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32 Cards in this Set

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-(commmon bacteria) are mostly heterotrophs.
-use food made by other organisms
-many of them are saprobes;food is dead organic material.
why is bacteria important to our environment?
-Bacteria are important decomposers that recycle nutrients back into the environment.
-They are also important ecologically for nitrogen fixation; reduction of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
using sun energy to create food
use oxygen in repiration
Obligate Anaerobes
live in complete absence of oxygen
A relationship between members of different species.
Animal-like Protists
lack a cell wall and most are usuaully motile
Phylum: Sarcodina
-Amoeba, foraminiferans, and radiolarians.
-move by means of pseudopodia
-some secrete a shell for protection out of calcium or silica materials.
Plant -like protists
contain cholorplasts and most have a cell wall.
Division: Acrasiomycota
-Celllular slime molds
-lives as single celled amoeboid organism that feeds on bacteria.
Kingdom: Monera
the prokaryotic bacteria, which includes eubacteria and archaebacteria.
bacteria which eat food made by other organisms.
(Blue green bacteria)
-are autotrophs
-using energy from an inorganic chemical reaction to create food.
-unreliant on sun.
-exp: bacteria living on thermo-vents in the ocean.
What are the three basic shapes of bacteria?
Coccus- spherical (Staphyloccocus)
Bacillus-Rod shaped (Streptobacillus)
Faculative Anaerobes
ability to live with or without oxygen
Phylum: Ciliophora
-move by means of cilia.
Division: euglenophyta
-common euglena
-no cell wall, carries out photosynthesis, and usually has two flagella.
-green in color
Division: Bacillariophyta
-intricate cell walls that contain silica and no flagella.
Division: Myxomycota
-Plasmodial slime molds
Consists of strands of protoplasm streaming along in amoeboid movement that feeds on bacteria.
" Mycota:
Fungus or Fungi-like
rare bacteria that thrive in harsh environments.
food is dead organic material
they make their own food by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
One species, the parasite, benefits from the host
one species benefits and the other is not harmed or benefited.
both species benefit
Phylum: Zoomastigophora
-trypanosoma brucei (afican sleeping disease)
-Trichonympha collaris (gut of termites)
-these organisms possess one or more flagella.
Phylum: Sporozoa
-Plasmodium Vivax (causes malaria)
-all species of sporozoa lack of motility and are internal parasites.
Division: Dinoflagellata
-the dinoflagellates
-cell wall, two flagella, and important as phytoplankton(supports ocean life)
-one species of dinoflaggelates is responsible for the red tide which results in nerve toxin accumulation in shellfish.
Slime Molds
fungus like protists
" Phyta"
plant or plant -like