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58 Cards in this Set

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The transition between childhood and adulthood that begins with puberty.
Biological changes at adolescence that lead to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity.
Growth spurt
Rapid gain in height and weight that is the first outward sign of puberty.
Primary sexual characteristics
Physical features that involve the reproductive organs
• ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females
• penis, scrotum, testes in males
first menstruation
First ejaculation of seminal fluid
Secular trend
A change from one generation to the next in an aspect of development, such as body size or pubertal timing.
Body image
Body image conception of and attitude toward one's physical appearance.
Anorexia nervosa
An eating disorder in which young people, mainly females, starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat and an extremely distorted body image.
Bulimia nervosa
An eating disorder in which individuals, mainly females, engage in strict dieting and exercise accompanied by binge eating, often followed by deliberate vomiting and purging with laxatives.
Hypothetico-deductive reasoning
A former operational problem-solving strategy in which adolescents begin with a hypothesis, or prediction, about variables that might affect an outcome. From the hypothesis, they deduce logic, testable inferences. Then they systematically isolate and combine variables to see which of those inferences are confirmed in the real world.
Propositional thought
A type of formal operational reasoning involving the ability to evaluate the logic of propositions (verbal statements) without referring to real-world circumstances.
Imaginary audience
Adolescents' belief that they are the focus of everyone else's attention and concern.
Personal fabe
Adolescents' belief that they are special and unique. Leads them to conclude that others cannot possibly understand their thoughts and feelings and may promote a sense of invulnerability to danger.
Conceptions of Adolescence
Biological changes are universal.
Psychological and social forces interact with biological changes.
Adolescence, its length, and its demands and pressures vary among cultures.
Hormonal Changes in Puberty
-Growth hormone and thyroxine increase around age 8-9.
more in girls
adrenal estrogens
more in boys
Sex Differences in Body Growth in Adolescence, Boys
1. Growth Spurt
starts age 12½
2. Proportions
shoulders broaden,
longer legs
3. Muscle-Fat Makeup
gain more muscle, aerobic efficiency
Sex Differences in Body Growth in Adolescence, Girls
1. Growth Spurt
starts age 10
2. Proportions
Hips broaden
3. Muscle-Fat Makeup
gain more fat
Sexual Maturation
1. Primary Sexual Characteristics
maturation of the reproductive organs
girls: menarche
boys: spermarche
2. Secondary Sexual Characteristics
other visible parts of the body that signal sexual maturity
girls: breasts
boys: facial hair, voice change
both: underarm hair
Individual Differences in Timing of Puberty
Nutrition, exercise
(body fat, leptin in girls)
Geographical location
Ethnic group
Early family experiences
Secular trends
Adolescent Brain Development
1. Pruning continues in the frontal lobes
2. Growth and myelination speed up, strengthening connections among regions
-resulting cognitive advances, 1&2:
integrating information
3. Neurotransmitter response changes, making more sensitive to excitatory messages
intensifies reactions to:
pleasure, novelty
Sleep Habits in Adolescence
-Still need almost as much sleep, but go to bed later
-Lack of sleep impairs cognitive functions.
lower achievement
mood problems
high-risk behaviors
Reactions to Puberty: Girls
more positive than in past
preparation, information help
father's involvement helps
ethnic variations
Reactions to Puberty: Boys
mixed reactions
sooner than expected
preparation helps
could benefit from telling people
Adolescent Moodiness
-More negative life events
-Stronger responses
-Mood swings
related to daily events
cultural scripts
Adolescent Emotions Across the Week
Adolescents' reports revealed that emotional high points are on Fridays and Saturdays. Mood drops on Sunday, before returning to school, and during the week, as students spend much time in adult-structured settings in school.
Parent-Child Relationships During Adolescence
-Rise in conflict
adaptive behavior
psychological distancing
different views of teen readiness for responsibility
-Most conflict is mild.
also affection, support 
Consequences of Timing of Puberty: Girls
1. Early Maturing:
unpopular, withdrawn, low confidence
more deviant behavior
negative body image
more long-term problems
2. Late Maturing:
sociable, lively, school leaders
positive body ima
Consequences of Timing of Puberty: Boys
1. Early Maturing:
confident, independent
positive body image
2. Late Maturing:
anxious, talkative, attention-seeking
negative body imag
Factors in Reactions to Timing of Puberty
-Physical attractiveness - body image
girls: most want to be thinner, smaller
boys: most want to be bigger
-Fitting in with peers
prefer similar level of physical maturity
Nutrition in Adolescence
-Calorie needs increase
-Poor food choices common
less fruits, vegetables
less milk, breakfast
more soda, fast food
-Eating with family can help
Eating Disorders
Severe dieting a strong indicator
Family relationships
Cultural pressure
Types of Eating Disorders
1. Anorexia Nervosa
starve out of fear of getting fat
difficult to treat
2. Bulimia Nervosa
strict diet and exercise, then binge and purge
more common, easier to treat
Adolescent Sexuality
-North American attitudes restrictive
-Media contradicts family messages
abstinence programs
-More liberal over past 40 years
most say premarital sex OK for committed partners
-Activity matches attitudes
-Rates declining since 1990s
-Few partners
Talking to Adolescents About Sex
Foster open communication.
Use correct terms.
Listen, discuss, and collaborate.
Think before talking.
Keep conversations going.
The Internet can be a hazardous educator.
Sexually Active Adolescents
Many young adolescents are sexually active - more than in other Western nations. Boys tend to have their first intercourse earlier than girls. By the end of high school, rates of boys and girls having had sexual intercourse are similar.
Characteristics of Sexually Active Adolescents
1. Personal
early puberty
tendency to violate norms
little religious involvement
2. Family
step, single-parent, or large family
weak parental monitoring, parent-child communication
3. Peer
sexually active friends or siblings
4. Educational
poor school performance
low educational goals
Homosexuality: Sequence of Coming Out
-Feeling different
Ages 6-12
Ages 11-15
Timing varies
Adolescents and STDs
-Adolescents highest STD rate
high rate in United States
1 in 6 teens, among sexually active
-AIDS most serious
manifests 8-10 years later
often infected during adolescence
-Females more easily infected
-Education improving
Risks for Teen Mothers
Less educational achievement
More time as single parents
Economic problems
Pregnancy and birth complications
Lack of parenting skills
Pregnancy Rates Among 15- to 19-Year Olds
US teenagers have the highest pregnancy rate
Help for Teen Pregnancy: Prevention
more sex education
skills for handling situations
promoting abstinence
information and access to contraceptives
academic and social competence
school involvement
Help for Teen Pregnancy: Intervention with Teenage Parents
health care
help staying in school
job and life-management training
parenting instruction
adult mentors
affordable child care
father support
Adolescent Parenthood
-Mother's age at childbirth
strong predictor of next generation's age at childbirth
-Not inevitable, but linked to:
home environment, parenting
intelligence, education
father's absence
Adolescent Substance Abusers
Compared to experimenters:
-more antisocial, impulsive acts
-start earlier
-more likely to be affected by genetic and environmental factors:
low SES
family drug use
family difficulties
physical, sexual abuse
poor school performance
Prevention and Treatment
Best school and community programs:
promote effective parenting
teach skills to resist peer pressure
reduce social acceptability of drugs
commit adolescents to drug-free lifestyles
Piaget's Theory: Formal Operational Stage
-Hypothetico-deductive reasoning
deducing hypotheses from a general theory
pendulum problem
-Propositional thought
evaluating the logic of verbal propositions
Piaget's Pendulum Problem
Adolescents who engage in hypothetico-deductive reasoning think of variables that might possibly affect the speed with which a pendulum swings through its arc. Then they isolate and test each variable as well as testing the variables in combination. Eventually they deduce that the weight of the object, the height from which it is released, and how forcefully it is pushed have no effect on the speed with which the pendulum swings through its arc. Only string length makes a difference.
Follow-Up Research on Formal Operational Thought
1. School-age children start developing abstract thinking skills.
Problems with propositional thinking
logical necessity
2. Formal operations may not be universal.
Training, context contribute
Often fall back on easier thinking
Schooling essential factor
Information-Processing Improvements in Adolescence
Memory strategies
Cognitive self-regulation
Processing capacity
Speed of thinking
Scientific Reasoning
-Coordinating theory with evidence
-Improves with age
from childhood through adulthood
individuals vary
-Contributing factors:
working memory capacity
exposure to complex problems
metacognitive understanding
Consequences of Abstract Thought
-Self-consciousness and self-focusing
imaginary audience
sensitivity to criticism
personal fable
-Idealism and criticism
-Planning and decision making
overwhelming options
School Transitions in Adolescence
-Grades decline with each transition.
higher standards
less supportive teaching-learning environment
-Lower self-esteem
more with 6-3-3 organization than 8-4
girls more than boys
School Transitions and Students with Problems
Well-adjusted students, students with only academic problems, and students with only mental health problems showed little change. (Good students with mental health problems actually declined in problem behaviors). In contrast, multiple-problem students-with both academic and mental health difficulties-increased sharply in truancy and problem behaviors after changing schools from eight to ninth grade.
Helping Adolescents Adjust to School Transitions
Parental involvement, monitoring
Smaller units within schools
Homeroom teacher relationships
Classes with familiar peers
Minimize competition, treatment by ability at school
Supporting Academic Achievement
1. Child-rearing practices
joint decision making
parent-school partnerships
2. Peer influences
Value high achievement
3. School characteristics
classroom learning experiences
4. Employment schedule
Vocational education
Dropout Prevention Strategies
-High-quality vocational training
-Remedial instruction
-Personalized counseling
address factors in students' lives outside school
-Extracurricular activities
Benefits of Extracurricular Activities
Academic performance
Social skills, peer acceptance
Self-esteem, confidence
Less antisocial behavior
Improved family relationships