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8 Cards in this Set

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2nd largest phylum in animal Kingdom

-2 body parts: head foot and visceral mass

-mantle that secretes shell and protects viscera

-bilateral symmetry

-coelom reduced

Mollusk characteristics: open circulatory system

excpet in cephalopods

mollusk characteristics: radula

used for feeding

Class Polyplacophora


-close to ancestreal design

-shell consists of 8 dorsal plates


Class Gastropoda

-snails and slugs

`shell coiled

-undergo torsion

-some monoecious (both sex organs)

-aquatic and terrestrail

Class Bivalvia (pelecypoda)

-clams, oysters, scallops

-body enclosed in a shell of two valves, hinged dorsally

-filter feeders: water enter through incurrent siphon

-pericardial cavity is all that remains of the coelom

-heart pumps blood to dorsal aorta and then to organs

-sloshes around in sinuses

-described as an open system

-lacks caphalization-nervous system consists of ganglia connected by nerves

-sexes seperate, fertilization produces a trochophore larva

Class Cephalopoda

octopus, squid, cuttlefish, chambered nautilus

-foot modified into a circle of arms and tentacles armed with suckers and/or hooks

-shell reduced or absent

-predatory-closed circulatory system

-high developed ns

Cephalod Reproduction

-male produces spermatophore

-male introduces spermataphore inside mantle cavity of female with specialized arm