heat, regulates sweating, benefits the lower back

edema, spontaneous sweating, night sweats, fever without sweating, thirst, diarrhea, abdominal distention, dysentery, uterine bleeding
seminal emissions, lower back pain
KD7 – Fuliu – Returning Current
Jing-River Point (Metal)
Actions: clear heat, expel wind, invigorate xue, descend yang, relax sinews, benefit low back, open channel, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, dizziness, blurry vision, red/painful eyes, epistaxis, epilepsy, difficult labor, pain neck/shoulder/low back/leg/foot/heel
UB 60
Kun Lun
Fire pnt
Jing-river pnt UB
Actions: calm internal wind/shen, benefits eyes, relax sinews, open yang qiao mai, open channel, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, dizziness, hypertension, wind stroke, epilepsy, insomnia, mania, red/painful eyes, epistaxis, deafness/tinnitus, pain/ROM lower back/limbs
UB 62
Shen Mai
Master pnt yang qiao mai
Actions: clear heat, open mai, benefit ears

Indications: tinnitus, deafness, ear pain/congestion, otorrhea, tooth ache, stiffness of lips, h/a
SJ 21
Er Men
Actions: expel wind damp, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: paralysis/pain/ROM/numbness low back/hips/gluteal region/legs, sciatica, hemiplagia
GB 30
Huan Tiao
Meeting pnt GB UB
Actions: clear heat, eliminate wind (internal), clear head, calm shen, relax sinews, open channel, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, dizziness, epistaxis, palpitations, insomnia, pain/stiffness neck/lower back/lower limbs
UB 64
Jing Gu
Yuan source pnt
clears damp heat from lower
Jiao, tonifies KD, benefits the lower back, opens channel
alleviates pain

difficult urination, UTI, impotence, hernia, pain and itching of the genitals, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea, mental disorders, lower back/knee pain
KD10 – Yingu – Yin Valley
He-Sea Point (Water)
Horary Point
Actions: expel wind, clear head, open channel, invigorate xue, regulate child birth

Indications: h/a, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, eye pain, difficult labor, malposition of fetus, retention of placenta
UB 67
Zhi Yin
Jing well pnt
Metal element pnt
Tonification pnt
Exit pnt UB
Actions: invigorates Liver Qi
clears damp heat, benefit, tendons/joints
opens mai, alleviates pain

Indications: knee/lower leg pain, beriberi, joint pain, tendinitis, hemiplegia, paralysis, jaundice, nausea/vomiting, hypochondriac pain/congestion, bitter taste, red eyes, headache, HTN, irritability, menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, UTI, tremor, convulsions
GB 34
Yang Ling Quan
He Sea pnt Earth
Influential pnt sinew/tendons
Actions: nourish marrow, benefit tendons, clear heat, dispel wind damp, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, dizzy, apaplexy, neck/hypochondriac pain, pain/atrophy lower leg, beriberi
GB 39
Xian Xhong
Influential pnt Marrow
Actions: spread LV qi, clear GB/LV heat, open mai, alleviate pain

Indications: h/a, red/irritated eyes, neck pain, hypochondriac pain, axillary swelling, reflux/vomiting, malaria, ab pain, low back pain, pain/swelling ankle/foot/lower leg
GB 40
Qiu Xu
Yuan Source pnt
Actions: clear heat, subdue LV yang, calm shen

Indications: h/a, migraine, red/painful eyes, deafness/tinnitus, dizziness, febrile disease, insomnia w/dream disturbed sleep, hypochondriac pain
GB 44
Zu Qiao Yin
Jing well pnt
Metal element pnt