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66 Cards in this Set

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Hablé a Carmen ayer
I spoke to Carmen yesterday
Mari'a ?le hablaste la semana pasada?
Maria did you speak to her last week?
Juanita no me habló ayer.
Juanita didn’t speak to me yesterday.
Señor Ortega ?habló usted a su esposa esta mañana?
Mr. Ortega did you speak to your wife this morning?
Hablamos a Ju'lio anoche.
We spoke to Julio last night.
Carmen Jorge ?hablasteis también a Ju'lio anoche?
Carmen Jorge did you speak to Julio too last night?
Hace un año que hablaron a Ju'lio.
One year ago they spoke to Julio.
Señores Ortega ?hablaron ustedes al doctor anoche?
Mr. and Mrs Ortega did you speak to the doctor last night?
?Compraste algo ayer?
Did you buy something yesterday?
?qué compraste ayer?
what did you buy yesterday?
Yo compré una bolsa.
I bought a purse.
Y tu hermano ?qué compro?
and your brother, what did he buy?
Compró un disco.
He bought a disk.
Nosotros compramos tarejetas postales.
We bought post cards.
Mi amiga compro una bolsa ayer.
My friend bought a purse yesterday.
Tú compraste un disco la semana pasada.
You bought a disk last week.
Yo compré tarjetas postales a la anteayer.
I bought post cards day before yesterday.
Nosotros compramos un coche la año pasado.
We bought a car last year.
Comí toda la torta ayer.
I ate the whole cake yesterday.
María ?escribiste la tarjeta postal?
Maria did you write a post card?
Juan comió todo el chocolate esta mañana.
Juan ate all the chocolate this morning.
Señor Ortiz ?Le escribió usted ayer?
Mr. Ortiz did you write to her yesterday?
Comimos mucho anoche.
We ate a lot last night.
María Pablo ?escribisteis a vuestros amigos ayer?
Maria Pablo did you write to your friends yesterday?
Comieron a las siete.
They ate at seven.
Señores Jackson ?escribieron a sus parientes en los Estados Unidos?
Mr. and Mrs Jackson did you write to your relatives in the US?
Juan ?qué perdiste en el aeropuerto?
Juan, what did you loose in the airport?
Yo perdí mis maletas.
I lost my bags.
?Por qué partió el avión tarde?
Why did the plane leave late?
No sé por qué partimos tarde.
I don’t know why we left late.
Pablo, Carmen, partisteis tarde tambie'n el an~o pasado?
Pablo, Carmen, did you also leave late last year?
Nuestros amigos perdieron sus billetes el año pasado.
Our friends lost their tickets last year.
Fui al cine ayer.
I went to the movies yesterday.
María ?fuiste al cine ayer?
Maria, did you go to the movies yesterday?
María fue amable ayer.
Maria was polite yesterday.
Señor Camacho ?fue usted al centro la semana pasada?
Did you go to the town center last week?
Fuimos excelentes ayer.
We were good yesterday.
Fueron al cine.
They went to the movies.
Señoras ?fueron al centro ayer?
Ladies, did you go to el centro yesterday?
Estuve muy preocupado ayer.
I was very worried yesterday.
Carmen, ?estuviste preocupada también?
Carmen, were you also worried?
José no estuvo cansado.
Jose was not tired.
?Estuvo contento Señor Gonzáles?
Were you content Señor Gonzáles?
Estuvimos contentos también.
We were also content.
Carmen, Clara, ?estuvisteis listas ayer?
Carmen, Clara, were you ready yesterday?
Mis padres estuvieron cansados ayer.
My parents were tired yesterday
Señores ?estuvieron ustedes listos ayer?
Gentlemen, were you ready yesterday?
Tuve una fiesta en mi casa anoche.
I had a party at my house last night.
Pablo ?tuviste también una fiesta anoche?
Pablo did you also have a party last night?
Tuvo un accidente ayer.
He had an accident yesterday.
Señora Ramírez ?tuvo usted un resfriado ayer?
Mrs Ramirez, did you have a cold yesterday?
Tuvimos un buen día ayer.
We had a good day yesterday.
Clara Carmen ? tuvisteis una fiesta anoche?
Clara Carmen Did you have a party last night?
Tuvieron un accidente las semana pasada.
They had an accident last week.
Señores Camacho ?tuvieron ustedes un resfriado ayer?
Mr. and Mrs. Camacho did you have colds yesterday?
Yo estuve cansada ayer.
I was tired yesterday.
?Pero no estuviste ocupada ayer?
But weren’t you busy yesterday?
Compró un disco.
He bought a disk.
Estuvo enojada toda la semana pasada.
She was angry all days last week.
Estuviste enojado también ?no?
Weren’t you angry too?
?Por qué estuvisteis enojados?
Why were you angry?
Mi hija llegó el sábado.
My daughter arrived saturday.
Mi hijo leyó siempre.
My son always read.
Yo commence' a nadir inmediatamente.
I began to swim immediately.
Dormiste todo el diá jueves.
You slept all of Thursday.