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10 Cards in this Set

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Poor memory and concentration
Loss of self-confidence
are all common symptoms of what type of disorder?
What is mood?
one's emotional state
what's dysthmic disorder?
Dysthymia is characterized by a chronic state of depression, exhibited by a depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, by subjective account or observation of others for at least 2 years. (In children and adolescents, mood can be irritable and duration must be at least 1 year.) The person who suffers from this disorder must not have gone for more than 2 months without experiencing two or more of the following symptoms:
poor appetite or overeating
insomnia or hypersomnia
low energy or fatigue
low self-esteem
poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
feelings of hopelessness
In addition, no Major Depressive Episode has been present during the first two years (or one year in children and adolescents) and there has never been a Manic Episode, a Mixed Episode, or a Hypomanic Episode, and criteria have never been met for Cyclothymic Disorder. Further, the symptoms cannot be due to the direct physiological effects of a the use or abuse of a substance such as alcohol, drugs or medication or a general medical condition. The symptoms must also cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, educational or other important areas of functioning.
Causative Factors of Mood disorders; Theories:
which theory focuses on theory is based on the effect of antidepressant meds (which change the level of neurotransmitters in the brain). Serotonin regulates mood and the sleep-wake cycle. However, although the medications improve mood, there are still unknowns about exactly what is working. For example, why do they take several weeks to show an effect? Why do some work for some people and not everyone? The connection between neurotransmitters and depression is not a direct one so other factors probably are also important in a theory of causation. Treatment includes a variety of SSRI’s and other medications.
neurotransmitter dysregulation
Causative theories of mood disorders: which theory deals with theories include the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA). Response to stress involves the Hypothalamus (ACH)---Pituitary (ACTH)----Adrenals produce cortisol. Depressed people continue to produce cortisol which is linked to cognitive deficits in depressed people.
Criteria for Bipolar 1?
Bipolar 2?
1: Had at least one episode of manic phase, but no depression
2: hypomanic phase + period of depression
what is cyclothmia?
Sometimes categorized as bipolar III, is marked by manic and depressive states.
Yet neither is of sufficient intensity or duration to merit diagnosis of bipolar or Depression.
What is the DSM IV criteria for MDD?
Five or more of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.
what is MDD?
Major depressive disorder characterized by a change in several aspects of a person’s life and emotional state consistently throughout at least 14 days.
What type of therapy may you use with a suicidal patient?