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100 Cards in this Set

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1) Unpaired arteries that branch from the abdominal aorta include the
A) gonadal.
B) superior mesenteric.
C) inferior mesenteric.
D) suprarenal.
E) B and C.
E) B and C.
2) Which of the following is an unpaired branch of the abdominal aorta?
A) celiac
B) lumbar
C) renal
D) gonadal
E) suprarenal
A) celiac
3) Which of the following is the left branch of the celiac trunk?
A) cystic artery
B) hepatic artery proper
C) right gastric artery
D) splenic artery
E) gastroduodenal artery
D) splenic artery
4) The first paired branches of the abdominal aorta are the
A) gonadal arteries.
B) inferior phrenic arteries.
C) superior mesenteric arteries.
D) common iliac arteries.
E) renal arteries.
B) inferior phrenic arteries.
5) Blood in the hepatic portal vein carries blood
A) high in nutrients.
B) high in oxygen.
C) from the kidneys.
D) high in acid.
E) that is all of the above.
A) high in nutrients.
6) The terminal segment of the abdominal aorta divides directly to form
A) the common iliac arteries.
B) the external iliac arteries.
C) the internal iliac arteries.
D) three inferior branches.
E) none of the above.
A) the common iliac arteries.
7) Which of the following empties directly into the hepatic portal vein?
A) superior mesenteric vein.
B) lumbar veins.
C) hepatic veins.
D) the suprarenal veins.
E) there are no exceptions; all of them empty into the inferior vena cava.
A) superior mesenteric vein.
8) Damage to the renal medulla would interfere first with the functioning of the
A) glomerulus.
B) nephron loop of cortical nephrons.
E) collecting ducts.
E) collecting ducts.
9) The large passageway into which the major calyces empty is the
A) minor calyx.
B) renal calyx.
C) renal medulla.
D) renal cortex.
E) renal pelvis.
E) renal pelvis.
10) After draining through the collecting system, tubular fluid enters (the)
A) ureter.
B) minor calyx.
C) renal pelvis.
D) major calyx.
E) none of the above.
B) minor calyx.
11) In the renal pelvis, fluid processing includes
A) reabsorption of potassium.
B) further removal of sodium from the filtrate.
C) secretion of lipid- soluble drugs.
D) osmosis of water.
E) none of the above.
E) none of the above.
12) Most often, the kidney is confused with the ________ when viewed superficially.
A) liver
B) urinary bladder
C) pancreas
D) spleen
E) gallbladder
D) spleen
13) The parts of the urethra in the male, in correct order from the bladder to the exterior,
(1) urachus
(2) penile urethra
(3) dysuria
(4) membranous urethra
(5) prostatic urethra
A) 5, 4, 2 B) 4, 2, 1 C) 1, 3, 5 D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 E) 2, 4
A) 5, 4, 2
14) The position of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity is maintained, in part, by (the)
A) floating ribs.
B) osmotic pressure of the fluid in the ureters.
C) diaphragm.
D) overlying peritoneum.
E) none of the above.
D) overlying peritoneum.
15) The structure directly opposite the vascular pole of the glomerulus is the
A) tubular pole.
B) glomerulus.
C) proximal convoluted tubule.
D) ureters.
E) C and D.
A) tubular pole.
16) Which of the following sits superior to the kidneys?
A) ureters
B) kidneys
C) urethra
D) suprarenal glands
E) urinary bladder
D) suprarenal glands
17) In the nephron loop
A) water performs osmosis into the descending limb.
B) the ascending limb is very permeable to water.
C) sodium ions are passively transported out of the ascending limb.
D) the filtrate in the descending limb becomes more and more hypertonic.
E) all of the above take place.
D) the filtrate in the descending limb becomes more and more hypertonic.
18) The gaps between the pedicles of the podocytes are called (the)
A) filtration slits.
B) mesangia.
C) urachus.
D) square ligament.
E) none of the above.
A) filtration slits.
19) An obstruction in the glomerulus would affect the flow of blood into the
A) renal artery.
B) lobular vein.
C) efferent arteriole.
D) intralobular artery.
E) afferent arteriole.
C) efferent arteriole.
20) Tall cells of the DCT near the vascular pole are called (the)
A) mesangial cells.
B) juxtaglomerular cells.
C) macula densa.
D) juxtaglomerular complex.
E) all of the above.
C) macula densa.
21) The glomerular capsule and the glomerulus make up the
A) juxtaglomerular complex.
B) renal pyramid.
C) nephron loop.
D) renal papilla.
E) renal corpuscle.
E) renal corpuscle.
22) The ureters
A) take exactly the same path to the bladder in men and women.
B) are retroperitoneal.
C) have specialized subdivisions called the urethrae.
D) float freely within the abdominal cavity.
E) have none of the attributes above.
B) are retroperitoneal.
23) Urine reaches the urinary bladder by
A) suction from the empty bladder.
B) the force of gravity.
C) differential pressure exerted on the ureters by the movements of the digestive organs.
D) peristalsis.
E) none of the above means.
D) peristalsis.
24) The filtrate that escapes from the glomerular capillaries includes which of the
A) all of the same components as are present in whole blood
B) all of the same components as are present in plasma
C) a fluid similar to plasma, but without the blood proteins
D) A and B
E) none of the above
C) a fluid similar to plasma, but without the blood proteins
25) Urine leaves the renal pelvis and enters the ureter because of
A) opening of valves into the entrance of the ureters, which permits urine to flow through
them passively.
B) peristalsis of the ureters.
C) gravity.
D) contractions of the muscular layers of the renal capsule, which squeeze the kidney.
E) All of the above occur at different times during the life of an individual.
B) peristalsis of the ureters.
1) Kidneys are often difficult to see without dissection because they are surrounded by a
layer of fat. What is the significance of this fat?
A) It expands for storage of additional urine once the bladder is full; it acts as a sponge.
B) It provides cushioning or padding for protection from sudden jolts or other injuries.
C) There is no special significance; this fat stores energy as do other fat deposits in the
abdominal cavity.
D) This fat cools the kidneys during active filtration.
E) A and D are correct.
B) It provides cushioning or padding for protection from sudden jolts or other injuries.
2) Urine is formed in the
A) kidney and bladder.
B) ureter and urethra.
C) kidney.
D) urethra.
E) ureter and bladder.
C) kidney.
3) The primary function of the distal convoluted tubule is
A) increased retention of sodium ions.
B) reabsorption.
C) secretion.
D) filtration.
E) none of the above.
C) secretion.
4) Urine is carried to the urinary bladder by the
A) urachus.
B) lymphoids.
C) circulatory system.
D) urethra.
E) ureters.
E) ureters.
5) By the third month of development, fetal kidneys begin to produce filtrate. How and
why does this filtrate differ from that excreted in the adult?
A) The fetal filtrate does not contain waste products, which are instead excreted through the placenta.
B) The filtrate is similar to that of the adult but lacks sodium ion regulation, as the
collecting system that regulates this feature has not yet formed.
C) The urine produced is extremely dilute, as the filtration mechanism is not as efficient
as it is later in development.
D) There is no difference.
E) None of the above are differences between fetal and adult filtrate.
A) The fetal filtrate does not contain waste products, which are instead excreted through the placenta.
6) Which of the following is a function of the glomerular capsule?
A) collecting the filtrate from the glomerulus
B) reabsorbing useful organic substances
C) secreting waste products into the filtrate
D) reabsorbing more than 80 percent of the water from the filtrate
E) All are functions of the renal tubule.
A) collecting the filtrate from the glomerulus
7) ADH acts mostly on (the)
A) collecting system.
B) glomerulus.
C) nephron loop.
E) none of the above.
A) collecting system.
8) In juxtamedullary nephrons, the efferent arterioles and peritubular capillaries are
connected to a long, slender series of capillaries that accompany the nephron loops into
the medulla. These are (the)
A) interlobular veins
B) segmental arteries.
C) arcuate arteries.
D) vasa recta.
E) none of the above.
D) vasa recta.
9) Damage, disease, or irritation of the renal cortex would impair the function of which
kidney structures?
A) the renal papillae
B) the major calyces
C) the nephron units
D) the renal pyramids
E) the renal columns
C) the nephron units
10) The mechanism whereby benign enlargement of the prostate affects urinary function
in older men includes which of the following?
A) It may compress the opening of the ureters into the bladder.
B) It may compress the prostatic urethra.
C) It may compress the membranous urethra.
D) It may compress the body of the bladder.
E) None of the above are mechanisms affecting urinary function.
B) It may compress the prostatic urethra.
11) The glomerulus is made up of many
A) fenestrated capillaries.
B) sinusoids.
C) venules.
D) arterioles.
E) A and C.
A) fenestrated capillaries.
12) Which of the following drains into the minor calyx?
A) renal corpuscle
B) papillary duct
C) distal convoluted tubule
D) proximal convoluted tubule
E) collecting duct
B) papillary duct
13) The kidneys are located
A) retroperitoneally.
B) medial to the aorta.
C) at the level between T10 and L1.
D) anterior to the colon and pancreas.
E) nowhere near any of the above structures.
A) retroperitoneally.
14) A nephron has two parts:
A) renal tubule and collecting duct.
B) renal corpuscle and renal tubules.
C) glomerulus and collecting duct.
D) collecting duct and convoluted tubules.
E) proximal convoluted tubule and distal convoluted tubule.
B) renal corpuscle and renal tubules.
15) The first part of the renal tubule is the
A) proximal convoluted tubule.
B) distal convoluted tubule.
C) nephron loop.
D) glomerular capsule.
E) glomerulus.
A) proximal convoluted tubule.
16) The parietal and visceral epithelia of Bowman's capsule are separated by (the)
A) vascular pole.
B) lobar space.
C) renal column.
D) capsular space.
E) none of the above.
D) capsular space.
17) The kidneys are innervated by the
A) celiac plexus.
B) renal nerves.
C) same nerves that innervate the ureters.
D) ureteric nerves.
E) B and C.
E) B and C.
18) The known functions of the sympathetic innervation of the kidneys include
A) direct stimulation of sodium ion resorption.
B) regulation of the glomerular blood flow.
C) direct stimulation of water reabsorption.
D) stimulation of renin release.
E) all of the above.
E) all of the above.a
19) The expanded end of the nephron is the
A) glomerulus.
B) renal corpuscle.
D) nephron loop.
B) renal corpuscle.
20) The fluid outside the renal tubule is called
A) lymph.
B) filtrate.
C) plasma.
D) peritubular fluid.
E) none of the above.
D) peritubular fluid.
21) The muscle responsible for compressing the urinary bladder and expelling its
contents is (the)
A) internal urethral sphincter.
B) detrusor.
C) pyramidalis.
D) external urethral sphincter.
E) none of the above.
B) detrusor.
22) The best diagnostic test to determine whether or not a person has a kidney stone is
A) a respiratory uptake test.
B) a fecal analysis.
C) an angiogram.
D) a pyelogram.
E) none of the above.
D) a pyelogram.
23) Blood enters the nephron via the
A) segmental artery.
B) efferent arteriole.
C) lobar artery.
D) afferent arteriole.
E) renal artery.
D) afferent arteriole.
24) Age- related changes in the urinary system include
A) an increase in the overall amount of glomerular filtration, but less efficiency at each
B) an increase in the number of cortical nephrons, but a decrease in the number of
juxtamedullary nephrons.
C) greater reabsorption of water, which is why older people have to urinate more
frequently than do younger ones.
D) reduced sensitivity to ADH.
E) none of the above.
D) reduced sensitivity to ADH.
25) Which area of the renal tubule contains the most dense microvilli?
A) nephron loop
E) none of the above
1) Cells found between the capillary endothelium and the glomerular epithelium that are
important in regulating glomerular blood flow are the
A) fenestrated cells.
B) mesangial cells.
C) filtration slits.
D) pyramidal cells.
E) podocytes.
B) mesangial cells.
2) What is the health danger of a "floating kidney"?
A) The ureters or renal blood vessels could become kinked or pinched off if the kidney twists.
B) There is no danger; this is normally the condition of the kidneys.
C) This kidney could bump into and damage other abdominal organs.
D) The kidney has pierced the peritoneal membrane and may interfere with intestinal
E) None of the above is a potential danger.
A) The ureters or renal blood vessels could become kinked or pinched off if the kidney twists.
3) Each kidney ultimately receives blood from
A) branches of the gonadal arteries that branch off the celiac artery at the same place.
B) the internal iliac arteries.
C) the descending aorta.
D) the common iliac arteries.
E) none of the above.
C) the descending aorta.
4) The nephron loop is composed of (the)
A) descending limb.
B) thin segment.
C) thick segment.
D) ascending limb.
E) all of the above.
E) all of the above.
5) About 15 percent of the nephrons are classified as
A) cortical.
B) juxtamedullary.
C) medullary.
D) renal.
E) none of the above.
B) juxtamedullary.
6) The main homeostatic function that occurs as a result of the work of the nephron loop
A) production of the filtrate.
B) variable absorption and active secretion.
C) water and salt conservation.
D) active and passive reabsorption.
E) none of the above.
C) water and salt conservation.
7) Functions of the urinary system include
A) regulating plasma concentrations of ions by controlling the amount lost in the urine.
B) regulating blood pressure.
C) regulating blood volume.
D) conserving nutrients by preventing their excretion in the urine.
E) all of the above.
E) all of the above.
8) The blood vessels at the boundary of the cortex and medulla of the kidney are the
A) interlobar artery and vein.
B) arcuate artery and vein.
C) glomerular artery and vein.
D) interlobular artery and vein.
E) segmental artery and vein.
B) arcuate artery and vein.
9) What is the anatomical reason that hitting a boxer in the lower back is considered an
illegal move?
A) A hit here might make the boxer vomit, which would not be pleasant to see in the
boxing ring.
B) It is considered ungentlemanly; there is no anatomical reason.
C) A kidney might be jarred loose and result in a "floating kidney."
D) This is a move that is too difficult for the referee to see, as it occurs behind the back.
E) None of the above are reasons why this is an illegal move.
C) A kidney might be jarred loose and result in a "floating kidney."
10) The secondary functions of the DCT are controlled by the hormone(s)
A) aldosterone.
C) renin.
D) cortisol.
E) A and B.
A) aldosterone.
11) Voluntary urination involves
A) decreasing abdominal pressure.
B) relaxing the abdominal and expiratory muscles.
C) relaxing the external sphincter and compressing the urinary bladder.
D) contracting the external sphincter.
E) none of the above.
C) relaxing the external sphincter and compressing the urinary bladder.
12) A glomerulus
A) filters urine just prior to its exit from the kidney.
B) occurs in the nephron loop.
C) is a capillary knot contained within the renal corpuscle.
D) is a portion of the proximal convoluted tubule.
E) is or does none of the above.
C) is a capillary knot contained within the renal corpuscle.
13) The distal convoluted tubule of the nephron is responsible for
A) active secretion of ions, acids, and other materials.
B) adjusting osmotic concentration and balance.
C) selective reabsorption of sodium ions from the filtrate.
D) all of the above.
E) only A and B.
D) all of the above.
14) The thick ascending limb functions to
A) secrete drugs.
B) filter sodium.
C) reabsorb water.
D) actively reabsorb sodium.
E) do all of the above.
D) actively reabsorb sodium.
15) Compared to the epithelium of the PCT, the DCT has
A) a decrease in the number of glomeruli.
B) less distinct boundaries.
C) more microvilli.
D) a smaller lumen.
E) none of the above.
D) a smaller lumen.
16) Which of the following is the most anterior structure in a cross- section at the lumbar level?
A) rectus abdominis muscles
B) iliocostalis muscle
C) distal end of the iliotibial tract.
D) sacroiliac joint
E) vertebrae
A) rectus abdominis muscles
17) The muscle in the abdominal body wall that has prominent tendinous inscriptions is
A) transversus abdominis.
B) external oblique.
C) serratus anterior.
D) rectus abdominis.
E) internal oblique.
D) rectus abdominis.
18) The largest of the organs of the lymphoid system is (are) the
A) kidneys.
B) carotid bodies.
C) lymph nodes in the groin.
D) cisterna chyli.
E) spleen.
E) spleen.
19) Which lymph nodes might become infected as a result of a bladder infection?
A) thoracic lymph nodes
B) axillary lymph nodes
C) Peyer's patches
D) abdominal lymph nodes
E) all of the above
D) abdominal lymph nodes
20) Which of these is a unique part of the spleen?
A) white pulp
B) trabeculae
C) hilus
D) cortex
E) medulla
A) white pulp
21) Lipids absorbed in the digestive tract enter ________ in the intestinal wall.
A) macrophages
B) lymph nodes
C) capillaries
D) lacteals
E) none of the above
D) lacteals
22) The spleen
A) lies tucked inside of the lesser curvature of the stomach.
B) is the lymphoid organ that grows to its greatest size in the individual at puberty.
C) is attached to the stomach by the broad mesentery band, the gastrosplenic ligament.
D) is composed of a cortex and a medulla.
E) is all of the above.
C) is attached to the stomach by the broad mesentery band, the gastrosplenic ligament.
23) Splenomegaly is often caused by
A) infection.
B) involution, or decrease in the size and activity of the epithelial cells of the gland.
C) damage to the gastrosplenic ligament.
D) inflammation or cancer.
E) A and D.
E) A and D.
24) Which of the following is (are) true of the spleen?
A) It is the largest lymphoid organ in the body.
B) It performs the same functions for the blood as the lymph nodes do for the lymph.
C) It contains trabecular arteries.
D) It contains areas of red and white pulp.
E) All of the above are true.
E) All of the above are true.
25) A transverse section at the level of the umbilicus would pass through which body
A) pelvic cavity
B) thoracic cavity
C) abdominal cavity
D) dorsal cavity
E) none of the above
C) abdominal cavity
1) The viscera (or guts) occupy a space known as the ________ body cavity.
A) cranial B) ventral C) dorsal D) vertebral E) orbital
B) ventral
2) An enzyme produced by the kidneys that is important for the regulation of blood
pressure and blood volume is
A) renin.
B) thyroxine.
C) thymosin.
D) bilirubin.
E) angiotensin I.
A) renin.
3) About 1 percent of the pancreas is structures known as
A) pancreatic arteries.
B) pancreatic islets.
C) beta cells.
D) alpha cells.
E) the exocrine pancreas.
B) pancreatic islets.
4) Which of the following hormones contains iodine in its structure?
A) erythropoietin
B) triiodothyronine
C) thyroxine
D) angiotensin I
E) both B and C
E) both B and C
5) The zona glomerulosa is so named because its glandular cells are arranged as
A) individual cells surrounded by matrix.
B) a highly branched system.
C) tight clusters of cells.
D) longitudinal cords.
E) none of the above.
C) tight clusters of cells.
6) Damage to the zona fasciculata of the suprarenal cortex would result in
A) the disappearance of axillary and pubic hair.
B) an increase in urine volume.
C) decreased ability to convert lipids into glucose.
D) increased water retention.
E) B and D.
C) decreased ability to convert lipids into glucose.
7) Over three- quarters of the suprarenal cortex is the
A) zona reticularis.
B) zona glomerulosa.
C) medulla.
D) zona fasciculata.
E) capsule.
D) zona fasciculata.
8) The ________ is firmly attached to the superior border of the kidney.
A) suprarenal gland
B) pancreas
C) stomach
D) thyroid
E) all of the above
A) suprarenal gland
9) Migrating neural crest cells develop into the
A) pituitary gland.
B) suprarenal cortex.
C) suprarenal medulla.
D) pancreas.
E) thyroid gland.
C) suprarenal medulla.
10) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) causes the release of
A) steroids by the suprarenal cortex.
B) gonadotropins by the testes.
C) growth hormone by the pituitary.
D) hypothalamic releasing hormones.
E) thyroid hormones by the pituitary.
A) steroids by the suprarenal cortex.
11) The zona reticularis releases very small amounts of
A) glucocorticoids.
B) androgens.
C) aldosterone.
D) mineralocorticoids.
E) none of the above.
B) androgens.
12) Which of the following cell types produces insulin?
A) alpha cells.
B) delta cells.
C) beta cells.
D) gamma cells.
E) There are no exceptions; all of the above are found in pancreatic islets.
C) beta cells.
13) A kidney hormone that stimulates red blood cell production by the bone marrow is
A) angiotensin II.
B) erythropoietin.
C) renin.
D) insulin.
E) none of the above.
B) erythropoietin.
14) A lipid that has been implicated in causing heart and blood vessel problems, but is
necessary for the production of corticosteroids, is
A) aldosterone.
B) unsaturated fat.
C) cholesterol.
D) sugar.
E) none of the above.
C) cholesterol.
15) Which of the following is true of the suprarenal cortex?
A) It consists of three different layers.
B) If one zone is damaged, levels of the hormone it makes will decrease in the blood.
C) Each zone synthesizes different steroid hormones.
D) It is yellow in color because of the presence of stored lipids.
E) all of the above are true.
E) all of the above are true.
16) Which of the following is (are) unique to the suprarenal medullae?
A) the suprarenal medulla is a modified sympathetic ganglion.
B) some cells of the suprarenal medulla secrete norepinephrine.
C) some cells of the suprarenal medulla secrete epinephrine.
D) the systemic effects of the suprarenal medulla are long lasting.
E) all of the above are true.
D) the systemic effects of the suprarenal medulla are long lasting.
17) Organs that develop in the peritoneal cavity but later fuse to the posterior abdominal
wall are called ________ organs.
A) parietal
B) secondarily retroperitoneal
C) retroperitoneal
D) serous
E) intraperitoneal
B) secondarily retroperitoneal
18) Problems caused by a blockage of the cystic duct would include
A) appendicitis.
B) a reduced ability of the person to digest fats in the duodenum.
C) constipation.
D) decreased intestinal motility.
E) none of the above.
B) a reduced ability of the person to digest fats in the duodenum.
19) Sandwiched between the layer of circular and longitudinal muscle in the muscularis
externa is the
A) mucosa.
B) mesocolon.
C) submucosa.
D) muscularis mucosa.
E) myenteric plexus.
E) myenteric plexus.
20) Which of the following is an intraperitoneal organ?
A) ureter
B) ascending colon
C) stomach
D) pancreas
E) duodenum
C) stomach
21) The areolar connective tissue found immediately beneath the epithelium of the
digestive tract is called
A) plica.
B) lamina propria.
C) mucosa.
D) basement membrane.
E) all of the above.
B) lamina propria.
22) Which of the following produces bile?
A) gallbladder
B) spleen
C) pancreas
D) salivary gland
E) liver
E) liver
23) The lining of the digestive tract plays a defensive role by protecting surrounding
tissues against
A) the corrosive effects of acids.
B) mechanical stresses.
C) the corrosive effects of digestive enzymes.
D) pathogens that are swallowed with food.
E) all of the above.
E) all of the above.
24) The correct order of the digestive tube layers, from lumen outward, is:
(1) mucosa
(2) muscularis externa
(3) serosa
(4) submucosa
A) 4, 2, 3, 1 B) 3, 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 4, 2, 3 D) 4, 1, 2, 3 E) 1, 4, 3, 2
C) 1, 4, 2, 3
25) Which of the following is a small intestine feature that increases surface area for
digestion and absorption?
A) taeniae coli
B) microvilli
C) omentum
D) rugae
E) all of the above
B) microvilli