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34 Cards in this Set

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Cell division that results in identical cells; used for growth and repair of organisms (2n)


Cell division that results in cells that have half the normal chromosomes number (haploid gametes); called reduction division (1n)

Parent cell

A diploid (pairs of homologous chromosomes) somatic cell about to enter cell division

Daughter cell

: a cell that is the product of cell division.

Mitosis- daughter cells are identical to parent cell.

Meiosis- daughter cells are not identical to parent cell.


Genetic material found contained in the nucleus in eukaryotes and loose in the cytoplasm in prokaryotes


Proteins found in chromosomes that provide scaffolding for DNA to twin around so that DNA can fit within the confines space of the nucleus.


Long fibres containing DNA, RNA and proteins. These fibres form chromosomes when they coil around histones.


A 'button' that holds the two identical sister chromatids together after the S phase of interphase and through mitosis until anaphase.

Somatic cell

Name given to any of the cells of a multicellular organism


The 22 homologous pairs seen in a karyotype; have nothing to do with gender

Sex chromosomes

The last (twenty-third) pair of chromosomes seen in a karyotype that determines the gender.


A different form of the same gene occurring on a homologous chromosome.


A cell that contains two pairs of every chromosome


A cell that contains more than two homologous chromosomes


A picture of all the chromosomes of a cell arranged in homologous pairs according to size, centromere position and banding pattern. Used to diagnose abnormalities and determination of sex chromosomes


Longest period of the cell cycle when the cell is actively growing and metabolizing. 3 phases: G1 phase , S phase and G2 phase

The cell is actively growing and undergoing metabolism and protein synthesis, cells grow quickly


DNA replication occurs in preparation for upcoming mitosis; produces sister chromatids


The cell continues growing , metabolizing and carrying out protein synthesis



Division of genetic material and contents of the nucleus into two complete and separate sets


Division of the cytoplasm and organelles into two separate sets


Together mitosis and cytokinesis form two new daughter cells with the same genetic info as the parents.

Density-dependent inhibition

A property of normal cells that allows mitosis to occur only until cells touch each other.

Lost in cancer cells making cells build up onto power of one another.

Anchorage dependence

A property of normal cells that only allows mitosis to occur when cells are attached to a substrate or surface, not floating freely.


The first phase of mitosis where visible chromosomes appear scattered through a cell; nuclear membrane dissolves; centrioles move to opposite poles, forming a spindle between them.


The second phase of mitosis where chromosomes line up on the equator (metaphase plate) and attach via their centromeres to a spindle fibre


The third phase of mitosis where spindle fibres contract, pulling sister chromatids of each chromosome apart to opposite poles


Fourth phase where nuclear membranes form around the two groups of chromosomes; spindle apparatus dissolves; chromosomes decondense to become chromatin.

Meiosis I

Preceded by DNA replication in interphase; results in one secondary oocyte and first polar body in females and two secondary spermatocytes in males

Meiosis II

No DNA replication in interphase; results in one haploid ootid and second polar body in females and four haploid spermatids in males


The entwining of the homologous pair and attached sister chromatids in prophase I of meiosis; crossing-over between non-sister chromatid may occur


Chromosomes or chromatids do not separate as they should during meiosis

Anaphase 1

When homologous chromosome pairs do not separate to opposite poles; instead one entire pair is pulled toward the same pole together

anaphase 2

When sister chromatids do not separate to opposite poles; instead both sister chromatids are polled toward the same pole together