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62 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of morality

the standards by which we judge the use of reason and free will by a human to bring about good or evil

what two capacities do humans have?

understand reality and choose specific courses of action.. So in short.. We can understand whats happening and decide what we want to do about it

Since humans are not simply controlled by instricts, what are they responsible for?

their actions

According to the Catholic understanding, what are humans fundamentally made to do?

to know

Are pleasure and happiness the same thing?

no, pleasure is temporary. happiness is when we are thriving and living our potential

How are we made happy?

through knowledge of the truth and choosing wisely. happiness is knowledge and proper choices

Does this world make us completely happy?

No, it can never make up completely happy

WHat purpose might the world have instead of our complete happiness

to teach us how to love

When pilosophy is used rightly, what does it help us do?

lead us to discover truths in the world

What is a philosophical argument?

rooted in natural reason, a sense common to all human beings by which we understand ourselves and things around us.

What is a theological argument?

rooted in naturla reason combined with "revelation"

What does morality measure?

the way people use their freedom

Is morality primarily don'ts?


What is morality about?

achieving the highest good (and therein achieving happiness)

hat is knowing and loving God the highest good

God is the ultimate goodness

Christianity is a relgiion devoted to what?

devoted to being jesus to the world

What is the definition of a chrisitan?

one who follows christ

What do people mistakening tend to reduce christiaintiy to?

to a set of rules instead of loving the person of jesus christ

what does christiantiy train us to become?

the best of what God intended us to be

Why does Chirsitnaity have a moral system?

in order to protect our relationship with God

what bedrock does the heart of morality lay on?


What is a virtue?

What is a vice?

a firm disposition to do evil.

WHat is the defintion of sin

a defect or excess of a virtue

What is the definition of a moral virtue

found in natural law which is written on the human heart

What is the definition of a theological virtue?

Theological virtues are found in the supernatural law which is revelaed to us by christ and in scripture

what is prudence? what are key vices to prudence?

Ability to judge the best course of action. It is the root virtue of all moral virtues because it assits all of them. Key vices hastiness, inaction/indecision

What is justice? main vices?

ability to give others what they deserve.. vices-- leniency/permissevely, scupulosity

What is fortitute? what are the key vices

abiity to hold fast to what is good through difficulty. vices-cowardice and recklessness

What is temperance.. key vices

ability to restain our desires

What is faith? vice?

assenting to deivinely revealed truth on the word of god. doubtign God

What is love? vice?

desiring good for another, love God for who he is.. and neighbors.. vice- selfioshless

why does God decide what is good and bad and not us

he created eveything and is responsible for ordering the conduct of his creatures

what did original sin wound?

the balance beteen our bodily desires and desires ofour souls

what does sanctifying grace do?

makes us worhty of heaven, pleasing to god

what does actual grace do?

help from God that enlightens our mind and strengthens our will to do good and avoid evil

We were all created by god to be ____


We all have ____ (the combination of our intellects and wills_


We use our _____ to make moral decisions (both good and bad)


__)____ was the most moral human ever


______ which buld habits and asking for help from ___ is the only way to acgieve a truly christian moral life

exercising virtues,God

What theory says that humans are highly evolved animals and are genetically determined

sociobiological theory

What is secular humanism

moral system that denies belief in God and views humanity as the highest form of existence.

what does the mind/soul give us the ability to do

gives us the ability to know abstract, immaterial things like justice, peace and love

christinaity confirms both the ____ and _____

material and immaterail

Is a person a soul with a body or a body with a soul attached to it or neither


If God is a ocmmunity and we are made in God's image, what does that means for us

we are a part of that community

What vices are we particularly included to?

indiviualist vices such as pride and selfishness

what are the two sources of moral theology

scriptures and tradition

The magisterium is the substance of what?`


Who has complete, immedaite, and universal poweri n the care for souls?

the pope`

What is the holy spirits concrete way of guiding God's people on earth

the magisterium

What is pluralism?

The varity of opinions or ideas within human society, some of which may contradict or oppose one another

what must christias be open minded to in a pluralistic society

the truths in othe rcultues and religions accepted customs, moprals, and beliefs

instead of fanticism, how should chrisitan proclaim the truth

displaying love and repsecting other belief systems

What is the freedom of indiffernce?

the power of choose between good or evil in a situation

What is freedom for excellence?

the power to act with excellence and perfection

What is conscience?

the capactiy to understand good and evil actions?

What is the definiiton of Law

a set of guidelines that direct freedom to function properly

what is the difference between a human act and an act of a human

a human act is in our moral and act of a human is involuntary

instead of likes and dislikes, what are right and wrong determined by?

objective reality

