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9 Cards in this Set

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Describe basic requirements for chain termination/Sanger sequencing
1. Sequence specific DNA primer
2. DNA polymerase
3. 4 dideoxynucleotides for all 4 DNA nucleotides
4. High resolution method for fractionation of DNA sequences
5. Regular deoxynucleotides
How can DNA sequencing be applied to diagnosing and preventing human disease
-To detect BRCA 1 gene mutations in predicting breast cancer incidence
-Sequencing pathogenic genomes. Ex. E-Coli bacteria in Germany
-Personal genome sequencing
Basic requirements from PCR?
1. Template DNA
2. Sequence specific DNA polymerase to flank target sequence
3. Deoxynucleotides (dNTPs)
4. Heat stable DNA polymerase that can survive repeated heating to 95 degrees - usually Taq polymerase

Describe the procedure...
Uses of PCR for diagnosis and prevention of disease
1. Rapid detection of pathogens ex. MRSA using real time PCR
2. To detect her2/neu amplification in breast cancer to see if herceptin can be used in tx
3. Detecting triplet repeat lengths for diseases such as myotonic dystrophy, huntington's and fragile X
4. Pre-screening of genotype to determine appropriate drug dosing ex. Warfarin dosage
Describe FISH procedure for chromosomal analysis
1. DNA unmasking by digesting proteins and finding target DNA
2. Probe and target denaturation
3. Probe and target hybridization
4. Detection by bound
reporter-flourochrome antibody
5. Image analysis on flourescent microscope

Describe uses of FISH procedure...
Dideoxynucleotide (ddNTPs)structure/mechanism
Compared to normal nucleotide which have 3' OHs, dideoxynucleotides have lack the 3' OH so that there is no mechanism to extend the DNA phosphodiester bond
What are some improvements of the Sanger/DNA termination method
1. Flourescently labelled ddNTPs
2. Capillary electrophoresis
3. Massively parallel sequencing
(prod massive amts but very short sequencing reads which help if comparing new to old sequences)
a. detection of light - pyro sequencing
b. detection of protons - ion torrent (rxn occuring in 2 million dimples on a plate)
Describe the PCR procedure
1. 95 degree heat denatures template
2. Excess molar primers anneal to both strands at 60 degrees
3. 72 degrees for Taq polymerase to do its thing

***Every cycle doubles the number of DNA product. So 30 cycles = 2^30 number of dna products
Describe the FISH procedure
For determining karyotype and alterations in chromosome structure at the single cell level.

1. Detecting trisomies in amniotic fluid
2. Detection of large scale deletions ex. DiGeorge
3. Gene amplification in breast tumors
4. Detection of translocations