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55 Cards in this Set

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Sodium Bicarbonate produces...
CO2 (belching!) and NaCl
Calcium Carbonate produces
CO2 (belching!) and CaCl2
Magnesium or Aluminum Hydroxide produces...
No gas.

Al-Cholride or Mg-Chloride.

AE: Al: constipation, Mg: Diarrhea
TEST QUESTION: What do antacids treat? Do they treat GERD/Reflux?
Antacids only treat the feeling of heartburn. They are symptomatic drugs (adjunctive therapy) and they CANNOT TREAT GERD/Reflux.
Maalox, Mylanta, and Riopan all have...
Al + Mg

Think: MR. M
Gaviscon active ingredients

Tums active ingredients
Ca+Carbonate. (burb)

Rolaids active ingredient
Aluminum (constipation)
Histamine 2 Antagonists
Block H2 receptors.

Fairly Safe!

Include: Tagament, Pepcid, Axid, Zantac.

Think: ZAPT!
H2 Antagonist MOA
They inhibit H2 receptors on Parietal cells (HCl) on gastric mucosa.

Effective in Nocturnal Acid production.

OTC drugs have short half life and smaller dose.

AE: Endocrine effects: interferes with CYP450 pathway.

Use: Ulcers & Reflux, Stress Ulcer prophylaxis.
TEST QUESTION: What class of drugs are effective in treating nocturnal acid production?
H2 Antagonists
H2 Antagonist.

Think: zapT!
H2 Antagonist.

Think: zaPt!
H2 Antagonist.

Think: zApt!
H2 Antagonist.

Think: Zapt!
Proton Pump Inhibitors Drugs and general MOA?
Most Potent.

Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, Protonix, Kapidex

MOA: Administered as inactive prodrugs. Irreversibly inhibit H/K ATPase pumps.

Given on Empty Stomach. Short half life but suppress acid for 24 hours.
Proton Pump Inhibitors are effective on _____ and ______ acid secretions.
Fasting and Meal-Stimulated acid secretions.
Adverse Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors
Decrease B12 levels with prolonged therapy. Increased GI infection risk.
A serious and major Adverse Effect of Proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole/Prilosec)?
They may decrease the efficacy of Clopidrogrel (Plavix). This can cause CV events (MI or stroke).
Prokinetic Agents selectivly stimulate...
Gut motor function.

MOA: Cholinergic Stimulation.
Protkinetic Agent.

Dopamine antagonists in the GI tract. It increases esophageal peristaltic amplification.

AE: Extra Pyramidal Side Effects
Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Proton Pump Inhibitor: 1st.

Inhibits Clopidogrel (Plavix)
Proton Pump Inhibitor.

Rx form of Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Rabeprazole (Aciphex)
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Pantoprazole (Protonix)
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Dexlansoprazole (Kapidex)
Proton Pump Inhibitor
Proton Pump Inhibitor Mnemonic
PEDRO (the) L(ion) -prazole
Pantoprazole (Protonix)
Esomeprazole (Nexium)
Dexlansoprazole (Kapidex)
Rabeprazole (Aciphex)
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
H. Pylori Eradicator
Fights Ulcers.

Tx: 2 Antibiotics, 1 Acid Reducer.
Bulk Forming Laxatives: Place, MOA, AE
Place: Low-Fiber diets.
MOA: Acts like a fiber sponge to stimulate peristalisis. Patient must drink with 8oz water.
AE: Obstruction, Flatulence, Drug interactions.
Bulk Forming Laxatives
Metamucil, Citrucel, FiberCon, Malt Soup Extract

Think: Much Fiber Makes Crap.
Bulk Forming Laxative
Bulk Forming Laxative

Think: Much Fiber Makes Crap.
Bulk Forming Laxative

Think: Much Fiber Makes Crap.
Malt Soup Extract
Bulk Forming Laxative

Think: Much Fiber Makes Crap.
Stimulant Laxatives: Place, Action, AE.
Place: acute, non-febril constipation. Increases Peristalsis.

AE: Laxative Dependence.
Stimulant Laxative

Most common.
Saline Laxative: Place and Action
Used for acute evacuations of GI from poisonings or for surgery. Fluid is pulled into the gut to facilitate movement.
Sodium Phosphate
Saline Laxative
Polyethylene Glycol Solutions
Saline Laxatives.

Miralax OTC.

Also Nulytely, Trilyte, Halflyte.
Osmotic Laxative Place and Drugs
Place: acute evacuation of bowels (constipation or poisoning).

Drugs: Lactulose (most common) and Sorbitol (sugar free candies)
Stool Softner
Place: Relieve Chronic Constipation

Drug: Colace
Antiperistaltics Properties
Based on Opioid Agonists, but have no analgesic or euphoric effects.

Contraindication: Travelers Diarrhea.
TEST QUESTION: What opioid adverse effect do Antiperistaltics use?
Antiperistaltics inhibit GI peristalsis, but lack the analgesic and euphoic effects.
Antiperistaltic Drugs (2)
Loperamide (Imodium), Diphenoxylate + Atropine (Lomotil).

AE: Constipation, dry mouth, orhostatsis, dependence.
Bismuth Subaliclyate (Pepto Bismol)
Anti-diarrheal agent.

Coats the GI inhibiting secretions and absorption.

AE: Black tongue/stool.
AVOID IN KIDS: Rye Syndrome.
Adsorption of water from the GI tract leading to formed stools. (Stops Diarrhea).
Antiemetic Agent.

Dopamine Antagonists.
SE: Cholinergic Side Effects, EPSE
Prochlorperazine (Compazine)
Phenothiazine class of Antiemetic Agent. DA antagonist.
Serotonin Antagonists
Antiemetic Agents.

Inhibits serotonin secretion in the vomiting center of the brain.

SE: Constipation.

Drugs: Ondansetron, Graniseton, Dolasetron. (Sounds like Reindeer).
Ondansetron, Granisetron, Dolasetron
Serotonin Antagonists for Antiemetic effects.

Sounds like Reindeer. Spells DOG
Antiemeitic Agents.

MOA: Inhibit Cholinergic receptors preventing motion sickness. Must be taken before sickness starts.

SE: Anti-choinergic Effects.
Antihistamimne/Anticholinergic drug.

Prevent Motion sickness.
Antihistamimne/Anticholinergic drug.

Prevent Motion sickness.
Anti-Foaming Agent (Gas)

Decreases the surface tension of gas bubbles and combines them into large bubbles to pass more quickly.