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31 Cards in this Set

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Something that happened a long time ago and is lost to us


Our connection to the past


First: "bishope of Rome"; Later: "Head Bishope"


"a man who separates himself from ordinary human society...to pursue...dedication to God."


A social structure where the local lords rule under a king with knights that protect them and peasants that work their land.


A person who served a lord/noble for protection and land


A Code of ethics for knights where they were taught to defend the Church, helpless, and ladies, and to treat captives right and to not fight for possessions


a land grant that a noble gives to a vassal


"Christian ritual recognized as of particular importance and significance"


Special, sacred things that Catholics can supposedly visit to receive grace

Alfred of Wessex

Lived: 849-899

Also called "Alfred the Great"

United the Angles and Saxons, drove out the other tribes, and created the Kingdom of Angleland (England)


Ruled the Franks: 768-814

Also called "Charles the Great"

Created the Carolingian Empire, made Frankish Kingdom bigger, and was crowned "Holy Roman Emperor" by Pope Leo III.

Charles Martel

Also called "The Hammar"

Beat the Muslims in the "Battle of Tours" in 732


Issued edict of Milan - 313 and

Council of Nicea - 325`

Edward "the Longshanks"

Lived: 1239-1307

King of England 1272-1307

Part of Ninth Crusade - failed because of his dad's, Henry III's death; fought French, Welsh, or Scottish. He finally won Wales. Also, he fought William Wallace.

Pope Urban II

Lived: 1042-1099

Pope from March 1088-1099

Started First Crusade.

Richard "the Lionheart"

Lived: 1157-1199

Ruled England: 1189-1199

Commander of Third Crusade.

Saint Benedict

Founded a community a monks and a code for them in 500s.


Ruled as Muslim sultan 1174-1193

Lead Muslims against Crusaders in Levant & Palestine in the Third Crusade. Won at Battle of Hattin and gained Palestine from Crusaders.

Thomas a'Beckett

Lived: 1119-1170

Archbishop of Canterbury (chief bishop). Contended with Henry II, King of England. Would not sign documents for Henry to be less connected to Rome.

William the Conqueror

Lived: 1028-1087

Ruled Normandy as Duke 1035-1087

Ruled England as King 1066-1087

Had Domesday Book that recorded landholders and what they owned in England.

William Wallace

Lived: 1272-1305

From Scotland; a knight

Fought Edward "the Longshanks" of England for Scotland.

Edict of Milan

313--Constantine "legalized" Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Fall of the Roman Empire

476--Emperor Romulus Augustulus

Council of Nicea

325--Constantine had Church leaders get together & they came up with standard "Christian Belief": "Nicene Creed"

Battle of Hastings

1066--William of Normandy beat King Harold of England

Magna Carta

1215--"Great Charter" that placed king under law

What is the fifth reason that Christians study history?

God wants us to!

Can you have multiple views of history?


Why is history subjective?

People naturally put biases/worldview into history they write

What makes Christians' worldview different

Thier belief in God!