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181 Cards in this Set

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What was the size of the Russian Empire in 1900?
23 million square kilometres.
What was the weather like in The Russian Empire in 1900?
The country has a very cold climate, with long, cold winters and brief summers.
What are the different nationalities in The Russian Empire in 1900?
Russians, Ukranians, Poles, Byelorussians, Jews, Kirghiz, Tartars, Finnish, Germans, Lithuanias, Letts, Georgians, Armenians, Romanians, Caucasians, Estonians, Iranians, Other Asiatic Peoples, Mongols.
What are some of the surrounding countries?
China, Afghanistan, India, Iran/Persia, Turkey, Romanian, Germany, Sweden, Great Britain, Hungary/Austria, Denmark, Jordan, USA (Alaska)
How many Russianas lived in the Empire?
How many non-Russian people lived in the Empire?
70 million people.
What does Serfdom mean?
Slaves of their landlords with no rights, no freedom and no land of their own.
What does Mir mean?
A communil land, a land that everyone lives on. No one lives individually, lived as communes.
What does Redemption Payments mean?
They paid for the land given to the commune in yearly installments
What does Capitalist mean?
Made mone from banking, industry and trade. They were individuals. They owned all their own things.
Who was Nicholas II?
The Tsar of Russia.
What is an Autocrat?
A ruler who has absolute power.
What does Bureaucracy mean?
A state or organization governed or managed according to such a system
What does repressing mean?
Restrain or prevent (the expression of a feeling). The Russian Government spent a lot of time Repressing aany signs of illegal and discontent among the people. Eg. Freedom of Speech was limited, everything was censored, had to carry passports.
Who was the Okhrana?
The secret police.
What were the children (Informers) told to do?
Children were encouraged to dob on their parents if they said anything bad about the Tsar.
Who was the opposition?
Lenin. xxxxxx
How many children did the Tsar Nicholas have?
4 Girls, 1 Boy.
What does AD stand for?
Anno Domino - In the year of the Lord.
What is an Artefact?
Any objects made by people.
What does BC or BCE stand for?
Before Christ or Before Common Era.
What is Circa. C?
About, approx.
What does Bias mean?
People who often interpret events based on the way they feel about things.
What is conflict/contradictory?
Differing or oppostie.
What is a document?
A literacy source that often contains only words.
What is the defintion of empathy?
the ability to have a understanding of people and events from the perspective of another individual
What is evidence?
Information contained in sources.
What is fact?
Information about which most people agree with - The truth
What is a millennium?
one thousand years
What is a primary source?
Sources of information written or made by people who lived at the time under study.
What does reflect mean?
think about or give careful consideration to something.
What is a secondary source?
sources of information written or made by people who lived after the time under study.
Who are the peasents?
country people who made their living by farming
What was the peasents life like before 1861?
Slaves of their landlords with no rights, no freedom, and no land of their own
What happened in 1861?
Nicholas II's Grandfather freed the peasants from Serfdom and allowed them to own their own land on which they grew their own food.
What went wrong in the change to the peasants life in 1861?
The land which they grew their food on was noy given to them as individuals: it was given to the village commune, or mir, in which they lived.
What was another reason something went wrong with thte change of the peasants life in 1861?
The peasants had to pay for the land given to them by the commune in yearly installments, called "redemption payments", over the next forty-nine years. and only when a peasant had paid all forty-nine installments would the land become his personal propertyu.
How did the living arangments for the peasants occur?
Each year the mirs divided up the land in the communes and gave it out to each family according to its needs that year : the bigger the family, the bigger the plots of land it was givven.
Why did the peasants find it harder to support their families?
Between 1861 and 1900 the average size of plots of land halved.
What is a reason a peasants life was hard in Russia
Nearly half of all newborn children died before the age of five, while the average life expectancy of those who did reach the age of five was only fifty years. Diseases and malnutrition was very common
Why was more than half the children dying by the age of 5?
Malnutrition and Diseases.
When peasants have a good harvest, what do they eat?
Mostly bread and root veggies.
What are town workers?
Peasants that have tried to improve their lives by going to work in the nearest town or city.
A Town Worker ; what do they do in this job?
They would work in factories or mines until harvest time, when they then returned to their communes.
What was the largest city in Russia in 1900?
St. Petersberg.
How many people came to St. Petersberg in search of work?
Nearly a million.
Why were peasants and town workers going to St. Petersberg?
Work - As it is the largest city in Russia.
Who is Father Georgi Gapon or Gapon?
A priest in ST. Petersberg.
What was Gapons response to how the Cotton workers life were like?
Miserable wages and live in an overcrowded state, very commonly in special lodging houses.
How many Cotton workers were living in one room?
Ten or more in one room.
How many Cotton workers sleeping in one bed?
4 people.
What was the normal working day for cotton workers like?
Eleven and a half hours of work, exclusive of meal times. And if working overtime, usually 14 - 15 hours a day.
What were the conditions of the cotton workers in st.petersberg?
Poorly dressed, and emaciated (very thin).
Why do the cotton workers keep working there if they have such no conditions?
They have to do so because they are paid by the peice and the rate is very low.
What was against the law for the town workers?
Workers were unable to improve their work conditions, as trade unions were not allowed to strike. Going on strike was illegal.
Why were town workers worried to complain about work conditions?
Because employers could easily replace troublesome workers who complained: as there was long queues of unemployed people outside their factory gates looking for work.
Who was rich?
The nobles.
Who was the head of the nobility?
The Tsar Nicholas.
What were the perks of being the head of nobility?
The Tsar owned eight different palaces and employed 15,000 servents.
How many railway carriages were needed when the royal family were moving?
Up to 20 carriages were needed just for luggage.
How much percent of the popluation were the nobils?
1 percent.
How much land had the nobils owned?1
25 percent of the Russian land
By the 1900's another class of Russians were becoming rich, who were they?
The Capitalist. (US - The good ones)
who were the capitalist?
The capitalist made money from banking, industry and trade.
The Minister of Finance, Sergei Witte, made it easy for capitalist to make big profits. How so?
He gave them government contracts, partically for building railways. He gave them loans to build new factories. He cut taxes.
What, accordig to Father Gapon, was the length of the working day allowed by law?
11 and a half hours.
How long dif the most workers actually work each day?
14 to 15 hours. with overtime.
For what reasons did workers accept such long hours of work?
They had to be paid. If they weren't paid, there families wouldn't have food and living. they would die.
Who is at the top of the Russian Empire Hirachy?
The Royal Family
what is the second class that is top of the hirachy?
The Church.
Who is third in line of the Hirachy?
The Army.
Who is fourth in line of the hirachy?
The Capitalist.
Who is at the bottom of the chain of hirachy in the Russian Empire?
The workers.
When was Nicholas Romonav born?
When does Nicholas Romonav become the Tsar?
What disease does The Tsar;s son suffer from?
What happened in 1905?
A year of riots and disturbances leads to the 'October Manifesto', a consession which helps to stop the unrest by promising then constituition.
When did russia get their first Duma?
What happened in 1914?
The First World War broke out, temp putting the country behind the Tsar.
Who was murdered in 1916?
Who was Rapsutin?
A monk bought into the tsar and alexandra's lives to cure their son, Alexei.
What was the rise of the 1905
The Russian people were becoming more educated, more urban and more complex. The people were becoming more literate.
What happened in 1902 that led to the 1905 revolution?
In 1902, the harvest was pretty poor, so this intesified the poverty of the peasants.
What happened in 1903, one of the reasons that led to 1905?
They seized the lands and destroyed them. Disorder spread to the cities and then in the middle of 1903 a wave of strikes in the oil industry, engineering works and the railways threatened to raralyse the economy.
What began in 1904? A year before the 1905 revolution.
In 1904, a war with Japan started. - The russians had the expectation that russia would enjoy a quick and cheap vitory over an inferior rival,
Where were mass illegal stikes?
Oil plants and railways.
When were the crop failure?
When did Russia go to war against Japan?
Why did Tsar want to join the war with japan?
The Tsar thought if Russia went and won the war, people would stop critising his government.
What was the result of th war with Japan?
The Russians lost the war with Japan, it lasted only a year and from the very start they were losing. So now peope had more tthings to be angry about with The Tsar.
What was the war for with japan?
They were fighting for control of Korea and Manchuria in the Far East.
What did the war do for working people worse than before?
Food suplies to the cities broke down and factories closed as raw materials ran short. Wokers found themselves out of work and on the streets.
When was the Bloody Sunday?
On Sunday 22 January, 1905.
How many people were there on Bloody Sunday?
200,000 workers and their families.
What was the bloody sunday?
200, 00O Workers and their families marched the through the streets of st. petersberg towards the tsar's winter palace.
what was the aim of the bloody sunday?
The aim was to present Nicholas with a petition asking for better working and living conditions, an end to the war with Japan, a shorter working day, and many other reforms.
Who was the leader of the bloody sunday?
Father Gapon.
Who was Fatheer Gapon?
A preist who sympothised with the poor workers.
What happened when the march reached the center of st. petersberg.
The soldiers and police tried to stop them.
What happened when the soldiers and the police tried stopping the marchers?
Scuffles broke out among the people and then the soldiers opened firem aiming low.
How many people were killed on Bloody Sunday?
Aroud 500 marchers were killed and thousands more were injured.
What happened as news of the bloody sunday spread through Russia?
There were riots in the country side and strikes in the towns.
How many government officials were murdered in the bloody sunday?
Hundreds of government officials were murdered.
Who of Tsar Nicholass family was mudered in the bloody sunday?
Tsar Nicholas's uncle, the Grand duke serge, was blown to peices by a terroist bomb.
Who are the duma?
the parliament.
Who are the liberals?
one group of people in the parliament.
What is an internal problem with russia in this time?
The peasants killing the landlords, burning crops. Sailers throughing officers overboard. bloody sunday revolution - 1905, politicans being murdered. Non - russians claiming independence.
What was in 1905?
the bloody sunday
Who was opposing the tsar?
Liberals (Kadets), Nationlists, socialists,.
Who are the liberals
Kadets. They wanted change without violent revolution.
Who are the nationalists.
Non-russian groups.
Who was the socialists
They believed the tsar must go. (Revolutonary will come from the peasants.
What is the ocotober manifesto?
A proposal/statement of future actions. A response to problems facing the tsar in 1905.
What are have, have nots?
The haves are the people who have money and own the business's, and the have nots are the peasants and workers doing it tough. The tsar is a have and the people of russia/peasants are the have nots.
What does conrade mean?
How long did the first duma last?
72 days.
What happened on the 7th of march in the revolution in 1917?
20, 000 workers walked out of steel workers - looking for trouble.
what happened on the 8th of march in the revolution in 1917?
50 factory closes - 5000 join the strikes yelling for bread. - symbolism
What happened on the 9th of march of the revolution in 1917?
200,000 workers went on strike
what happened on the 10th of march in the revoluton in 1917?
AAnother 50, 000 went on strike. Cissacks refused to attack them. (ARMY AND SOLDIERS. )
wHAT HAPPENED on the 15ht of march of the revoltionary 1917?
Nicholas abdications
Word war one - what was happeneing at the war front>
Defeats, law moral, the tsar - the comander in cheif, soldiers deserting
World war one - what was happening at the home front?
Peasants/workers away at war, food shortagers, bad harvests, rasputin and alexendra poor desisions, minority groups, declaring independence, riots and army joining protests.
NUCLEAR TESTING. What was cold war?
What was hot war.
Who was the country that had the only atomic bomb in 1945?
United States.
What year did america have the only atomic bomb
when was nuclear testing?
1950's - 1960's.
Who in 1949 had developed and successfully exploded their own a--bomb?
What country succesfully exploded their own a bomb in 1952?
What country succesffully installed an a bomb in 1960?
And what country successfully developed their own atom bomb in 1964?
Why did these countries )(france, britain, china) develope atom bombs?
These countries felt it was important to have them for military and political reasons.
What are some countries that have been able to manufactor nuclear weapens but have decided not to?
Canada, Swedan and Australia could all make atom bombs but have chosen not to -
Why did canada, swedan and australia deccide not to make atom bombs?
To use their nuclear research for peacful means.
What has nuclear research led to?
The production of more powerful hydrogen bombs.
what is a h-bombb?
hydrogen bomb
who was the first country to explode the first h-bomb?
When did america first explode their h-bomb?
When did russia explode their first h-bomb?
Who else has exploded their own h-bombs since russia and americca in 52 and 53.
Britain, France and china.
Has the h-bombs been used in wars?
Where have the h-bombs been used, if not at war?
They have been tested in empty parts of the world.
Why have countries protested nuclear testing?
They have protested nuclear testing in these areas because despite careful testing, it is not always possible to know where the fall out is going to land.
What place has condemned France from testing in the Sahara.
West Africa.
Who has mosst recently protested against nuclear tesiting?
What country has Nz and AU protested against nuclear testing?
Where was France trying to test their nuclear weapens recently?
The Pacific.
What is a reason for Nuclear Test Explosions?
To demonstrate a nuclear capability. to test nuclear weapens for military equippment
What is the main reason for nuclear testing?
To improve the safety and security of nuclear weapens.
How many wars were there in the sixteenth century?
60 wars.
How many wars have there been in the 20th century?
Have the number of wars increased or decreased over the centuries?
How many millions of people have died in war in the 20 th century?
What are three reasons of dramatic changes in death tolls of war?
More people, more conflicts, more oppionons.
What is the greatest amount of money spent on
the military
Nuclear testing history, what happened in 1944?
Following requests from british and us govenment, system explosio for uranuim begins in australia.
Nuclear testing history, what happened in 1951?
ANZUS treaty is signed and leads to construction of US Military bases.
When was the first british testing?
When did france conduct the testing in south pacific.
Where was the nuclear testing?
Bikini Atol - Marshall islands.
Why did the USA test in marshall islands?
Because of isolation.
Who invaded the Bikini Atolls - marshall islands?
What is an atoll?
A ring shaped coral reef.
What popular resource did early visisters take from the marshall islands?
Copra oil - coconuts.
How did the isolation of Bikini Atoll affect the people living there?
A tightly intergrated society bound together by close extended family assosiation and tradition.
Which was was drawing to a close in 1944.
World War 2 - 1945
Which country took over control of the marshall islands from Japanese?
Why was bikini Atoll chosen for nuclear testing?
Location away from regular air and sea routes.
What does the term providing gound mean?
An enviroment that serves to demonstrate whether something, such as theory or priduct, really works.
What were the people of bIkini asked to do and what was their response?
TThey were asked to temporarily leavre and their response was "we will go believing that everything is in the hans of god"
Over 42.000 us military
Describe the new living conditionsw of the bikinian people after they left their homeland.
They had inadequate food and water supply and there was a belief that there was also 'evil spirits'
What difficulties have the people faed in gaining compensation?
They promised a lot of money, except that they went underfunded, so they didn't recieve any compensation.
Who were of main affects of nuclear testing in the area?
The Aboriginal people/the indigineous. q
What were some of the effects of nuclear testing on the aboriginal people?
Bush tucker - food affected by radioactive fall out, loss of sight, death from radiation posioning, permanent ecacuations, no adequate compensation.
Who else was affected by nuclear testing other than indiginous people?
Eastern Australian and military personel.
Where has French testing been in the pacific?
Maruroa atolls and french plolynesia.
When was the testing in the pacific?
1966 - 1974
What was the reason for the france to test nuclear
Increases frances ability to threaten nuclear war.
Whaat were the effects of france nuclear testing.
Damage to marine life as reefs break up and fish born diseas - radiation illnessm , still births, birth defects and cancer.