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60 Cards in this Set

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Gene Expression
Process by which information encoded in DNA directs the synthesis of proteins.
Archibald Garrod (1902)
genes dictate phenotypes through enzymes that catalyze specific chemical reactions; inherited diseases result from a person’s inability to make a specific enzyme. Example: alkaptonuria
Beadle & Tatum (1920’s)
through a series of experiments determined that for every enzyme, a specific gene exists (one gene – one enzyme hypothesis). Example: bread mold
Synthesis of RNA using a DNA template (DNA making copies of RNA).
mRNA (messenger)
Attaches to ribosomes in the cytoplasm and specifies the primary structure of protein (enzyme).
DNA RNA subunits: Nucleotides
Sugar (deoxyribose or ribose)
Nitrogenous base (A,C, G, T, or U)
Nitrogenous bases
Pyrimidines (C, T, or U)
Purines (A, G)
Complementary base-pairing
A-T (DNA) or A-U (RNA)
C-G (DNA and RNA)
Synthesis of a protein using genetic information encoded in a mRNA molecule (translating nucleic acids into amino acids).
Site of protein synthesis; complex of rRNA and protein molecules.
Transcription occurs in the
nucleus, and mRNA is transported to the cytoplasm where translation occurs.
The Genetic Code
Four nucleotide bases code for 20 amino acids.
Each amino acid is represented by a combination of three nucleotide bases.
Triplet code
Genetic information system in which a set of 3-nucleotide base sequences specify the amino acids for proteins. 1 codon = 1 Amino Acid
a) DNA → RNA → Protein
Template strand
DNA strand that provides a pattern or blueprint for building the complementary sequence of nucleotides in an RNA transcript.
An mRNA molecule is complementary to its DNA template because RNA bases are assembled to the same base-pairing rules used in DNA replication.
a) DNA: A – T and C – G
b) RNA: A – U and C – G
Three nucleotide sequence of DNA or mRNA that specifies a specific protein or
termination signal; basic unit of the genetic code. Start & Stop codon are not Amino Acids.
Marshall Nirenberg (1961)
deciphered the first genetic code (UUU → phenylalanine). All 64 genetic codes were deciphered by the mid-1960’s
61 of the 64 codons code for amino acids (the other three codons are stop codons).
A single amino acid may have more than one codon, but those codons code for no other amino acids
Molecular Components
RNA polymerase
Transcription unit
RNA polymerase
Enzyme that links ribonucleotides into an elongating RNA chain during RNA transcription; complementary base-pairing on a DNA template .Hit it & quit it.
DNA sequence where RNA polymerase attaches and initiates transcription.
DNA sequence that signals an end to transcription.
Transcription unit
Stretch of DNA that is transcribed into an RNA molecule.
Synthesis of RNA Transcript
Stage 1: Initiation
Stage 2: Elongation
Stage 3: Termination
Stage 1: Initiation
After RNA polymerase binds to the promoter, the DNA strands unwind and the polymerase initiates RNA synthesis at the start point.
transcription factor
Regulatory protein that binds to DNA and affects the transcription of specific genes (TF).
transcription initiation complex
Completed assembly of TF and RNA polymerase bound to the promoter.
Stage 2: Elongation
A. RNA polymerase moves downstream, un-winding DNA, elongating the RNA transcript (5’–3’); in the wake of transcription, the DNA strands reform the double helix.
B. Progresses at a rate of approximately 40 nucleotides/second.
C. Can be accomplished with multiple RNA polymerases working simultaneously.
Stage 3: Termination
a) Eventually, the RNA transcript is released and RNA polymerase detaches from the DNA.
b) 10 – 35 nucleotides downstream from the terminator signal, proteins cut the RNA transcript
(pre-mRNA) free from RNA polymerase. Like a buffer
Alteration of mRNA Ends- RNA processing
Modification of RNA primary transcripts.
a) 5’ cap: Modified guanine (G) nucleotide.
b) poly-A tail: Addition of adenine (A) nucleotide.
c) purpose
i. Facilitate the export of mRNA from the nucleus.
ii. Protect mRNA from enzymatic degradation.
iii. Facilitate ribosomal attachment to mRNA.
RNA splicing
Removal of portions of the RNA transcript (introns) that will not be included in the mRNA; and the joining together of the remaining portions (exons).
intron (intervening sequences)
Noncoding segments of nucleic acids that lie between coding segments; segments that will be removed.(in between; GO OUT)
exon (expressed sequences)
Coding segments of nucleic acids that will eventually be expressed as amino acids; segments that remain. Stay in; EXPRESSED
snRNP’s (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins)
RNA and protein molecules capable of recognizing
short nucleotide sequences at the end of each intron.
Large complex composed of proteins + snRNPs that interacts with an intron, releasing the intron, and joining the two adjacent exons.
RNA molecule that functions as an enzyme – an intron that catalyzes its own removal during RNA splicing.
i. Ribozymes can possess a specific 3D shape.
ii. Some bases can participate in catalysis.
iii. H-bonding adds specificity to catalytic activity.
Molecular Components
1. tRNA (transfer)
2. Codon
3. Anticodon
4. Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
5. Wobble
6. Ribosomes
tRNA (transfer)
Functions as a translator between nucleic acid and protein languages; carries specific amino acids to the ribosome where they are assembled into proteins. All 20 amino acids are found in the cytoplasm
3 nucleotide sequence that specifies a particular amino acid or termination signal in DNA or mRNA; basic unit of genetic code.
3 nucleotide sequence at one end of a tRNA molecule that recognizes a specific complementary codon on an mRNA molecule.
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase
An enzyme that joins each amino acid to the appropriate tRNA.
a) Specificity for each amino acid (20 amino-acyl-tRNA synthetases: 20 amino acids).
Flexibility of the base-pairing rules in which the nucleotide at the 5’ end of a tRNA anticodon
can form H-bonds with more than one kind of base in the third position of a codon. 3 letter codon reads
1st 2, the 3rd one has the wiggle (wobble) room.
a) No specificity for each amino acid codon (61 amino acid codons: 45 tRNA’s)
Complex of rRNA and protein molecules that function as a site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm.
a) Composed of two subunits: large and small.
rRNA (ribosomal)
Molecules that, together with proteins, make up ribosomes; the most abundant type of RNA.
P site: Holds the tRNA carrying the growing polypeptide chain (protein).
A site: Holds the tRNA carrying the next amino acid to be added to the growing chain.
E site: Site from which empty tRNA’s exit.
Building a Polypeptide
Stage 1: Initiation
Stage 2: Elongation
Stage 3: Termination
Stage 1: Initiation
a) Small ribosomal subunit binds to mRNA.
b) Initiator tRNA base pairs with the start codon.
c) Large ribosomal subunit binds to form the ribosome.
d) The initiator tRNA waits in the P site for the next tRNA to occupy the A site.
Initiation factors
Protein factors that bring together all components for initiating protein synthesis.
Translation initiation complex
Completed assembly of mRNA, initiator tRNA, a small ribosomal subunit, and a large ribosomal subunit
Stage 2: Elongation
a) tRNA binds to a complementary mRNA in the A site.
b) A peptide bond is formed between the amino acid in the A site with the amino acid in the P site.
c) The tRNA in the P site is translocated to the E site and released while the tRNA in the A site is translocated to the P site.
Elongation factors
Proteins that assist in the addition of amino acids, one by one.
Stage 3: Termination
a) When a ribosome reaches stop codon on mRNA, the A site accepts a release factor.
b) Release factor promotes hydrolysis of the bond between tRNA in the P site and the last amino acid of the polypeptide.
c) All the components of the ribosomal assembly dissociate.
Release factor
Protein that binds directly to the stop codon (UAG, UAA, or UGA) adding a water molecule instead of an amino acid, hydrolyzing the bond between the completed protein and the tRNA in the P site
Change in the nucleotide sequence of an organism’s DNA.
a) Usually due to radiation, chemicals, viruses
Point mutation
Change in a single nucleotide pair of a gene. Sickle-cell anemia
a) If it occurs in gametes, can be passed on to off-spring.
b) If it occurs in phenotype – genetic or hereditary disorder.
Base-pair substitution
Replacement of one nucleotide base pr. in the complementary DNA strand by
another pr. of nucleotides
Silent mutation
Change in nucleotide pr. may transform one codon into another, but for same amino acid
Missense mutation
Base pair substitution that results in a codon coding for a different amino acid
Nonsense mutation
Changes an amino acid codon to one of the stop codons, resulting in a shorter and usually nonfunctional protein
Additions or losses of nucleotide pairs of genes.
Frameshift mutations
Occurs when the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three; realigns nucleotides into new codons. Proteins are usually not functional.
Chemical or physical agent that interacts with DNA and causes mutations.
examples: Chemicals, radiation, viruses.