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63 Cards in this Set

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During the ancien regime, peasants were tied to agricultural land, and could not leave, but were not owned.
During the ancien regime, serfs were owned by landowners. They had almost no rights. Serfs in Eastern Europe had even less freedom.
Ancien Regime
A period of struggle for much of society. The period in France before the French Revolution.
During the ancien regime, Nobles controlled the military. They owned and governed land and generally agreed with the monarchy.
During the ancien regime, the parlement wanted France to become a limited monarchy. They imposed taxes from which the nobility were exempt, and gained power.
Louis XIV
The King of France during the ancien regime. He reduced the power of parlement, and made all decisions. Made reforms based on centralization. Nicknames the 'sun' king he lived in luxury at the Versailles Palace and carried out huge propaganda regimes.
Ottoman Empire
Muslim Empire, it clashed with western Europe. Discriminated against Christians and Jews. Engaged in costly, risky wars, but managed to expand. Europe became fragmented because of the Empire.
French Revolution
Challenged and destroyed the ancien regime. The revolution caused social unrest, economic crisis, and monarchial scandal.
Great Fear
Took place in 1789, during the French Revolution. Citizens in the country attacked aristocrats because of rumors that created a mass panic.
Clergy (French Revolution)
Lost a lot of income. Had church lands confiscated and the reduction of priveledges and rights.
The industrial revolution
demographic revolution
population increased exponentially
Monarch (FR)
Replaced France with a constitutional monarch in 1791. King Louis tried to flee but was brought back to France.
Demographic Revolution (IR)
Population increased exponetially. An increase in population because of higher marriage and birth rates, and a lower death rate.
Agrarian Revolution (IR)
Increase in yields of crop because of a new system of farming.
New technology made farming easier.
Privatisation of land was more productive and innovative.
Industrial Revolution
Emergence of factories. Inventions that made work easier. No peasantry meant there were plenty of people that could move to towns to work.
Vienna Settlement
1814. Aimed to prevent one country becoming too powerful - French boundaries were reduced. There was agreement that revolutionary movements should be put down.
Autonomy, unity, identity. Popular in western Europe.
Nationality based on language.
Edmund Burke
Irish statesman. Didnt support aspects of the Enlightenment. Had a conservative ideology (community, tradition, heirarchy)
Congress of Vienna
1814. Achieved its aim at long-term peace. Attempted to create a balance of power.
King of France. Lacked charisma. Led a conservative constitutional monarchy. He kept the Napoleonic code of equality and freedom.
Pushed for liberty and freedom. Resemble modern day conservatives.
Liberal Feminists
women seen as intellectual and economically dependant. pushed for the chance to vote.
accepted the liberal view and widened the vote to all men. Hated the restoration, but had strong national ties.
Held demonstrations. Held mass campaigns. Working and middle class were merged to change the way of voting
Supported by Rousseau, and Locke. Idea grew during European revolutions.
Red Flag
flag of socialism
Utopian Socialism
All beings are equal. Heirarchial system is artifical. Believed in collectivism.
Charles Fourier
Utopian socialists. Attempted to set up his own utopia.
Revolutionary Socialism
Transforming society with national workshops. Held generally liberal revolutions.
Karl Marx
A german communist revolutionary. Had highly disciplined organizations.
Opposses industrialization. Revolutionary, and seen as being violent.
Represented the working class. Workers had control of the industry through strikes. Believed in Internationalism (workers had no nation)
The west dominated other nations during this time. Britain, and France were the main dominating countries.
King Leopold II
King of Belgium. Exploited Africa - sole owner of the Congo.
Polish concentration camp. Seen as a symbol of the holocaust.
Habsberg Empire
Austrian Empire or Austrian-Hungary. Each province ruled according to its own customs.
Abolition of Slavery
Slave Trade Act (1807) - ended slave trade in the British Empire.
Unification of Italy
Different states of the Italian penisula became on Italian state. Last state did not join until after WW1. Thought to have started with the Congress of Vienna and ended with the Franco-Prussian war.
French Revolution 1848
Led to creation of the Second French Republic. Louis Napoleon elected president. There were bloody but unsuccessful rebellions against conservatives.
Boer War
Fought between UK and Orange Free State and South African Republic. Ended with the conversion on Boer republics into British Colonies.
Prague Spring
Period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia. Alexander Dubcek came to power. Reforms to grant additional rights to citizens.
Hungarian Uprising
1956. Nationwide revolt against the government. Began as a student demonstration.
Ancien Regime
Period in France of disease, lack of food and poor health. There were huge taxes. Corrupt government - Louis XIV spent too much on war.
Protestant reformed Church of France. French Protestants followed John Calvin.
Part of the German Royal Dynasty. Ruled Great Britain.
Public Sphere
People can get together and discuss and then influence political discussion. Coffee house discussions.
Well-researched and well-thought out norms especially in religion. Extreme religious beliefs.
Justification by grace through faith alone, not through works such as the bible.
Mainly Britain and France colonizing other countries in Africa. Slave trade emerged, colonized for resources. Scramble for Africa.
reason and the natural world can determine that a supreme being created the world. No need for organized religion - reject prophecies and miracles.
moral worth of an action is determined by the amount of happiness it gives you. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.
Napoleonic Code
French civil code. Forbade privileges based on birth, freedom of religion, government jobs go to the most qualified. 1804.
right-wing. supporting private more than public. David Cameroon.
individual liberty and equal rights. freedom of.
freedom to.
public ownership. equal power relations, planned economy. e.g. Soviet Union
idea of no state, no governing body.
Napoleon. Imperialism, expansionism.
Spirit of 1914
spirit of the war - unifying Germany for war after its political problems
Age of Anxiety
modernisation. 1920's. anxiety was shown through paintings and literature.
Age of Extremes
Cold War, Polarization between communism and capitalism. Nazi Germany, communism in USSR.
European social model
bringing states of Europe together to create one country. Thatcher didnt want to implement the Euro because we would become one nation.
Master Narrative
the way the war was told to the masses in each country. use of propaganda. UK: nations effort