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21 Cards in this Set

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What is respiratory failure
A syndrome, not a disease
-Signifies severity of respiratory ailment

A condition in which the respiratory system fails in either:
-Oxygenation of venous blood
-Carbon dioxide elimination from venous blood

Onset is either:
-Quickly is ACUTE respiratory failure
-Slowly is CHRONIC respiratory failure
Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure

Hypoxic Respiratory Failure
PaCO2>45 mmHg
Acute Develops in min to hrs
Chronic Develops over several days or longer

PaO2 < 55 mmHg
Acute Develops in min to hrs
Chronic Develops over several days or longer

Categories are not mutually exclusive!
Explanations for Hypoxemia
-gross mismatch of capillary blood-capillary air
-low fraction of inspired oxygen (altitude-FIO2)
-heart failure (cardiac pump failure)
Impaired Diffusion
-thickened lung parenchyma – alveolar lumenal to capillary lumenal thicknesses
Impaired tissue utilization of O2 (eg cyanide)
PaCO2 and ventilation
Removal of CO2 is proportional to VA (alveolar ventilation)
Relationship is a straight line
Changes in VA , often a response to CO2 production
Increases in PaCO2
When CO2 production increases more than VA can eliminate
When dead space increases(pts with ventilation-perfusion/shunt problems)
When there is a fall in respiratory rate (f) = hypoventilation
p(A-a)O2 gradient: calculation
Differences between Alveolar and arterial pO2 values

1st determine the PAO2 (Alveolar partial O2 tension)

The PaO2 and PaCO2 values are taken from the arterial blood gas (ABG) sample.

PAO2 = PIO2 - PaCO2/R

PIO2 is partial pressure of inhaled oxygen = atm pressure x % of air that is oxygen (21%) = 760 x 0.21 = approx 150 mm Hg

R = respiratory exchange ratio = 0.8

pAO2 = 150 - (40/0.8) = 100

For a young healthy person: paO2 is 90-95 mmHg and the normal A-a gradient will be 5-10 mmHg

The P(A-a)O2 gradient is a sensitive indicator of respiratory disease that interferes with gas exchange
It can help distinguish extrapulmonary from intrapulmonary causes of hypercapnia & hypoxemia
Hypoxic respiratory failure: physiological processes
Alveolar hypoventilation
-Normal A-a gradient
-Eg: neuromuscular diseases

Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
-Widening of A-a gradient

-Widening of A-a gradient

Diffusion limited
-Widening of A-a gradient
Acute respiratory failure: clinical, and treatment
Clinically, it implies that respiratory muscles are no longer capable of moving necessary Ve required to keep pO2/pCO2 nl

Mechanical ventilation
-By mask
-By endotracheal tube
Mechanical ventilation limitations
They only provide bulk flow

Convection or bulk flow in larger airways
Diffusion starts - about level of alveolar ducts
Ventilation perfusion mismatch
understanding how the lack of “re”-oxygenating
some of the blood as a % of cardiac output,

Some alveolar capillary blood never sees fresh O2
Oxygen content

Oxygen delivery
Oxygen content =
% of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen (i.e., oxygen saturation) & actual hemoglobin concentration [grams/dL] + dissolved oxygen
-But: O2 content of blood has little to do with dissolved oxygen. Its all about hemoglobin

O2 delivery = O2 saturation of hgb x hgb conc x cardiac output

O2 delivery = CO x [(Hgb x SaO2 x 1.36) + (PaO2 x 0.0031)]
-AKA oxygen content*cardiac output
Shape of oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
The shape of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve provides protection against tissue hypoxia

But only to a degree

Over the range of PaO2 =60 mmHg to 100 mmHg, Oxygen Saturation of Hemoglobin remains > 90%
Hemoglobin-O2 saturation
-Normal=approximately 100%
--O2 content high

Mixed venous
-Normal=approximately 75%
-O2 content low

If demand for O2 increases
-Arterial remains 95-100%
-Venous can go very low ~50%
--Oxygen content is very low
Right to left shunting
When mixed venous blood goes directly into the arterial circulation without having first been exposed to alveolar gas.
When the shunted blood mixes with the rest of the arterial blood it lowers the average oxygen content and therefore the average PaO2 is lowered
The P(A-a)O2 is increased in these patients

Three Types of Shunt:
-cardiac or great vessel
-pulmonary vascular
-pulmonary parenchymal
Respiratory failure and effector components
Respiratory Failure can arise from an abnormality in any of the “effector” components of the respiratory system:
- peripheral nervous system
- respiratory muscles and chest wall
- airways
- alveoli
Oxygenation failure
a) ventilation
-movement of gases between the environment and lungs

b) intrapulmonary gas exchange
-mixed venous blood releases CO2 & becomes oxygenated
c) gas transport
-adequate delivery of oxygenated blood to metabolizing tissue
d) tissue gas exchange
-extraction or use of O2 and release of CO2 by peripheral tissues

[c and d may fail independently of the performance of the lung or ventilatory pump]
Hypercapnic respiratory failure

Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure = failure of factors that reduce ventilatory supply or increase ventilatory demand:
Brain Injury
CNS abnormalities and respiratory failure

Suppression of the central neural drive to breathe

Pharmacologic: overdose

Structural: encephalitis, tumors, vascular abnormalities of medulla

Metabolic: derangements producing hypercapnia through depression of respiratory control centers - severe myxedema, hepatic failure, advanced uremia
PNS abnormalities and respiratory failure

Abnormalities of the peripheral nervous system & chest wall

Neurologic: Guillain - Barre, myasthenia gravis, polymyositis

Chest wall: Severe Kyphoscoliosis, morbid obesity
Airway abnormalities and respiratory failure

Large airways obstructions: epiglottitis, aspirated foreign body, tracheal tumor, narrowing of trachea with scar tissue

“Microscopic” (small) airways obstruction: asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis

Both produce a greater transthoracic pressure gradient requirement for inspiratory airflow.
The resistive component of the work of breathing is increased, the respiratory muscles fatigue, a shallow breathing pattern ensues.
Alveoli abnormalities and respiratory failure

Although diseases characterized by diffuse alveolar filling frequently result in hypoxemic respiratory failure, hypercapnia may complicate the picture.

Diffuse alveolar filling creates a large right-to-left shunt as pulmonary blood flows through poorly ventilated regions of the lung, such as pneumonia or congestive heart failure