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116 Cards in this Set

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The breasts lie anterior to which muscles?
pectoralis major and serratus anterior
The female breasts extend from rib __ to rib__ .
2-3 to 6-7
How many lobes are in the female breast?
15 to 20
What does a breast lobule consist of?
milk producing acini cells that empty into lactiferous ducts
How many lobules are found in each lobe?
20 to 40
Cooper ligaments extend from _____ through the breast and attach to ___
connective tissue layer; underlying muscle fascia
What is another name for the suspensory ligaments
Cooper ligaments
7 muscles that form the floor of the breast
pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, lat dorsi, subscapularis, external oblique and rectus abdominis
What is the major blood supply to the breast?
internal mammary and lateral thoracic
What tissue makes up the majority of the breast?
Subcutaneous tissue and retromammary fat
Where is the tail of Spence found?
In the axilla
where is the greatest amount of glandular tissue found?
upper outer quadrant
Describe the smooth muscle arrangement under the nipple?
Circular and longitudinal smooth muscle
What are the stimuli that causes nipple contraction?
sensory, tactile, or autonomic stimuli
Def: tiny sebaceous glands on areola surface
Montgomery tubercles/follicles
Where can we find supernumerary nipples?
Along the mammary ridge that extends from the axilla to the groin
What is responsible for the lymphatic drainage of the skin
Superficial lymphatics
What is responsible for the lymphatic drainage of the mammary lobules?
Deep lymphatics
Where are the anterior axillary nodes found?
Along the lower border of the pectoralis major inside the lateral axillary fold.
Where are the midaxillary nodes found?
High in the axilla close to the ribs
Where are the posterior axillary nodes found?
Along the lateral border of the scapula and deep in the posterior axillary fold
What lymph nodes drain the retroareolar area?
The interpectoral (Rotter) nodes into the axillary chain
What is the lymph node drainage for the areola and nipple?
Midaxillary, infraclavicular, and supraclavicular nodes
What is the average period from breast bud to menarche?
2 years
When do most girls start menstruation?
At stage 4
After lactation has been terminated, how long does involution of breast tissue take?
3 months
What is the thelarche?
Breast development
What are the enlarging structures of the breast in the pregnant female?
The lactiferous ducts proliferate and the alveoli increase in size and number
Where can we find the lateral axillary nodes?
Alond the upper humerus
In relation to Tanner stages, when do menses begin?
during or after stage 3
When does the lactacting breast make colostrum?
In the first few days after delivery
What are some prostate cancer treatments that can result in male breast enlargement?
Antiandrogens or gondotropin- releasing hormones
What are some disease states that can cause gynecomastia?
Hyperthyroidism, testicular cancer, Kleinfelter syndrome
What are some medications that have been implicated in male gynecomastia?
Cimetidine, Omeprazole, Spironolactone, Finasteride,
Name some medications implicated in nipple discharge?
Hormones, Phenothiazines, digitalis, diuretics, steroids
When does milk replace colostrum?
Milk production replaces colostrum in 2 to 4 days.
compare components of colostrum with milk
colostrum contains more protein and minerals and antibodies
When is it recommended for a female to start monthly breast self exams?
During age 20s
Women with an inherited BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation have a ____ to ____ chance of developing breast cancer.
35% to 85%
What race has the highest risk of breast cancer?
white women
Having two first degree relatives increases your risk ______-
When should breast changes that have been noticed on the breast self exam be reported to a health care provider?
Any change that lasts longer than 2 weeks
What two procedures should be done when conducting breast self exams to tighten the chest muscles?
Clasp hands behind your head and swing elbows forward. Press hands firmly on hips and bow slightly toward the mirror and you pull your shoulders and elbows forward
What are the 5 Ds related to nipples
discharge, depression or inversion, discoloration, dermatologic changes, deviation - compare opposite side
What venous pattern is concerning for carcinoma?
Unilateral venous patterns. These can be produced by dilated superficial veins as a result of increased blood flow to a malignancy
What type of carcinoma is indicated with peau d orange changes of the breast.
Inflammatory or Advanced cancer. This indicates edema of the breast caused by blocked lymph drainage
What type of breast shape should we expect to see in overweight men?
Where is peau d'orange skin typically seen first?
In the areola
When should nipple inversion be concerning on physical exam?
If it is a recent change.
Breast MRI is more_____ but less ____ than mammography.
sensitive; specific
What can lower the sensitivity of a mammogram?
It is lower in women who are younger than 50 years of age, have dense breasts or who are taking hormone replacement therapy.
What can increase the specificity of a mammogram?
It is increased with a shorter screening interval and the availability of prior mammograms.
Why is a new nipple deviation concerning?
the fibrotic tissue of carcinoma can change the axis of the nipple, causing it to point in a direction different from that of the other nipple
Why is a new nipple retraction concerning?
Retraction is a flattening or pulling back of the nipple and areola, which indicated inward pulling by inflammatory or malignant tissue
Inflammation of the sebaceous glands in the areola can result in ______ that are tender
retention cysts
Which group of women are more likely to have supernumerary nipples?
black women
What diseases can supernumerary nipples be associated with?
Congenital renal or cardiac anomalies particulary in whites
What palpation techniques should be performed with the patient in the seated position?
chest wall sweep; bimanual digital palpation; lymph node palpation
Where should lymph nodes be palpated?
1. Deep in the axilla hollow pushing firmly against the chest wall and muscles of the axilla 2. From the apex to the bra line 3. along the inner aspect of the upper arm down to the elbow 4. Palpated the medial aspect along the rib cage and into the anterior wall along the pectoral muscles 5. The posterior wall, along the border of the scapula 6. the supraclavicular and infraclavicular areas
How do you palpate the supraclavicular nodes?
Have the patient turn his head toward the side being palpated and raise the same shoulder, he should also bend his his forward to relax the SCM --> then reach deeply into the fossa
How do you palpate the infraclavicular nodes?
Palpate along the clavicle using a rotary motion
Which is more sensitive for palation finger tips or finger pads?
Finger pads
In the concentric circle technique, start at the ______ of the breast tissue and spiral your way _____ .
outermost edge; inward toward the nipple
In the wedge technique, palpate from _____ in a _____ fashion
the center; radial
Prophylactic mastectomy reduces the risk of breast cancer by __-
When should nipple compression be performed in a breast exam?
Only if the patient reports spontaneous nipple discharge
When should spontaneous nipple discharge be concerning for cancer?
Unilateral and from a single duct
How should breast tissue feel in an older woman?
fine, granular
How should the inframammary ridge feel in an older woman?
A firm transverse ridge of compressed tissue along the lower edge of the breast
What is responsible for newborn breast enlargement?
The passively transferred maternal estrogen
What additional areas should you palpate in a postmastectomy breast>
Palpate along the surgical scar; Palpate each rib for residual intercostal breast tissue
What breast changes can be found in males at puberty?
they can have transient unilateral or bilateral subareolar masses that will most likely disappear in a year
What should we expect to feel upon palpation of the female pregnant breast?
generalized coarse nodularity
What effects do hormone therapy have on breasts of postmenopausal women?
They can result in fluid- filled cysts, which can be painful
Fibroadenomas are usually ____ and bilateral but fibrocystic changes are usually ____ and bilateral
nontender; tender
Fibrocystic changes are associated with a ____ follicular or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
What is the peak incidence for breast cancer?
between ages 40 to 75 years
What is a benign cause of unilateral single duct nipple discharge?
intraductal papilloma and papillomatosis
Describe the histology of intraductal papilloma and papillomatosis?
Epithelial hyperplasia that causes a wartlike tumor in a lactiferous duct
Fibrocystic changes are most common in women from _____to _____
30 to 55
Tamoxifen reduces the risk of breast cancer in women by ___-
best time to do BSE
2-3 days after period ends
Dx: retractions and dimpling of skin
contraction of fibrotic tissue secondary to carcinoma
Dx: peau d'orange appearance
edema due to blocked lymph drainage secondary to advanced or inflam carcinoma
Dx: unilateral venous patterns
dilated superficial veins from increased blood flow to malignancy
supernumerary nipples may be associated with what?
congenital renal or cardiac anomalies
which part of the finger do you use for palpation of the breast?
finger pads
how many depths of palpation do you use for breast palpation?
3: light, medium and deep
when should nipple compression be performed?
when nipple discharge is present
expected or not? lobular feel of glandular tissue (bumpy)
expected when dispersed throughout breast
post-mastectomy, where is malignancy likely to reoccur?
scar site
gynecomastia is associated with what activities?
illicit or prescription drug use
what change can occur in the nipples during pregnancy?
become flattened or inverted
when is engorgement a signal of mastitis?
48 hours after initial filling
what 2 things can cause a clogged milk duct?
inadequate emptying or tight fitting bra
at what point in life does the inframammary ridge thicken?
older age
Dx: cyst formation that are tender/painful and increase premenstrually
fibrocystic changes
Dx: bilateral, round and firm mass that is nontender in a 15 to 55 yo woman
fibroadenomas represent what?
hyperplastic or proliferative changes in single terminal ductal unit
Dx: painless lump with thickening and asymmetry of breast, nontender
malignant tumor
Dx: firm irregular mass, discoloration after local injury
fat necrosis
Dx: serous or bloody nipple discharge
intraductal papilloma and papillomatosis
Dx: red scaly crusty patch on the nipple, areola and surrounding skin; unilateral
Paget disease
Dx: smooth firm mobile tender disk of breast tissue behind areola in males
causes of gynecomastia (4)
hormone imbalance, testicular/pituitary/hormone producing tumor, liver failure, antiHTN/estrogen containing meds
Dx: tender and suppurative cysts due to inflammation of sebaceous glands
retention cysts
drug causes of galactorrhea (4)
phenothiazines, TCAs, antiHTN, estrogens
intrinsic causes of galactorrhea (5)
prolactin secreting tumors, pituitary tumors, hypoparathyroidism, Cushing syndrome, hypoglycemia
Dx: sudden onset of tenderness, swelling, erythema, heat plus fever, chills and increased HR
most common cause of mastitis
Staph aureus
should you discontinue breast feeding if mastitis occurs?
Dx: bluish color, suppuration, hardened mass, erythema and heat
Dx: pain, tenderness, inflammation, nipple discharge (sticky, multicolored and from multiple ducts)
mammary duct ectasia
mammary duct ectasia is due to what?
subareolar ducts become blocked with desquamating secretory epithelium, necrotic debris and chronic inflam cells
mammary duct ectasia occurs in what population
Who are the most common group to be affected with mastitis?
Lactating women after milk is established usually the 2nd to 3rd week after delivery