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22 Cards in this Set

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Classes within phylum Gracilicutes (Gram-negative bacteria)
Scotobacteria (non-photosynthetic)
Anoxyphotobacteria (non-oxygen-producing photosynthetic)
Oxyphotobacteria (oxygen-producing photosynthetic)
Classes within phylum Firmicutes (Gram-positive bacteria)
Firmibacteria (bacilli - rod or cocci - spherical)
Thallobacteria (all others that are not bacilli or cocci)
Classes within phylum Tenericutes (bacteria w/o cell wall)
Mollicutes (only class)
Classes within phylum Mendosicutes (bacteria w/ exotic cell walls)
Archaebacteria (only class)
What bacteria are in phylum Gracilicutes?
What bacteria are in phylum Firmicutes?
What bacteria are in phylum Tenericutes?
bacteria w/o cell wall
What bacteria are in phylum Mendosicutes?
bacteria w/ exotic cell wall
Scotobacteria - what phylum, what characteristics?
Gracilicutes, non-photosynthetic
Anoxyphotobacteria - what phylum, what characteristics?
Gracilicutes, Gram-negative, non-oxygen producing, photosynthetic
Oxyphotobacteria - what phylum, what characteristics?
Gracilicutes, Gram-negative, oxygen-producing photosynthetic
Firmibacteria - what phylum, what characteristics?
Firmicutes, Gram-positive, bacilli (rod) or cocci (spherical) shapes
Thallobacteria - what phylum, what characteristics?
Firmicutes, Gram-positive, all others that are not bacilli or cocci
Mollicutes - what phylum, what characteristics?
Tenericutes (only), lacking cell wall
Archaebacteria - what phylum, what characteristics?
Mendosicutes (only), exotic cell wall
Classify: Gram-negative, non-photosynthetic bacteria
Phylum Gracilicutes, class Scotobacteria
Classify: Gram-negative, non-oxygen-producing, photosynthetic bacteria
Phylum Gracilicutes, class Anoxyphotobacteria
Classify: Gram-negative, oxygen-producing photosynthetic bacteria
Phylum Gracilicutes, class Oxyphotobacteria
Classify: Gram-positive, bacilli (rod) or cocci (spherical) shape
Phylum Firmicutes, class Firmibacteria
Classify: Gram-positive, not bacilli (rod) or cocci (spherical) shape
Phylum Firmicutes, class Thallobacteria
Classify: bacteria lacking cell wall
Phylum Tenericutes, class Mollicutes
Classify: bacteria with exotic cell wall
Phylum Mendosicutes, class Archaebacteria